
"Effective ways to move to new alphabet"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-10-04 09:30:10
On October 3, 2018, in the city of Balkhash, on the basis of school-lyceum №15 named after A. Bukeikhanov, with the participation of the city teachers "Kazakh language teachers with Kazakh language alphabet for the 2018 Action Plan for thepromotion of the Cyrillic Latin script" Effective ways to move to the new alphabet ".

Round table "One World, One House, One Heart", dedicated to World Heart Day

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-03 17:55:03
Round table
    In the human body, all organs are undoubtedly important. However, two of them, you can say "run by" life in general. It's about the brain and the heart. They are responsible for the very possibility of our existence with you. The holiday is devoted to the “natural motor”, as the heart muscle is also called. At the end of the first month of autumn, Septem...

Olympiad "CLEVER - 2018"

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-03 17:39:12
    12 students from our school took part in the subject Olympiad "CLEVER - 2018" for grades 4-6. They completed assignments in mathematics, Kazakh, English and Russian. The students were informed that the students who received good results at the end of the Olympiad will be awarded certificates.

«CLEVER» олимпиадасы

Category: Clever олимпиадасы
Date: 2018-10-03 12:28:22
«CLEVER» олимпиадасы
03.10.2018ж күні №5 орта мектепте ІІІ облыстық «CLEVER» олимпиадасы өтті. №16 мектеп ұжымы оқушыларына сәттілік тіледі.  
Author: School №16

International Day of Elderly!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2018-10-03 09:21:16
 International Day of Elderly!
If the child cares for and cares for his parents, the elderly will be able to set up the family's family and increase the unity of the family. "The Father is strong, the child will be enlightened," the parents, who have made a conscientious homeland for the founding of the state, The grand holiday of our grandmother was celebrated on the International Day of Elderly People at sc...

"A week of languages"

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-03 09:17:24
           From 5 to 15 September, the school-gymnasium №7 named after S. Seifullin Held a week of languages . To carry out activities in the above-mentioned week, a scenario was drawn up for the opening of the week, extracurricular activities, taking into account age characteristics and goals of educational work with students of the school. In preparation for...

The students of our school won the first place at the traditional competition “Golden Autumn” among the schools.

Category: Күзгі эстафета
Date: 2018-10-02 17:15:25
The students of  our school won the first place at the traditional competition “Golden Autumn” among the schools.
The students of  our school won the first place at the traditional competition “Golden Autumn” among the schools. They were awarded with certificates.  
Author: School №16

An action dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-02 15:30:19
An action dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons...
     October 1, 2018 in the sanatorium boarding school № 2 held an action dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons. The purpose of this action is to foster care for people in children, foster feelings of mercy, empathy, a desire to come to the aid, fostering respect for the elderly. Students in grades 7-9 went to the house of such elderly people and congratulated t...

Қарттарым - асыл қазынам!

Category: Our Congratulations!
Date: 2018-10-02 14:00:37
Қарттарым - асыл қазынам!
1- қазан қарттар күні. Неткен шіркін уақыт десеңші, осылайша ортамызда жүрген қарияларымыздың бір кезде елі, халқы, келешек ұрпағы үшін жасаған игі істері ерекше орын алады. Қазіргі кезде біздің мемлекетімізде қарттарға үлкен мән беріп, көңіл аударып, жан- жақты үкімет тарапынан қамқорлық жасалуда. Қазақстанның өсіп- өркендеуіне, еліміздің бейбітшілік тыныш өмір кешуіне өз үлестерін қосқан осы а...
Author: Lyceum №2

День пожилых людей

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-10-02 09:26:36
Сегодня, 1 октября 2018 г. во всех организациях образования города были проведены мероприятия, посвященные Дню пожилых людей. В этот день гостями школ стали ветераны образования, ветераны ВОВ и трудового фронта. К ветеранам, которые по состоянию здоровья не смогли прийти в школы, отправились домой активисты-жасулановцы с поздравлениями и подарками. Кроме этого, в городе прошла акция "Дарим...
Author: Department

The event “International Day of Older Persons” was held on 1st October at school №16.

Category: 1 қазан - Қарттар күні
Date: 2018-10-01 16:22:15
The event “International Day of Older Persons” was held on 1st October at school №16.
The event “International Day of Older Persons” was held on 1st October at school №16.    
Author: School №16

The regular meeting of the weekend club...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-01 12:19:59
The regular meeting of the weekend club...
     September 30 was the regular meeting of the weekend club. This time the boarding school children learned about the old street names, and also received information about the persons whose names are named streets. To educate patriotic feelings in children, to develop interest in the history of their native land.

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