
“Cleanliness is a guarantee of health”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-31 17:15:51
“Cleanliness is a guarantee of health”...
    On January 31, was held an open educational hour on the topic “Cleanliness is a guarantee of health” in the 1st grade. Objective: To expand children's understanding of the value of healthreveal the concept of “personal hygiene”, know and follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, inculcating the skills of a healthy lifestyle, consolidate the skills of...

31 января 2019 года в школе-лицее №17 прошел областной онлайн урок по математике во 2Б классе, учитель Утегенова Сауле Мараловна. Тема «Составление таблиц умножения и деления с числом 3». Были использованы формы и методы работы, активизирующие познаватель

Date: 2019-01-31 17:07:49
31 января 2019 года в школе-лицее №17 прошел областной онлайн урок по математике во 2Б классе, учитель Утегенова Сауле Мараловна. Тема «Составление таблиц умножения и деления с числом 3». Были использованы формы и методы работы, активизирующие познаватель
31 января 2019 года в школе-лицее №17 прошел областной онлайн урок по математике во 2Б классе, учитель Утегенова Сауле Мараловна. Тема «Составление таблиц умножения и деления с числом 3». Были использованы формы и методы работы, активизирующие познавательную деятельность учащихся, все задания соответствовали возрастным особенностям. Учащиеся показали умение работать в группах с распр...
Author: School №17

26 января 2019 года в шл 17 состоялся региональный семинар для педагогов организации образования по трансляции опыта АО НИШ. Участниками стали учителя школ города, Шетского, Актогайского районов и г.Приозерск. Гости и педагоги школы стали активными участн

Date: 2019-01-31 16:57:20
26 января 2019 года в шл 17 состоялся региональный семинар для педагогов организации образования по трансляции опыта АО НИШ. Участниками стали учителя школ города, Шетского, Актогайского районов и г.Приозерск. Гости и педагоги школы стали активными участн
26 января 2019 года в шл 17 состоялся региональный семинар для педагогов организации образования по трансляции опыта АО НИШ. Участниками стали учителя школ города, Шетского, Актогайского районов и г.Приозерск. Гости и педагоги школы стали активными участниками мастер-классов на следующие темы: "Полиязычие как один из приоритетов современного образования"(Султанова Е.А., Почтарь О.Ю.)...
Author: School №17


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-31 09:30:14
    On January 28, 2019, the Urban School Debate Tournament “Ұшқыроойалаңы” was organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren, dedicated to the Year of Youth. The goal of the tournament is the development and popularization of the school debate movement among schoolchildren, the development and support of the school debate movement. The tournament was attended by 11 debate...


Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-31 09:24:00
 President Nursultan Nazarbayev has officially declared 2019 the Year of Youth. The future of the country, the bright future of our state is in the hands of well-educated young people. In any age, the driving force of society is youth.      On January 25, 2019, the Palace of Schoolchildren hosted a celebration of "Zhaydarman" merry-go-round fest among the...

Information about winter sports competitions

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-30 10:42:14
January 26 at KSU "secondary school №6 of Sayak village" was a winter sports competition "Gesm Sagan Says". The competition was attended by teams "Barys", "Baldauren", "Alau" from 8-11 classes. The sports competition consisted of 3 rounds: cross-country Skiing, running, tug of war. Each group consisted of 3 boys and 3 girls. Gerasimus happened.&n...
Author: School №6

Information on the campaign " country of good"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-30 10:37:27
On January 26 in KSU" secondary school №6 of Sayak village "together with the class teacher Bukhat Nurzhan and pupils of the 8th classes the charitable action "the house without violence"was carried out.     The purpose of the charity event-education of students of morality, mercy, care for them. Our girls helped home life, our boys cleaned the yard of the hou...
Author: School №6

Information about the solemn meeting of young people in 2019

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-01-30 10:30:57
January 28 at KSU "secondary school №6 Sayak" held a solemn meeting dedicated to the opening of the year "year of youth 2019". This event was attended by young teachers and members of the Council of schoolchildren. The solemn meeting began with the national anthem. During the event, teachers and students together with the Kazakh, Russian and English languages recited poems de...
Author: School №6

Городской дебатный турнир "Ұшқыр ой алаңы"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2019-01-29 17:07:38
28 января т.г. на базе Дворца школьников в рамках реализации плана мероприятий Года молодежи прошел городской дебатный турнир "Ұшқыр ой алаңы" среди команд общеобразовательных школ города. Цель турнира - популяризация, поддержка и развитие дебатного движения спеди школьников. В турнире приняли участие 11 команд казахской и русской лиги. Турнир проходил в формате Карла Поппера. В упорно...
Author: Department


Category: School news
Date: 2019-01-28 16:15:11
22.01.19. the event was held in the school library "we are with books on you, we are friends with books", where students abandoned the Internet, removing the day cell phones and computers.   24.01.19. primary school students in their spare time engaged in drawing, application, KTD.   During the week, pupils of the boarding school in the evening instead of playing on t...

"International Thank you day"

Category: School news
Date: 2019-01-28 16:11:14
On January 11, the action"international day of Thanks"was held at the boarding school. One way to Express your feelings is to say "thank you." This increases the value of the work of any profession, the work of those people who surround us, our loved ones. This is one way to do a good deed. On this day, students said thank you to all the staff of OSIT.

Today, 01.28.2019 In the palace of schoolchildren a city debate tournament took place. In the Russian league, the Zhiger team won. Congratulations.

Category: News
Date: 2019-01-28 14:32:35
Today, 01.28.2019 In the palace of schoolchildren a city debate tournament took place. In the Russian league, the Zhiger team won. Congratulations.
Today, 01.28.2019 In the palace of schoolchildren a city debate tournament took place. In the Russian league, the Zhiger team won. Congratulations.
Author: School №4

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