
Kommertsııalyq emes AQ-nyń basqarýshy dırektory Nurlan Qasymov mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý júıesіn engіzý týraly barlyq tolǵandyratyn suraqtarǵa jaýap berdі: júıe іrkіlіssіz jumys іsteý úshіn qandaı sharalar qabyldandy?

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 11:27:47
Kommertsııalyq emes AQ-nyń basqarýshy dırektory Nurlan Qasymov mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý júıesіn engіzý týraly barlyq tolǵandyratyn suraqtarǵa jaýap berdі: júıe іrkіlіssіz jumys іsteý úshіn qandaı sharalar qabyldandy?
Kommertsııalyq emes AQ-nyń basqarýshy dırektory Nurlan Qasymov mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý júıesіn engіzý týraly barlyq tolǵandyratyn suraqtarǵa jaýap berdі: júıe іrkіlіssіz jumys іsteý úshіn qandaı sharalar qabyldandy? Nege synaq úshіn Qaraǵandy oblysy tańdaldy? Óńіrlerde aqparattyq júıeler qanshalyqty damy...
Author: School №10

Jánіbek Ýspanov: aýyr dıagnozy bar adam qalaı áreket etetіnіn bіlý kerek.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 11:19:45
Jánіbek Ýspanov: aýyr dıagnozy bar adam qalaı áreket etetіnіn bіlý kerek.
  Jánіbek Ýspanov: aýyr dıagnozy bar adam qalaı áreket etetіnіn bіlý kerek. Mіne jetі jyl boıy Jánіbek Ýspanov donorlyq júrekpen ómіr súredі. Bіz onymen onyń ómіr súrý sapasynyń qalaı ózgergenі jáne aýyr syrqaty bar adam qandaı medıtsınalyq kómek alatyny týraly &aa...
Author: School №10

2020 jyldyń 01 qańtarynan bastap qazaqstandyqtar úshіn mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý resmı túrde іske qosylady. Bіz aýdarymdardan basqa jarnalardy aýdaramyz.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 11:16:20
2020 jyldyń 01 qańtarynan bastap qazaqstandyqtar úshіn mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý resmı túrde іske qosylady. Bіz aýdarymdardan basqa jarnalardy aýdaramyz.
  2020 jyldyń 01 qańtarynan bastap qazaqstandyqtar úshіn mіndettі medıtsınalyq saqtandyrý resmı túrde іske qosylady. Bіz aýdarymdardan basqa jarnalardy aýdaramyz.   Jarnalar-jarnalar tóleýshіler Qorǵa tóleıtіn jáne medıtsınalyq qyzmet kórsetýdі tutynýshylarǵa MÁMS júıesіnde medıtsınalyq...
Author: School №10

The Department of Compulsory Social Insurance (DC CSHI ) was created.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 10:00:28
The Department of Compulsory Social Insurance (DC CSHI ) was created.
Frequently asked question: who will control the operation of the CSHI ?           For this, the Department of Compulsory Social Insurance (DC CSHI ) was created. The main tasks of the DC CSHI  include: - the study of international experience and the risks of the medical insurance system;  - Introduction and development of  CSHI &n...
Author: School №10

The Office of Digital Information of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan announces the launch of the Telegram BOT “Compulsory Social Health Insurance” (CSHI), designed to obtain reliable information about CSHI in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-09-13 09:53:03
The Office of Digital Information of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan announces the launch of the Telegram  BOT “Compulsory Social Health Insurance” (CSHI), designed to obtain reliable information about  CSHI  in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Office of Digital Information of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan announces the launch of the Telegram  BOT “Compulsory Social Health Insurance” (CSHI), designed to obtain reliable information about  CSHI  in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Using the BOT, you can: - get information about the CSHI; - Get information on how to become...
Author: School №10

OSMS Medical insurance in Kazakhstan

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-09-13 09:34:03
OSMS Medical insurance in Kazakhstan
Managing Director of the non-profit JSC FSMS Nurlan Kasimov fully answered all the questions about the introduction of the system of compulsory medical insurance: what measures have been taken to ensure that the system works without failures? Why was Karaganda region chosen for the test? How developed is the information system in the regions? Since the beginning of this year, Kazakhstan has ente...

The intellectual game “Happy English”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-12 17:25:13
The intellectual game “Happy English”...
   September 12 at  sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M.P. Rusakov was held the intellectual game “Happy English” on the occasion of the week of languages. Purpose: to repeat educational material in an informal setting with the help of games and competitions, to introduce and expand students' knowledge of the language in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Co...

«Тіл тірегіміз,соғып тұрған жүрегіміз!»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-09-12 09:32:46
«Тіл тірегіміз,соғып тұрған жүрегіміз!»
«Мәңгілік елдің-Мәңгілік тілі »ҚР халықаралық тілдер күніне арналған мектепішілік іс-шара аясында 4 сыныптар арасында ұйымдастырылған «Тіл тірегіміз,соғып тұрған жүрегіміз!» атты танымдық-сайыс өтті. Оқушыларды Абай Құнанбаевтың 175 жылдық қарсаңында ақын шығармаларын жатқа айтқыза, ана тілінің маңызы мен қоғамдағы орны туралы жас ұрпақтың ана тілінің қадір – қасиет...

The intellectual contest “Daraboz” among students of the 7th grades...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-11 15:14:35
The intellectual contest “Daraboz” among students of the 7th grades...
    On September 11, at the boarding school № 2, was held the intellectual contest “Daraboz” among students of the 7th grades as part of the Language Week. The teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Mukhametzhanova F. A. held a competition, dividing into the teams "Bіlіmdіler", "Oyshildar", "Tapqyrlar", "Talaptylar". The guys...

The training “Family Happiness”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-11 12:19:43
The training “Family Happiness”...
    On September 10, in the 9th grade, the training “Family Happiness” was held. During the training, the relationships of students in the family, mood, future dreams and warm feelings were noticed. The students analyzed their names and wrote their meaning. During the training there was a psychologically comfortable, warm atmosphere.

The festival “Health Day”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-11 12:08:01
The festival “Health Day”...
    On September 10, 2019, the festival “Health Day” was held at boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov. The purpose of the festival: the formation of children's desire for a healthy lifestyle and increased physical activity. The festival was attended by students of grades 1-10. Planned: relay game "Fun Starts" among grades 2-4, the championship...

The intellectual game “Connoisseurs of the Russian Language” was held among 6 classes as part of the week of languages...

Category: News
Date: 2019-09-10 16:16:25
The intellectual game “Connoisseurs of the Russian Language” was held among 6 classes as part of the week of languages...
     On September 10, the intellectual game “Connoisseurs of the Russian Language” was held among 6 classes as part of the week of languages. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of imagination, mental, creative abilities of students, aesthetic taste and feelings, for the disclosure of students and to promote familiarization with the cultural past of...

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