
"Tolgai" (Intelligent Ring)

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-04-03 10:52:46
 On March 28, 2019, the Palace of Schoolchildren held an intellectual ring game called "Tolagay". The goal is to use the leisure time of students, to give pupils the riddle and their types, to tell. Increasing students' thinking, reproducing vocabulary. Inclusion in the peculiarities of folklore literature. Increasing interest in the Kazakh language. he game consisted of 6 s...

Участие в конкурсе «Звезды Черлидинг»

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-04-03 10:51:38
Участие в конкурсе  «Звезды Черлидинг»
Участие в конкурсе «Звезды Черлидинг»

«Little Princess - 2019»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-04-03 10:50:12
«Little Princess - 2019»
 On March 28, 2019, under the incendiary music and loud applause, small models appeared on the stage of the Palace of Schoolchildren — candidates for the coveted title “Little Princess - 2019”. The contest began with a spectacular appearance in evening gowns, the show was continued with songs and dances. And for dessert - catwalk in costumes made of scrap materials! Ac...

26 .03.2009 among 3 classes intellectual game "ZEREK of THOUGHT" .

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 10:47:59
26 .03.2009 among 3 classes intellectual game
    26 .03.2009 among 3 classes intellectual game "ZEREK of THOUGHT" .
Author: School №5

KSU " secondary school №5 of Balkhash city» information about events held in the school Museum during spring break

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 10:35:19
     In 26.03.2019 in the school of Museum were held events with students of 5-6grades.
Author: School №5

KSU " secondary school №5 of Balkhash city» information about the trip to the Museum during spring break

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 10:21:34
       In 29.03.2019 in town museum was visited by students of 7th grade of  SlambekovaMeirbanu Shakhovna.
Author: School №5

KSU " secondary school №5 of Balkhash city» information about the trip to the Museum during spring break

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 10:03:47
       In 28.03.2009 in the Museum of KSU"secondary school №1 of Balkhash" together with the class teacher Makysh Torgyn Toleugazyzyzy visited students of the 6th grade of the school.Students got acquainted with the history of the school Museum and storage of historical exhibits.
Author: School №5

"High School Students"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-03 09:51:56
     At the regional stage of the Republican Pedagogical Olympiad of"Gifted children - Talented Teacher »in the nomination"High School Students", the team of KSU “School-gymnasium № 7 named after S.Seifullin” took 2nd place!  Congratulations to the winners!

"Құстарға қамқоршы болайық"

Category: New
Date: 2019-04-02 13:16:45
№24 орта мектебінде көктемгі демалыс жоспарына сай 1 сәуір - Халықаралық құстар күніне орай 7-9 сыныптар арасында шығарма сайысы, 1-6 сынып арасында сурет сайысы өтті. Сонымен қатар "Құстарға қамқоршы болайық" атты ұя жасау сайысы өтті. Ата - аналар қауымының көмегін жасалған ұялар мектеп ауласындағы ағаштарға ілінді.
Author: School №24

Cleanliness is the key to health

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-02 11:42:40
Cleanliness is the key to healthқаламызды%20таза%20ұстайық&noreask=1&path=wizard

«Үздік педагог» байқауы

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-04-02 11:22:44
«Үздік педагог» байқауы
March 29 in the kindergarten "Alpamys" held a professional competition "Best Teacher". The competition involved 14 kindergartens of our city. This competition consisted of three stages, and in the end they competed for the regional competition. During the competition, teachers and specialists had to introduce themselves and demonstrate their skills. The competition consisted...

Қазақтың келіндері-ай!

Date: 2019-04-02 11:18:02
Қазақтың келіндері-ай!
How can we boast that our daughters-in-law are so beautiful and decent, kind. There is a wise saying: “A good daughter-in-law is good for the house.” On the eve of the holiday "Nauryz" in the kindergarten "Zhuldyz" a contest of daughters-in-law was held. During the contest, daughters-in-law introduced themselves and answered intellectual questions that reflected t...

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