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An intellectual game-quiz" Connoisseurs of the Russian language"

Category: News
Date: 2018-09-12 15:07:17
An intellectual game-quiz
    September 10 in MGA "General Boarding School Boarding School № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov of Balkhash", was held an intellectual game-quiz" Connoisseurs of the Russian language" among 6 classes in the framework of the week of languages. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of imagination, intellectual, creative abilities of students, aesthetic...

Health Day

Date: 2018-09-12 12:09:44
Health Day
September 10, 2014 in our school was the Day of Health under the motto "Healthy-wealth", "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." This day began with a flash mob. At each break, sports teachers and competitions among students of "ArmResling", as well as Kazakh national games "Ar'an Tartu" and "Asyatu" were organized by teachers of physical cultu...
Author: School №17

Аt the rate "Kazakhstan parents of the 21st century: become an example to your child" on the topic "Psychological assistance to parents of first-graders."

Date: 2018-09-12 11:51:54
Аt the rate
September 8, 2018 in the school-lyceum # 17 hosted the Republican parental conference organized by the Institute of Family Education (Astana) on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the rate "Kazakhstan parents of the 21st century: become an example to your child" on the topic "Psychological assistance to parents of first-graders."...
Author: School №17

1 September is the day of knowledge!

Date: 2018-09-12 11:46:06
1 September is the day of knowledge!
Today, among our teachers, as well as their predecessors, a beautiful, bright holiday - 1 september! The Day of Knowledge! Nachalo success! Step forward! courtesy in the backpacks and bags of teachers, tetrads and new employers, waiting for good octenok!
Author: School №17

"A sound mind in a sound body"

Category: News
Date: 2018-09-12 11:15:16
       "On September 10th in KGU" school – a gymnasium №7 of S. Seifullin "there has taken place the sporting event" "A sound mind in a sound body", devoted to Day of health. Plans according to classes are in advance made. The action has begun 15 minutes with uniform exercises. In the primary classes were held sports games, 5-6 classes &quo...

Meeting for parents of pupils 10-11 classes

Category: News
Date: 2018-09-12 11:13:49
Meeting for parents of pupils 10-11 classes
         According to the indication of Institute of family education "Committee on protection of the rights of children" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At school gymnasium №7 of S. Seifullin 9/9/2018 this day the conference for parents of pupils of 10-11 classes on a subject has been organized:" Kazakhstan parents...

Отчет по Республиканской акции «Дорога в школу» за 23.08 2018 года по ОСШ №10

Category: Дорога в школу
Date: 2018-09-12 10:29:56
Отчет   по Республиканской акции «Дорога в школу» за 23.08 2018 года по ОСШ №10   В ОСШ №10 продолжает свою работу республиканская акция « Дорога в школу». Продолжается набор  детей в подготовительные и первые классы школы. На сегодняшний день в предшколу записано 34 ребенка, в первый класс 71 ребенок. Ведется работа по консультированию родител...
Author: School №10

Отчет по Республиканской акции «Дорога в школу» за 13.08 2018года по ОСШ №10

Category: Дорога в школу
Date: 2018-09-12 10:26:06
Отчет   по Республиканской акции «Дорога в школу» за 13.08 2018года по ОСШ №10
Отчет   по Республиканской акции «Дорога в школу» за 13.08 2018года по ОСШ №10   В ОСШ №10 продолжает свою работу республиканская акция « Дорога в школу». Продолжается набор  детей в подготовительные и первые классы школы. На сегодняшний день в предшколу записано 28 детей, в первый класс 53 ребенка. Для детей из малообеспеченных, многодетных...
Author: School №10

1 September is the day of knowledge

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-11 17:53:57
1 September is the day of knowledge
Author: School №6

1 September is the day of knowledge

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-11 17:24:36
1 September is the day of knowledge
Author: School №6

10.09.2018 on the territory of the school there were events dedicated to the day of health.

Category: News
Date: 2018-09-11 16:31:11
10.09.2018 on the territory of the school there were events dedicated to the day of health.
10.09.2018 on the territory of the school there were events dedicated to the day of health. Where the junior and senior classes of our school took part. The events were held in two shifts.
Author: School №4

the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2018-09-11 16:05:39
the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan
Мethodical associations of the humanitarian cycle, a plan was drawn up for holding events dedicated to the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan. September 10 was a solemn line. The students of the 7th-11th grades prepared speeches in Kazakh, Russian and English. On this day, a classy clock was devoted to the 150th anniversary of Ahmet Baitursynov.
Author: School №4

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