
On April 21, the staff of the teaching staff, technical personnel, parents and students of the school removed the fixed territory (the land was cleaned of domestic garbage, dried grass of broken knots and debris), shrubs were cut, and trees were whitewash

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-21 12:07:17
On April 21, the staff of the teaching staff, technical personnel, parents and students of the school removed the fixed territory (the land was cleaned of domestic garbage, dried grass of broken knots and debris), shrubs were cut, and trees were whitewash
On April 21, the staff of the teaching staff, technical personnel, parents and students of the school removed the fixed territory (the land was cleaned of domestic garbage, dried grass of broken knots and debris), shrubs were cut, and trees were whitewashed. The parents of the students took an active part. The seedlings were planted by pupils of 11 classes.   The work began at 10.00. St...
Author: School №4


Category: School news
Date: 2018-04-21 11:57:43
Information on Saturday   KSU "school-boarding General type of Balkhash town»            April 21, students, teachers, technical staff of the boarding school in orderly rows at the cleanup. Pupils 7-9 classes went outside, armed with brooms, brooms, brushes, scoops and shovels. They cleaned the territory assigned to the boarding school on the...

Весенний субботник

Category: Сенбілік
Date: 2018-04-21 11:46:36
Весенний субботник
Author: School №16

A general regional subbotnik

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-21 11:20:47
A general regional subbotnik
     April 21 was a general regional subbotnik. In the courtyard of the school, on the court of the school, work was done to clean up the territory, also works on cleaning the leaves were carried out in the school garden, and work was done on whitewashing of the trees. In the school yard members of the "Zhasyl Otan" club together with the leader planted tree seedlin...

Tournament on national game „Togyzkumalak“.

Category: Спорттық іс-шара
Date: 2018-04-21 09:58:40
Tournament on national game „Togyzkumalak“.
19-20 April, 2018 town tournament on national game „Togyzkumalak“  has passedon the basis comprehensive high school №16 of the linguistic direction. This tournament was attended by pupils of schools № 5,8,16, Internat №2. In the end, the prize-winning places were taken by the following participants of the tournament: 3rd place Bolat Nurdaulet (№16), 2nd place Uisinbaev Aydin (...
Author: School №16

School Day 2018

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-20 20:29:05
School Day 2018
On 17.04.2018 the second stage of the School Day was held in KSU "Lyceum №2 named after Abay of Balkhash town".   In the first part, the staging of "Kshpendyler" by I.Esenberlin was shown. Students with a special scenic image, emotional setting of the script caused special attention among the audience present in the hall.   The second part: the teacher for t...
Author: Lyceum №2

An open class hour, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle...

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-20 17:22:18
An open class hour, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle...
     On April 19, the primary school teacher Zhumbektegy A. in class 3 "A" held an open class hour, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of the lesson is to introduce the concept of "healthy lifestyle", to attract students to a healthy lifestyle, including high motor activity, proper nutrition, observance of the daily routine, hygiene requirements;...

"Детский сад - это здорово"

Date: 2018-04-20 15:21:35
Сәуірдің   он  тоғызында   «Балақай»  балабақшасында  ата-аналарға  арналған  ашық  есік  күні  өтті.   Бұл  күні   балабақшаға    қаламыздағы  Ә.Мусин  атындағы  Балқаш  гуманитарлық  техникалық  коледжінің   «Мектепке  дейінгі ...

I love school

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-20 14:57:09
"I love school" in the school yard in the course of work on installation logo .
Author: School №6

Мектепке саяхат...

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-04-20 14:25:29
Мектепке саяхат...
On 17April, 2018,the senior group "Kyzgaldak" of the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" for the project "Young Reader" went to secondary school number 5, to improve continuity and share experiences with the primary school for the project "Oku shattigy" Our children prepared a fairy tale "Kolgap" for the children of the preparatory group. Little children went...


Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2018-04-19 15:13:30
3Г сынып оқушысы Рзаханов Абумуслим «Асыл сөзді іздесең, Абайды оқы ерінбе» тақырыбында  қалалық өткен мәнерлеп оқу сайысына қатысып, 2 орынды иеленді. Жетекшісі: Кенжебаева Беккайша Баксултановна.
Author: School №16

On April 18, the annual competition "The Young Chronicler of 2018" was held in the city museum of local lore

Category: News
Date: 2018-04-19 15:01:35
On April 18, the annual competition
On April 18, the annual competition "The Young Chronicler of 2018" was held in the city museum of local lore. This year the museum specialists prepared tasks from three rounds: 1.Tour quiz about the city of Balkhash 2. Presentation of search materials on local lore 3. "The Living Picture" The students answered most quiz questions, in the second round they presented...
Author: School №4

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