
“Study Lesson”

Category: Семинар
Date: 2019-01-05 12:16:22
“Study Lesson”
Aim: To acquaint with the pedagogical approach “Study Lesson”. To develop thinking, communication skills, skills of cooperation and community, the ability to critically evaluate the work of a colleague. Learning outcome Teachers learn about the “Lesson study” method and will appreciate the importance of using this method in the learning process in order to improve...
Author: School №16

Information about carrying out activities during the winter holidays KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-05 12:11:09
Information   about carrying out activities during the winter holidays   KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
04/01/2019 - for pupils of primary classes (coverage 15 people), a trip to the secondary school took place at the festive event “The Shining Christmas Tree Lights”, where the guys watched a fabulous performance and played games and competitions with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. For middle school students held chess tournaments

Welcome, New Year!

Category: Жаңа жыл - 2019
Date: 2019-01-05 12:09:50
Welcome, New Year!
December 29, 2018 "New year's ball" was held for students of 9-11 grades. Traditionally, it was prepared by 11-graders. The acting Director S.T.Syzdykova made congratulatory remarks. The main characters of the holiday Santa Claus and Snow maiden organized various competitions.
Author: School №16

"Social ideas in the training and education of the future generation of spiritual implementation of large-scale modernization of the country»

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-05 11:34:51
In secondary school №5, 03.12.2018-14.12.2018 days, held a decade on the theme " Social ideas in teaching and education of the future generation of spiritual implementation of large-scale modernization of the country»   The opening of the decade began with a solemn line. At the solemn line of students acquainted with the plan of the decade class teachers, the head of the Asso...
Author: School №5

«New Year -2019»

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-05 11:12:53
«New Year -2019»
   On December 26 and 29, 2015, our school hosted the «New Year -2019» festive celebrations with elementary, middle-aged and senior classes. Mukhamedzhanova Zhainagul Sadenovna from the departament of education of the city took part in the evening party, telling about the high level of the evening.    At the end of the evening there was a dance party for pu...
Author: School №5

A city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-04 22:16:02
A city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”...
     On January 4, the school of arts organized a city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”. In this competition, Adambekov Diaz received a diploma for the third place in the nomination "New Year's drawings". Leader: M. Mukanova. The aim of the competition: Drawing attention to the time of the year Winter, creating a festive mood, atmospher...

А creative lesson called “Welcome, New Year” was held...

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-04 21:25:55
А creative lesson called “Welcome, New Year” was held...
     On January 4, during the winter holidays, a creative lesson called “Welcome, New Year” was held with the students of grades 1–4 of primary school teacher Aldakiyarova A. A. Objective: to learn to make New Year's toys using visualization, decorating and assembling, preparing for the New Year holidays - teaching children to create various forms of natu...

Contest of collages "Beauty Patterns of Winter"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-04 18:28:29
Contest of collages
    As part of the action plan for the winter holidays for pupils in the city schools, on January 4, 2015, the Collage “Patterns of the Beauty of Winter” was held. The purpose of the competition is the development of creative abilities, support and stimulation of activity, the disclosure of the creative potential of students, development of imagination. The competition...

Contest of collages "Beauty Patterns of Winter"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-04 18:28:29
Contest of collages
    As part of the action plan for the winter holidays for pupils in the city schools, on January 4, 2015, the Collage “Patterns of the Beauty of Winter” was held. The purpose of the competition is the development of creative abilities, support and stimulation of activity, the disclosure of the creative potential of students, development of imagination. The competition...

Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінде жоғары сынып оқушыларына «Жасыл шырша» мерекесі өткізілгені туралы ақпар

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-04 15:14:24
Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінде  жоғары сынып оқушыларына «Жасыл шырша» мерекесі өткізілгені туралы ақпар
          2018- жылдың 29- желтоқсан күні жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінде  ит  жылын шығарып салып, доңыз жылын қарсы алу, яғни «Жаңа жыл- жаңа нұр!» атты мерекелік кеш болып өтті. Әдемі безендірілген зал, түрлі-түсті жарықпен көмкерілген алаң, ортада орналасқан жасыл шырша  Жаңа жылдың шырайын кіргізіп тұрды.  ...
Author: School №8

"Welcome, New Year!"

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-04 11:00:49
    December 27, our school held a New Year's holiday among middle school students. During the New Year's program were staged and incendiary flash mob. Pupils sketched, sang songs and danced. Father Frost and Snow Maiden handed the students sweet-cheers and gave them a New Year's mood. All participants of the holiday were in a good mood.

Information about carrying out activities during the winter holidays KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-03 17:56:55
Information   about carrying out activities during the winter holidays   KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
01/03/2019 - Lyudmila Gubanova, 6th grade student, the school’s editorial board held the “Winter Patterns” event, where the children presented bright, colorful drawings to the exhibition.Luda organized competitions for attentiveness and ingenuity, such as “Guess riddles”, “Draw with closed eyes”, “Origami snowflake”, “Dress a Christmas...

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