
24 орта мектебінде Наурыз мерекесіне орай жоспарға сай 1ә, 2а сыныптарында "Өңір салу" салты көрсетілді.

Category: New
Date: 2019-03-14 11:53:57
24 орта мектебінде Наурыз мерекесіне орай жоспарға сай 1ә, 2а сыныптарында
24 орта мектебінде Наурыз мерекесіне орай жоспарға сай 1ә, 2а сыныптарында "Өңір салу" салты көрсетілді.
Author: School №24

"The new age through the eyes of youth" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-13 15:33:31
    March 12 in the City Palace of schoolchildren was an urban competition of propaganda groups "New Age through the Eyes of Youth". The team of the boarding school № 2 took the IIIrd place.

Concert charity program "Zhyly Zhүrek Zhastar" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-13 11:08:43
Concert charity program
    On March 12, in the framework of the events dedicated to the celebration of the national holiday of Nauryz, students of our school with art directors made an excursion to the city orphanage with a concert charity program “Zhyly Zhүrek Zhastar”. During the concert program, the guys showed their talents in vocal singing, dancing, performing kyuis, expressive reading....

Contest for information propaganda groups "New Age, Through the Eyes of the Young"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-13 09:07:19
Contest for information propaganda groups
      Today's schoolchildren are the only children and teenagers of the country "Zhas Ulan", who are real patriots of the country, who are not afraid of change, who are motivated to work, aspire to self-improvement, cultivate ambitious, upbringing, tradition, to form a vast personality of national and universal human values. On March 12, 2019, in the School...

Action "Burn, Burn Clear"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-13 08:50:41
    On the days of the holiday - Shrovetide, on March 7, 2019, the action “Burn, Burn Clear” was held at the “Alken Zhүrek”. The event was organized by the “Palace of Schoolchildren” collective state enterprise together with the presidents of the city school self-governments.     The program of the campaign included the bur...

Subject week, the exchange of experience tool.

Category: Week
Date: 2019-03-13 08:47:03
Subject week, the exchange of experience tool.
11.03 the day in high school, "wonders of Science on the theme" geography ,biology, physics , chemistry began its work a decade. Amazing cost of each discipline, revealing the mysterious erkeskin "Natural wonders" took place the solemn opening of the decade on the subject: stand. 12.03 Kokkozova biology In the framework of the decade of Natural Sciences.. Among pupils of 9-...
Author: Lyceum №2

Action "Give your mood happy"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-03-13 08:24:12
   On March 6, 2019, a campaign titled "Give your mothers happy" was organized by the students of the Schoolchildren's Palace and members of the Young Guard.       The first festive celebration of the spring rainy spring, which brought grandmothers, grand mothers, beautiful and beautiful ladies holding the bar of living creatures on March 8 -...

The competition “Come on, girls!”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-12 17:10:58
 The competition “Come on, girls!”...
   March 7 in the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov passed the competition “Come on, girls!”. The event consisted of 5 stages: the greeting contest “Men- Kazaktyk Kyzymyn”, the contest “Khalkyn Seugen Saltyn Seugen”, “United Url Zhuzer” creative performance of each participant, “Baiga” - a blitz tourn...

"Dedicated to mom" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-12 17:02:37
    March 6 at 6 "A" class of the boarding school № 2 teacher Makhmutova D. A. held an open educational hour, "Mom is dedicated to ...", inviting mothers and grandmothers. The purpose of the educational hour: to give a festive mood to mothers, to cause a sense of respect for the mother, the formation of a respectful feeling for girls. During the evening, the chi...

“Science without borders“, the international conference (Moscow, 2019)

Category: Congratulations
Date: 2019-03-12 12:35:33
“Science without borders“, the international conference (Moscow, 2019)
“Science without borders“, the international conference (Moscow, 2019) 1 teacher – I place (Sadykhanova G. S.), 1 student – first place (Alamanov Meirzhan-7A].owner:Baltabay.C) 1 student –second place (Asiya Sadly –supervisor: Alibekova G. E), 2 students III place (Aruzhan Zhumabekova –supervisor: G. Smechova.And, Abdurazakova Jasmine –supe...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Ana degen tіrshіlіktіń tіregі"

Category: News
Date: 2019-03-12 11:46:30
    A festive evening dedicated to the International women's day on March 8 was held in the Assembly hall of our school. The evening was organized by the students of the school. The purpose of the evening-to show that the role of women in society is significant, to give them joy. They are good intentions of the students. The festive event ended with a welcoming speech, wishes, spee...
Author: School №5

Ана-өмірдің шуағы

Category: 8 Наурыз - Халықаралық әйелдер күні
Date: 2019-03-12 11:28:37
Ана-өмірдің шуағы
Көктемнің шуақты күндерімен бірге келетін 8-наурыз халықаралық әйелдер күні мерекесінің қай кезде де орны бөлек. Өйткені аналарға ыстық сезім, алғыс пен құрмет ешқашан сөнбек емес. Мереке қарсаңында жалпы білім беретін №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектебінде бірқатар іс-шаралар басталып та кетті. 5Г сынып оқушылары сынып жетекшісі Ж.А.Акимованың ұйымдастыруымен 6 наурыз күні «Ана-өмір...
Author: School №16

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