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Cognitive game "Deep, thin, puzzling"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-13 09:52:22
Cognitive game
         SCCE "Schoolchildren's Palace" On November, 12th, 2018 there was a cognitive game "Deep and thoroughfares" among circles. The main objective of the contest is to gather and deepen children's knowledge, to increase their interest, to attract more attention, to increase their activity. Working with the team, respecting th...

School "Young Specialist" has started its work ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-12 17:51:21
   October 12, 2018-2019 school year, was held the first meeting of the “Young Specialist” school at our school. The purpose of the meeting: to learn to demonstrate oneself and one's professional qualities. At the beginning of the meeting were awarded teachers who participated in the school stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year”. Then Nukerbekova...

Қыз бала денсаулығы – ұлт болашағының кепілі

Category: Денсаулық - зор байлық
Date: 2018-10-12 11:39:07
Қыз бала денсаулығы – ұлт болашағының кепілі
Қаламызда Халықаралық қыздар күніне арналған республикалық онкүндік акцияның өтіп жатқаны белгілі. Акция жоспарына сай 2018 жылдың 11 қазанында оқушы қыздардың дәрігер мамандармен кездесуі өтті. Оған қаладағы №2 емханасынан акушер дәрігер А.А.Бекова, психолог маман А.К. Алимжанова келіп, қыз баланың жеке гигиенасы, денсаулығын сақтауы туралы ақпарат берді. Олар интерактивті–мультимедиялы...
Author: School №16

Information on events dedicated to the International Day of Girls

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-10-12 10:59:13
Information on events dedicated to the International Day of Girls
      On October 11, 2018, on the International Day of Girls, a series of events was held at the Palace of School Students. In the sports section of volleyball competitions among teams of girls. In the creative workshop "Young Masters" pupils of circles of arts and crafts showed their skills in making crafts in different techniques. At the psychological trainin...

Между нами девочками

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-10-12 09:27:59
С 4 по 14 октября т.г. идет декада девочек, посвященная гендерному равенству и охране здоровья. В течение декады прошел ряд мероприятий, в рамках которых состоялись встречи "Между нами девочками" учениц среднего и старшего звена с врачами центра ЗОЖ и городских поликлиник, встречи с представителями Совета матерей и женщинами-ветеранами труда. Кроме этого, декада была насыщена конкурсам...
Author: Department

On October 11, the final stage of the school competition "Teacher of the year-2018"was held.

Category: On October 11, the final stage of the school competition "Teacher of the year-2018"was held.
Date: 2018-10-12 02:53:47
On October 11, the final stage of the school competition
     The two-day contest "Teacher of the year-2018"is over.       In order to provide professional support to teachers who are talented and willing to participate in the competition this year, the five best examples of pedagogical practice, subject teacher, they competed in three rounds of the competition, pedagogical skills, excellence, observation, w...
Author: School №5

On 11th of October was the decisive stage of the school competition "Teacher of the Year" ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-11 18:02:03
On 11th of October was the decisive stage of the school competition
    Today, October 11, the boarding school № 2 passed the decisive stage of the school competition “Teacher of the Year”. Teachers conducted various extracurricular activities with students. Esimbekova A.T. at 7 “Ә” class held a class hour on the topic “Family - the Resident of Happiness”. Objective: to cultivate feelings of love and pride for th...

Girls ' day

Category: School news
Date: 2018-10-11 16:46:52
Girls ' day
Today, October 11, 2018 – the international day of the girl child. This day is for girls in grades 8-9 held lessons of health "Between us girls". The doctor of the boarding school talked with the girls about personal hygiene, teenage changes in the body of girls, early pregnancy. Girls got acquainted with different literature and brochures, answered questions of the quiz "I...

Акция. День бантиков.

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-11 15:41:58
Акция. День бантиков, посвященная Международному Дню Девочек.
Author: School №4

Teacher of the year

Category: News
Date: 2018-10-11 14:41:46
Teacher of the year
In the Municipal Public Institution "Secondary School No. 4 named after N.K. Krupskaya Balkhash town ”passed the intraschool stage of the regional competition“ Teacher of the Year ”. The purpose of the competition: Demonstration of the pedagogical credo and personal potential of the participant of the competition. Stimulation of teachers' professional skills. Teachers...
Author: School №4

On October 10, at school 16 was held the contest “Teacher of the Year-2018”.

Category: Жыл мұғалімі - 2018
Date: 2018-10-11 11:25:28
On October 10, at school 16 was held the contest “Teacher of the Year-2018”.
On October 10, at school 16 was held the contest “Teacher of the Year-2018”. The competition consisted of 4 stages. According to the results of the competition, the teacher of chemistry-Duanbekova B. took 1st place;teacher of history Arinov E.A. was awarded the 2nd  place, the teacher of primary classes-Kapasova A. and Kaliaskarova Z.-teacher of English took the 3rd place. &nb...
Author: School №16

October 10 was the first stage of the school competition "Teacher of the year-2018".

Category: October 10 was the first stage of the school competition "Teacher of the year-2018".
Date: 2018-10-10 21:52:19
October 10 was the first stage of the school competition
       Teachers ' competition of the year is an example of pedagogical skills and best practices.    In order to improve the status of teachers, support talented teachers and demonstrate the best examples of professional pedagogical experience this year, five subject teachers took part.        Today, at the first stage, open lessons in th...
Author: School №5

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