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Электронное правительство - государственные услуги в одном сайте

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-09-26 16:47:24
24-25 сентября в детских садах и мини центрах среди родителей были распространены информационные брошюры для сведения населения . Брошюры содержат краткую информацию о возможности получения государственных услуг посредством "электронного правительства", какие услуги можно получить без электронной цифровой подписи и краткая инструкция входа на портал.
Author: Department

Электронное правительство - государственные услуги в одном сайте

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-09-25 18:18:01
Сегодня, в целях информирования населения города о возможности получения государственных услуг через портал "электронное правительство", учащиеся средних школ распространили более 1000 брошюр среди родительской общественности и на улицах города.  Каждый гражданин Казахстана имеется возможность получить многие государственные услуги не выходя из дома, в том числе получение адресно...
Author: Department

"Казахстанские родители 21 века: помоги своему ребенку"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-09-25 17:52:23
Сегодня, 22 сентября 2018 г. во всех организациях образования города прошли конференции для родителей учащихся 5-7 классов в рамках Республиканской родительской конференции "Казахстанские родители 21 века: помоги своему ребенку". В них приняло участие 3576 мам и пап. Модераторами выступили педагоги - психологи, были обсуждегы актуальные вопросы образования учащихся среднего звена в рам...
Author: Department

elections for school government and a children's maslikhat

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 09:09:54
 elections for school government and a children's maslikhat
On September 9, our school held elections for school government and a children's maslikhat. Pupils of the school took an active part in the elections. The elections were held under the supervision of members of the election commission.
Author: School №8

the Abay readings “Abay is a people's spiritual leader”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 09:08:20
the Abay readings “Abay is a people's spiritual leader”
On September 18, in the framework of the project “Abai - Rukhaniyatty Altyn Kazygy”, the Abay readings “Abay is a people's spiritual leader” were held in the Lyceum No. 2 named after Abay The competition was held in 2 nominations.     "" Surette, sұlu sөzdі atasy "was an excerpt from the epic novel" The Path of Abai. " Ii. &quo...
Author: School №8

Information on conducting field training with ulanovskim classes

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 08:56:41
Information on conducting field training with ulanovskim classes
Information on conducting field training with ulanovskim classes     On September 15, 2018, in accordance with the plan, field field training sessions were held among students in grades 8-9. The event was attended by 32 students from two classes. Collected from the construction in the school yard at 7.30 hours. , students were familiarized with the safety rules. Students, on a pre-...
Author: School №8

“Be careful on the road, kid”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 08:53:49
“Be careful on the road, kid”
In the school for pupils of the 1st grade, in order to observe the rules of the road, an action “Be careful on the road, kid” was held. Students were familiarized with the rules of the road and participated in a road trip.
Author: School №8

in order to maintain the cleanliness of the city, school students took part in the city cleanup.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 08:50:31
in order to maintain the cleanliness of the city, school students took part in the city cleanup.
On the conduct of the city work day at school number 8      On September 15, in order to maintain the cleanliness of the city, school students took part in the city cleanup. We spent cleaning the school grounds.     The territory of the school yard and the city park were cleaned of garbage.     Were collected garbage and dig arykov.
Author: School №8

Day of the family.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 08:47:13
Day of the family.
Events held in the school №8, dedicated to the Day of the family.   In the period from September 10 to 15, 2018 academic year, events dedicated to the Family Day were planned and held.    From September 10 to September 15, a number of events dedicated to the Family Day were held at our school. There is a stand on the 1st floor of the school. During the event, an exhibition on...
Author: School №8

“Alley of 100 books”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-09-25 08:40:02
On September 15, at 11.00, in the framework of the project “Alley of 100 books”, a book exhibition (bookcrossing) was held with the participation of all schools in the city, approved by the education department of Balkhash.G. S. Aitkulova and the school librarian, K. B. Karibay residents were acquainted with the books that pupils of the school read. These books were carefully exhibit...
Author: School №8

A meeting with students of grades 6-7 on the theme of moral education...

Category: News
Date: 2018-09-24 19:06:39
A meeting with students of grades 6-7 on the theme of moral education...
     September 24 there was a meeting with students of grades 6-7 on the theme of moral education. Purpose: to develop the moral and personal qualities of the student. Enriching the spiritual knowledge of the student, focusing on the moral qualities, the development of a logical game. On the basis of national pedagogy to educate in adolescents morality, intelligence, competenc...

Туған тілім – ана тілім!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-09-24 15:11:04
Туған тілім – ана тілім!
On 21-st of September in 2018 at school №15 named by Alikhan Bokeihanov in the centre of  ‹‹Таңшуақ›› was a matinee on theme  ″Туған тілім!″- анатілімin elder group″ Раушан″.Children began with anthem.Told poems  about languages and motherland.Sang songs,danced Kazakh dance, told proverbs about language, played different games an...

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