
April 23, 2019 in school №24 a meeting was held between the specialists of the colleges of our city and the students and their parents.

Category: New
Date: 2019-04-25 15:08:07
April 23, 2019 in school №24 a meeting was held between the specialists of the colleges of our city and the students and their parents.
April 23, 2019 in school №24 a meeting was held between the specialists of the colleges of our city and the students and their parents. At the meeting came experts from the Balkhash Technical College. R. Koshkarbaev, Balkhash College of Service, Balkhash Medical College and Balkhash College of Contemporary Education. Z.Akylbaeva and told about the specialty that can be obtained in colleges. At t...
Author: School №24

Information on the work carried out to prevent sexual inviolability of minors. Early pregnancy

Category: School news
Date: 2019-04-25 13:40:31
Information on the work carried out to prevent sexual inviolability of minors. Early pregnancy
Information on the work carried out to prevent sexual inviolability of minors. Early pregnancy KSU "General Boarding school of General type Balkhash city" 2019 year. Objective: Prevention of early pregnancy. (target group 15 to 17 years - 28 students) .         The following work has been carried out at the General boarding school for the pr...

A practical conference "On the Impact of Greening the Classroom on Schoolchildren's Health".

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-25 11:13:21
A practical conference
    On April 24, at boarding school № 2 was held a practical conference "On the Impact of Greening the Classroom on Schoolchildren's Health". The conference was educational and developmental. Organizer and ideological inspirer Z. N. Rakhimberlina. The conference was attended by teachers, students, parents. Colleagues and students of the boarding school № 3 and a gradu...

Competition "Oily bolsan, ozypkur"

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-25 10:41:02
     At the competition among the schools of the town "Oily bolsan, ozipkur" team "Bіlgіrler" school-gymnasium number 7 took 1st place! With a victory!

Competition “Zhigit sultany”

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-25 09:39:23
Competition “Zhigit sultany”
    On April 22 at the school-gymnasium №7 held the competition“Zhіgіtsұltany”among students of preparatory groups under the guidance of music teacher KishkindaevaManaryZhantleuovny. The competition consisted of 4 stages. It was attended by 6 boys. The competition was very interesting. All participants were awarded prizes. The main prizegot Kapas Nurasyl, 1st place –K...

Жемқорлыққа күрес

Category: News
Date: 2019-04-25 09:03:17
Жемқорлыққа күрес
Жемқорлыққа күрес

Мектепте ақша жинауға болмайды

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-04-25 08:36:00
Мектепте ақша жинауға болмайды
Мектепте ақша жинауға болмайды

Forum historians.

Date: 2019-04-24 07:27:00
Forum historians.
Forum historians.   20.04 No. 16 school named after Abai, the city of Balkhash on the forum historians linguistic Lyceum № 2 teacher culture, the spiritual wealth of the Nation, the sign and the sign of a stylized animal-styled art"section.In the course of history for the formation of the style of work, to Hunt, the lessons of history teacher of history and place in the culture of...
Author: Lyceum №2


Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2019-04-23 15:37:54
For admission to UNIVERSITIES on preparation for UNT with students 11 date snipy tested. Saturday 10-11 Republican NTC online testing. Ataman follow-up work on the results of testing.
Author: Lyceum №2

Chairman of the Nur Otan party Nursultan Nazarbayev during the 19th Congress, called on all citizens of Kazakhstan to support the candidacy of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev in the upcoming elections for the post of Head of state

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-23 15:24:33
Chairman of the Nur Otan party Nursultan Nazarbayev during the 19th Congress, called on all citizens of Kazakhstan to support the candidacy of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev in the upcoming elections for the post of Head of state
As the First President of Kazakhstan noted, the diplomatic rank of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev is highly valued abroad.    You know that he was the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and at the same time he is a very experienced state politician. He headed the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the most difficult times. In 1998, during the Asian crisis, he was involv...

«Түркі әлемінің бесігі»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-04-23 15:05:55
«Түркі әлемінің бесігі»
20.04.2019 жылы «Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектебі» КММ Елбасының «Ұлы даланың жеті қыры» атты мақаласын негізге алған облыстық тарихшылар форумы өтті. Іс шараға аймақтың белгілі тарихшылары және мектеп мұғалімдері қатысып өз ойларын ортаға салды.Облыстық тарихшылар форумына біздің мектеп-лицей де белсенді қатысты. Елбасының &laqu...

Выборы 2019

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-04-23 14:41:15
Выборы 2019
Выборы -2019 год

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