
In the framework of the club “Man. Society. Nature" was held extra-curricular event on the theme" Types of indoor plants and their benefits "...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-29 15:59:04
In the framework of the club “Man. Society. Nature
     November 29 in the 3 "A" class as part of the work of the circle "Man. Society. Nature ”was held out-of-class event on the theme“ Types of indoor plants and their benefits”. The head of the club Magauina G. E. The purpose of the event: Providing information about the types and benefits of indoor flowers. Care of flowers, an increase in the...

School Olympiad

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-29 15:52:21
School Olympiad
         On 23.11.2018 there was held the School Subject Olympiad with the participation of 100 students from 3-4 grades. The Olympiad consists of the first round, the run time is 75 minutes. During this time the students performed 10 tasks in the curriculum, 5 tasks - in logic.

An action “Latyn-Karaoke” flash mob was launched...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-29 14:56:48
An action “Latyn-Karaoke” flash mob was launched...
    By organizing a resource center under the Department of Language Development of the Karaganda Region, an action “Latyn-Karaoke” flash mob was launched, dedicated to December 1 of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this connection, on November 29, the National Anthem of Karaoke, developed on the basis of Latin graphics, was performed at bo...

"Golden boy"

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-29 14:31:58
        On November 28, the  Educational  Department organized the XII "Golden Child" Talented Children's Forum for the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students. Students will be awarded for academic, sports, research and art achievements. Candidates for the Forum Dauren M. "True Gift", Toleukhan B. "Altyn pada...

29.11.2018 g in the secondary school 24 among the pupils the intellectual game "Eltagandagan - Elbasy" was held.

Category: New
Date: 2018-11-29 13:32:53
29.11.2018 g in the secondary school 24 among the pupils the intellectual game
Objectives education of love for the native land, for the homeland. Acquaintance with the achievements of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, inculcating patriotic feelings, developing a sense of respect for the history of the people.
Author: School №24

"Graphics design"

Category: New
Date: 2018-11-29 13:29:39
In middle school 24, among pupils of grade 9a, in order to improve knowledge, a circle lesson on “Graphic art and design” was held.
Author: School №24

Information about the round table held in the framework of “ Рухани жаңғыру ” on the topic “ Мұражай – тарих қоймасы, өмір айнасы ”

Date: 2018-11-29 12:12:19
Information about the round table held in the framework of “ Рухани жаңғыру ” on the topic “ Мұражай – тарих қоймасы, өмір айнасы ”
A round table was held within the framework of the “Рухани жаңғыру ” under the name “Мұражай – тарих қоймасы, өмір айнасы ” in the historical and local lore museum in November among 5 classes in secondary school No. 9.         The purpose of the round table: to familiarize the young generation with the historical past of the...
Author: School №9

Open lesson in 1 "B" class with the topic "Animals"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-29 09:31:44
Open lesson in 1
     November 28 in boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, in the framework of the decade of social sciences and humanities, the teacher of English Koktaeva N. N. conducted an open lesson in 1 “B” class  the topic: “Animals". Goal: Know the words that mean wild and domestic animals, know the primary colors. Repeat the days of the week. During...

С целью создания условий развития интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся 28.11.2018 года на базе Дворца школьников городским отделом образования г. Балхаш был проведен 16 форум одаренных детей «Алтын бала». Медалью «Алтын бала» награждаются л

Date: 2018-11-29 08:55:47
С целью создания условий развития интеллектуальных, творческих  способностей учащихся 28.11.2018 года на базе Дворца школьников городским отделом образования г. Балхаш был проведен 16 форум одаренных детей «Алтын бала». Медалью «Алтын бала» награждаются л
С целью создания условий развития интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся 28.11.2018 года на базе Дворца школьников городским отделом образования г. Балхаш был проведен 16 форум одаренных детей «Алтын бала».Медалью «Алтын бала» награждаются лучшие ученики города, за достижения в учебе, спорте, научно-исследовательской работе, искусстве. Этот высокий отличи...
Author: School №17

Президенттік көпсайыс өткізілгені туралы ақпар

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-11-28 17:04:52
Президенттік көпсайыс өткізілгені туралы ақпар
             Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінде 28-қараша күні Тұңғыш Президент күніне орай  Ұлан сыныптарының арасында  Президенттік көпсайыс жарысы  ұйымдастырылып өткізілді. Ұландар сайыс барысында бір орында  ұзіндіққа  секіру, пневматикалық мылтықтан нысана ату, кремеде тартылу сияқты кезеңдерден өтті.&...
Author: School №8

"Мен әлемге қажетпін"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-11-28 16:57:00
Қараша айының 28- ші жұлдызы күні 5-6 сыныптар арасында "Мен әлемге қажетпін"атты презентация байқауы өтті.    Байқаудың мақсаты: 1. Оқушылардың информатика пәніне деген қызығушылығын оятып,"Power Point" бағдарламасымен жұмыс жасауды үйрету. 2.  "Power Point" бағдарламасы арқылы оқушылар өз жасаған жұмыстарын ортаға салып, әділ қазылар...
Author: School №8

The book is a treasure

Category: News
Date: 2018-11-28 15:08:26
The book is a treasure
      Bookkeeping on the action "100 Alleys of Alleys" within the framework of the "Spiritual Renewal" program was organized by librarians of the secondary school  № 7 named after S.Seifullin and secondary school № 8. It was attended by all librarians and pupils of the city. The main purpose of bookkriting is to give second-hand books...

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