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Week of Mathematics

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-16 09:34:49
Week of Mathematics
13.04.2018 young specialist-mathematician Myrzabek D.V. held a city open lesson in mathematics on the theme: "Mutindik esepter shykaru." The lesson also adhered to the trinity of teaching students.
Author: Lyceum №2

City subbotnik

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-14 11:23:51
City subbotnik
     On April 14, took place a subbotnik, in which took part students of 5-9 grades in the number of 150 people and school staff in the amount of 50 people. Attached territories: Seifullin, the Musin brothers streets, the territory of the school. Types of performed work: garbage, whitewashing of trees and curb. 


Category: Сенбілік
Date: 2018-04-14 10:43:23
Author: School №16

Digitalization of education is the keystone to success

Category: Білімді цифрландыру
Date: 2018-04-14 10:35:42
Digitalization of education is the keystone to success
The Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev noted that today the conceptual system of education goes in three main directions: the digitalization of educational process, digital educational content, digitalization of education management.          Thedemonstration integrated lesson "The importance of the respiratory system....
Author: School №16

С Днем рождения, родной наш город Балхаш!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-14 09:40:57
С Днем рождения, родной наш город Балхаш!
     В канун Дня рождения города Балхаш в КГКП «Дворец школьников» прошли мероприятия, посвященные этому событию. В вестибюле 1 этажа юные художники кружка «Бояулар сыры» представили вернисаж рисунков «Менің Балқашым!».Самые маленькие воспитанники клубов «Шапағат» и «Шұғыла» приняли участие в конкурсной программе «Э...

Победа в шашечном поединке!

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-14 09:37:44
Победа в шашечном поединке!
    В конце марта 2018 года в городе Туркестан прошел Чемпионат Республики Казахстан по шашкам «64» среди учащихся от 7 до 15 лет. Город Балхаш представила сборная команда города, в состав которой вошел воспитанник шашечного круба «Логика» КГКП «Дворца школьников» Мукашев Бейбарыс (ОСШ № 16, 1 класс).     В Чемпионате участвовало более 15...

The championship on the national game "Togyz kumalak"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-13 17:07:57
The championship on the national game
    On April 13, under the guidance of the tutor and head of the extra-curriculum club, Mukhametzhanova F. A.was held the championship on the national game "Togyz kumalak" in the framework of the activities of the program "Rukhani zhangyru". 12 primary school students took part in the championship, showing their talents in the game. As a result of an interesting...

City contest of drawings on asphalt "Image of a beloved city"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-13 17:04:07
City contest of drawings on asphalt
  13. 04. 2018 among the students of the city schools there was a competition of drawings on the asphalt "Image of the beloved contest". 5 students from 4 and 5 classes took part in the competition from the boarding school № 2. The purpose of the contest: Encouraging children to feel love for their home city. Showing the sights of our city. At the end of the competition, the s...

"School Day - 2018"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-13 16:57:09
  On 12.04.2018 the second stage of the traditional School Day was held at the school. On the І block the students showed a stage performance dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh piastael S. Toraigyrov, an epic fragment from the novel "Қамар сұлу". The novel "Kamar-Sulu" - a passionate protest against lawlessness and arbitrariness, in defense of...
Author: School №8

Competition of drawings on asphalt "My Favorite City"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-13 15:36:34
   On April 13, 2013, our school hosted a competition of drawings on asphalt among pupils of grades 4-5. The goal: the disclosure of the creative potential inherent in children, through the creation of artistic images; the formation of communicative qualities in the child when achieving common goals in the team, through creative activity that develops individual qualities; education by...
Author: School №8

Cognitive contest among pupils of 1-4 grades "My motherland is my golden cradle!"

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-13 15:23:50
Cognitive contest among pupils of 1-4 grades
    On April 12, among the pupils of the 1-4th grades, was held a cognitive contest "My Motherland is My Golden Cradle!". The contest was conducted by the teachers of Beisekeeva Sh. M. and Zhumbektegy A. Purpose: help the younger students to learn the history of their native land, expand their knowledge. To listen to opinions about the sacred land, which is filled with sp...

Сенбілікке шақырамыз!!!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-04-13 12:59:57
Сенбілікке шақырамыз!!!
Көктемнің шуақты күндерінен бастау алған, қаламызды қоқыстан тазарту мақсатында ұйымдастырылған сенбілік жұмыс­тарына бірге ат салысайық!!!  Қаламызды таза да көрікті қалаға айналдыру үшін бізде өз үлесімізді қосайық!      

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