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Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2019-10-29 10:08:53
Author: Department

On October 27, 2019 in the city of Karaganda, the X anniversary international championship "PRO dances KZ" was held.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-29 10:00:41
On October 27, 2019 in the city of Karaganda, the X anniversary international championship
   On October 27, 2019 in the city of Karaganda, the X anniversary international championship "PRO dances KZ" was held    The most powerful dance schools and studios from 7 cities of Kazakhstan, 365 talented participants aged 2 to 27 showed 56 dance numbers.    The competition was enormous, but our debut was successful!  Grand Prix and 1st place....
Author: School №10

«Мектеп әлемін өзгертетін ұстаздар»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-10-29 09:16:31
«Мектеп әлемін өзгертетін ұстаздар»
In Nur-Sultan, our colleagues visited our XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Aiming at Changing the School World" in AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".More than two thousand teachers from all over the world gathered at the collegium. Among them are teachers from different regions of Kazakhstan, scientists, heads of educational institutions, as well as f...

"Autumn Festival - Autumn Blessing"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-29 00:01:01
  The nature of nature is conjugated four times a year in exactly the same year. On October 27, 2019, in the Schoolchildren's Palace there was a so-called "autumn holiday - autumn day" with participation of Shapagat circles. Purpose: to explain the features of autumn season. Festive mood setting. Children singing, dancing, engaging in various activities, increasing their ada...

"Family Tree of Life"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-28 18:22:36
  October 25, in the palace of schoolchildren in the studio of DPT "Creative" with the aim of forming students' ideas about the family. A training was held on the topic: “Family Tree of Life”. Each of us has our own family, a parental home where we are expected, remembered and forgiven for everything. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care a...

«Балаларға базарлық»

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-28 15:26:45
 «Балаларға базарлық»
On 23 October, the first-grade students visited the school`s library. Their purpose: wasto  introduce with the library, building interest to reading books, familiarity with the rules for handling books. During the visit, students got to know with the rules of the library, school librarian reviews books exhibitions«Ертегілер әлеміне саяхат», «Балаларға базарлық»

Мой край родной

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-28 10:51:51
Мой край родной
Мой край родной Любовь к Казахстану начинается с любви к своей земле, родному краю. Изучение курса «Краеведение» поможет нам больше узнать о своем городе, его людях, а также об истории и культуре родного края. Курс «Краеведение» является интегрированным, в него входит такие образовательные области, как история, география, литература, музыка, искусство и другие....
Author: School №4

On October 25, 2019, in our school , according to the plan of the city department of education, hosted the Day of Local Lore.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-28 09:50:43
On October 25, 2019, in our school , according to the plan of the city department of education, hosted the Day of  Local Lore.
  On October 25, 2019, in our school , according to the plan of the city department of education, hosted the Day of  Local Lore. The purpose of the Day of Local Lore is to educate modern schoolchildren in patriotism, to form a feeling of love for the motherland, pride in their land, and respect for the traditions of ancestors.   At all lessons in all classes, teachers used local...
Author: School №10

Қазақстан ұлы дала мекені

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-10-26 10:44:56
Қазақстан ұлы дала мекені
2019 жылдың 25 қазан күні Балқаш қаласының ЖББ №16 лингвистикалық бағыттағы орта мектебінде оқушыларымыздың арасында отансүйгіштік рухты насихаттайтын « Қазақстан ұлы дала мекені» тақырыбы барлық сабақтарда кіріктіріліп өткізілді. Бұл сабақтардың мақсаты: Ұлы даланың ұлық тарихын жаңаша жазып, жас ұрпақтың санасына сіңіру, дамыған экономиканың және жалпыға ортақ еңбектің негізінде бе...
Author: School №16

"Отбасы-тәрбие басы, мектеп-тәрбие жаршысы"

Category: Іс-шара
Date: 2019-10-26 10:36:47
ЖББ №16 лингистикалық бағыттағы орта мектепте 25 қазан күні "Отбасы-тәрбие басы, мектеп-тәрбие жаршысы" тақырыбымен ашық сынып сағаты өтті. Оқушыларды ұйымшылдыққа, отбасы құндылықтарын сыйлауға тәрбиелеуге бағытталған бұл сынып сағаттарына ардагер ұстаздар, Әкелер және Аналар мектебінің өкілдері шақырылды. Әр отбасының берік қағидалары мен құндылықтарын сақтау төңірегінде мазмұнды әңг...
Author: School №16

"What? Where? When?"intellectual game!

Category: News
Date: 2019-10-26 10:35:38
25 October in 10 classroom has passed classroom hour on subject " That? Where? When?"an intellectual game was organized. The aim of the game was to form students ' interest in the subject of history, patriotism of the XXI century, the most competitive thinker, creativity, with confidence to look to the future. First, the guys chose the colors and divided into groups by the same col...
Author: School №5


Category: News
Date: 2019-10-26 10:27:17
On October 25, lessons on the theme" Kazakhstan-the country of the great steppe"were held in all classes. The main purpose of geographical local lore-the development and deepening of knowledge about the native land the formation of a civil position among students, education of a sense of patriotism to the study of the history of the native land. Knowledge about the history of origin, l...
Author: School №5

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