
The Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) continues its work ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 19:54:05
The Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) continues its work ...
  We live in the age of information. Today's students are ready to share everything they see and hear to the whole world at the same moment. And why not turn this ability in the right direction. In this regard, the Kalamger Club (Eco-Journalists) works at boarding school № 2, which continues its work in the new academic year. Creativity is the highest quality of thinking. Thanks to...

In the Weekend Club...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 19:36:26
In the Weekend Club...
    On October 7, 2018, passed a cognitive hour in the Weekend Club dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the opening of the «Astana Opera»Opera and Ballet Theater. The school library has created a 3D book, which the librarian used to illustrate the story of the creation of the theater.

The Head of State delivered Address to the people of Kazakhstan...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 19:30:20
The Head of State delivered Address to the people of Kazakhstan...
    On October 5, at the Akorda residence, the Head of State delivered Address to the people of Kazakhstan. It is devoted to topical issues of socio-economic development of the country and the objectives for further improving the welfare of Kazakhstan. Particular attention is paid to the development of education. First, equipping all schools and kindergartens with video surveillanc...

City game "Zarnitsa"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-08 18:57:42
City game
As part of the program “Rouhani zagyru”, on the project “Ulan military-patriotic movement”, on October 17, 2018, the city game “Zarnitsa” was held, which was organized with the assistance of the city education department, the Internal Policy Department, the public association “Battle Brotherhood”. The teams of secondary school №8,10, BGTK took part...
Author: School №8

Ұстаз – ұлағатты есім. Шәкірттерін білім нәрімен сусындатып, тәлім-тәрбие беру, жақсы қасиеттерді бойына дарытып, адамгершілік рухта бағыт-бағдар беруде ұстаздың еңбегі зор.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-08 18:50:45
 Ұстаз – ұлағатты есім. Шәкірттерін білім нәрімен сусындатып, тәлім-тәрбие беру, жақсы қасиеттерді бойына дарытып, адамгершілік рухта бағыт-бағдар беруде ұстаздың еңбегі зор.
            Ұстаз – ұлағатты есім. Шәкірттерін білім нәрімен сусындатып, тәлім-тәрбие беру, жақсы қасиеттерді бойына дарытып, адамгершілік рухта бағыт-бағдар беруде ұстаздың еңбегі зор.             2018 жылдың 06 қазан күні мектебімізде  ұлағатты ұстаздар күніне орай мерекелік шара өтті....
Author: School №8

Teacher's day

Category: День учителя!
Date: 2018-10-08 17:02:13
Teacher's day
On October 6, 2018, the student staff of the boarding school prepared a festive congratulatory program for their favorite teachers. Children of different age groups tried themselves in the role of presenters, dancers, singers, journalists. A bright concert turned out to be a real show, where teachers were able to relax, laugh, rejoice for their students. All participants of this event were very...

On October 5, 2018 the day of self-management

Category: Өзін-өзі басқару
Date: 2018-10-08 15:04:19
On October 5, 2018 the day of self-management
On October 5, 2018 the day of self-management was held by 11-graders in our school. Teachers-understudies and administration headed by the Director-understudy controlled the lessons.          
Author: School №16

Қамқоршылық Кеңестің 2018-2019 оқу жылына арналған жұмыс жоспары

Category: Board of trustees
Date: 2018-10-08 12:07:24
                                Бекітемін                                                                     «Әлихан Бөкейханов атындағы...

At our school held the traditional event “Golden Autumn”...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-08 10:12:32
At our school held the traditional event “Golden Autumn”...
    On October 4, 2018, at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov was held the traditional event “Golden Autumn”.  The purpose of the event: to create comfortable conditions for the inclusion of pupils, both junior and senior, in active cognitive activity and development of communicative competence based on the organization of joint (teac...

Наши спортсмены

Date: 2018-10-06 08:55:57
Наши спортсмены
29 сентября 2018 года состоялась традиционная легкоатлетическая эстафета 4 по 400 м "Алтын күз", в которой сборная команда девушек школы -лицея # 17 завоевала второе призовое место. В этом году наша сборная полностью обновилась.В молодом составе команды бежали Широчук Виктория 6 А класс, Крюкова Алина 8 а класс, Фролова Анастасия 8 г класс и Егорова Анастасия 9 Б класс. Все призёры эст...
Author: School №17

Олимпийский резерв

Date: 2018-10-06 08:46:16
С целью создания условий для раскрытия потенциала обучающихся, воспитания творческой личности и реализации одаренности во взрослой жизни 29 сентября 2018 года преподавателями биологии, географии КарГу им. Букетова Ешмуратовой М.Ю.,Жангожиной Г.М.,Сирман Д.Ю. были проведены занятия по подготовке олимпийского резерва школы-лицея №17
Author: School №17

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