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Information about admission to the organization" Zhas Ulan"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-05-20 15:31:35
May 7, the Day of defender of the Fatherland, we solemnly took 3 classes in the organization "Zhas Ulan". Only 11 students took part in the organization "Zhas Ulan". Wearing blue galstuka "Zhas Ulan" went to the pride of the school. The Director of studies on educational work. Mazhitov expressed their wishes to the students who take part in the" Zhas Ulan "...
Author: School №6

Information about the line dedicated to the defender of the Fatherland Day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-05-20 15:21:53
06.05.2019 of the year "-the spirit, the sublime, the concept of" held a meeting on the theme: linescale. Middle-level students read poems expressively and surprised with dances, and high school students finished the meeting with their songs. And our drivers also worried, kept themselves seriously and showed themselves in a good mood.  
Author: School №6

In the Patriotic song contest.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-05-20 15:11:54
02.05.2019 the school held a competition of Patriotic songs, organized by the music teacher Seitbekova G. In the competition of Patriotic songs a lot of good sides. As you know,today young people perform a lot of songs that do not have quality. The purpose of the competition of Patriotic songs is to increase the interest of young people to Patriotic songs. We held songs" Otan torinde",...
Author: School №6

A meeting with a specialist BGTC

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-05-20 15:01:28
Author: School №6

Information on the celebration of may 1-Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan

Category: Нормативті құжаттар
Date: 2019-05-20 11:42:04
As part of the celebration of the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan, the school held a festival "under a single Shanyrak" dedicated to the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan.    All classes took an active part in the festival.    
Author: School №6

A holiday of farewell to an elementary school...

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-20 10:39:27
A holiday of farewell to an elementary school...
    May 17, 2019 in the 4th grade of our school is a holiday of farewell to an elementary school. Aims and objectives: Summarizing the results of education in primary school, developing the creative abilities of students, developing the ability to express their feelings, their attitudes to current events in life, foster a positive-emotional attitude towards school and teachers. T...

К форуму

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-17 08:51:38
16 мая на базе лицея имени Абая прошёл городской конкурс "Моя семья - моя опора".   Конкурс проходил по двум направлениям: конкурс дневников "Мой папа самый самый" и конкурс плакатов "Семейные дела". Учащиеся 4-6классов:Роженцев, Касенова К., Новичков А., Брызгунов А., Байкенов А. достойно выступили и представили на суд жюри красочные презентации, дневники...
Author: School №4


Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-05-16 14:45:01
15 мая  в школе проведено общенациональное родительское собрание «Семейное воспитание – основа формирования гражданственности подрастающего поколения» посвященного Международному дню семьи. Цель родительского собрания–задействовать родителей                      ...

ИНФОРМАЦИЯ О проведённых мероприятиях, посвящённых Международному Дню Семьи ОСШ№3 Конырат 15.05.2019г

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-05-16 14:41:00
ИНФОРМАЦИЯ О проведённых мероприятиях, посвящённых Международному Дню Семьи ОСШ№3  Конырат 15.05.2019г
С целью формирования уважения и любви к семье, развития чувств коллективизма, дружбы, взаимовыручки в школе были проведены мероприятия, посвящённые дню Семьи: Оформлен информационный стенд  и книжная выставка «Моя семья – моя крепость»    Учащиеся начальных классов приняли активное участие  в выставке рисунков, сочинений, стенгазет, дневников, плак...

The names of the winners of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-05-16 13:23:30
The names of the winners of the project
Names of the winners of the project "100 new faces":     Erdos Tulegenov – journalist, founder of OYLA magazine Nikita Amosin – acrobat, master of sports of international class Yerzhan Salimgereev – parasporin-swimmer Anvara Sadykova – choreographer, art critic Galym Nurlanov – librarian Bakhtiyar Bazarbekov – public figure...

May 15, was held the parental meeting “Family education - as the basis for the upbringing of the younger generation”

Category: News
Date: 2019-05-16 12:33:01
May 15, was held the parental meeting “Family education - as the basis for the upbringing of the younger generation”
    On May 15, was held a general parental meeting “Family education - as the basis for raising the younger generation”, dedicated to the International Family Day. The main purpose of the meeting was to involve parents in discussing issues of family education, increasing their responsibility and role in raising children. The agenda of the meeting included the following...

Семейные ценности в усиление взаимодействия родителей и школы.

Date: 2019-05-16 10:30:46
  Семья – это микромир родных людей, источник любви, тепла, уважения и согласия. Место, где человек растет и развивается, впитывая, как губка, все плохое и все хорошее из пространства, которое его окружает. Семейные ценности – это обычаи, традиции, нормы поведения и взгляды, которые передаются из поколения в поколение. Это основополагающие принципы, на которых строится вс...

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