
An open lesson in literacy in the 1st class on the topic “Sound and the Letter Ii”...

Category: News
Date: 2018-12-13 17:42:34
An open lesson in literacy in the 1st class on the topic “Sound and the Letter Ii”...
     On December 13, the lessons continued during the decade of primary classes. Primary school teacher Zhetpis Bakhyt Nurzhanovna conducted an open lesson in literacy in the 1st class on the topic “Sound and the Letter Ii”. The purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance with the letter and sound of Oi. Learn to write and read words with a given letter and sound. The deve...

Computer science lesson in the 5th grade on the topic “Software”...

Category: News
Date: 2018-12-13 16:30:41
Computer science lesson in the 5th grade on the topic “Software”...
    On December 13, computer science teacher Aliyeva Sh. A. held an open computer science lesson in the 5th grade on the topic “Software”. The lesson was conducted according to the plan for the implementation of trilingual education. Objective: to give an idea of ​​what the program and software. Development of self-education skills, thinking skills through the development...

Class hour "I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the Independence Day ...

Category: News
Date: 2018-12-13 16:02:15
Class hour
    On December 12, on the eve of the celebration of the Constitution Day, classroom hours on the subject “I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan” were held among students in grades 2-4. The goal of the classroom is to bring information to students about how independence came to us. nurturing a sense of patriotism, love of country, pride in historical past, p...

Жас Ұлан

Category: School news
Date: 2018-12-13 15:59:52

Information about events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-12-13 15:55:49
On December 13, our school held events dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan. From the preparatory group to 11 classes were class hours devoted to independence. In the course of the event were explained the main provisions of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.. Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Zhol-path to future" and explained the main pro...
Author: School №6

Төтенше жағдайлар департаменті

Category: School news
Date: 2018-12-13 15:54:43

In 1 "A" class held an open lesson in mathematics on the topic "Half of the number"...

Category: News
Date: 2018-12-13 14:48:29
In 1
     On December 12, in the framework of the week of primary classes in 1 "A" class, teacher Aldakiyarova Aidana Aybatyrovna held an open lesson in mathematics on the topic "Half of the number". The purpose of the lesson: to find half the number of subjects by practical action, count up to 20 in the direct and reverse order of numerical groups of 2; find ha...

The solemn line devoted to the Independence Day

Category: Саптық жиын
Date: 2018-12-13 12:15:58
The solemn line devoted to the Independence Day
On the eve of the holiday a solemn line for students of 3-6 grades was held at our school. Also there was a solemn ceremony of admission to the ranks of the Republican Association "United children and youth organization "Zhas Ulan" of the best students, good and excellent students and activists of 4-5 classes. Under the loud applause they were tied ties with the school headmaste...
Author: School №16

Intellectual game "Local history"

Category: Іс-шара
Date: 2018-12-13 12:10:12
Intellectual game
On December 11, 2018 the intellectual game "Local history" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held among the students of 9th grade. The game was organized and conducted by the history teacher E.Arinov.The event consisted of several stages: "History of Balkhash town", "Honorary citizens of the town", "Questions about the pictur...
Author: School №16

12 декабря 2018 года прошел финал областного конкурса «Учитель года».

Category: News
Date: 2018-12-13 11:45:40
12 декабря 2018 года прошел финал областного конкурса «Учитель года».
12 декабря 2018 года прошел финал областного конкурса «Учитель года». Город Балхаш представляла победительница городского этапа конкурса   Варкулевич Александра Викторовна – учитель физической культуры КГУ «ОСШ №4 имени Н.К.Крупской города Балхаш». Александра Викторовна достойно выступила в финальном этапе. По итогам конкурса Варкулевич Александра Вик...
Author: School №4

Information on the progress of events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2018-12-13 11:33:43
Information  on  the  progress  of events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan On the eve of the holiday, a plan was drawn up for events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan for all age categories. On the information stand "School Planet" decorated material dedicated to December 16. Decorated exhibitions o...
Author: School №10

Easy ber, Jas, toeless Kazakhstanym!

Category: Мерекелік іс шаралар
Date: 2018-12-13 09:03:40
Easy ber, Jas, toeless Kazakhstanym!
We understand that from year to year the same historic choice Gregan the inexhaustible power of the soul. It is true in the state, in peace and harmony, mutual sure Azat life the choice - the drivers are full of patriotism, "after" on the road to Independence called dance composition. Trust"," leaders", performed by the Dec hero of Kairat Ryskulbekov" terrible pictu...
Author: Lyceum №2

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