
Class hour with students in grade 9, dedicated to Independence Day ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-14 10:58:51
Class hour with students in grade 9, dedicated to Independence Day ...
     On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 13, the teacher L. Kurmanbekova spent an open class hour with students of grade 9 as part of the work plan of the methodological association of educators. Purpose: to tell about the achievements over the years of Independence, to introduce the exploits of the older generation, who fought for the in...

A festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-14 10:48:51
A festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan ...
     Our most sacred concept is independence. The concept of freedom has deep roots. We can not consider the concept of homeland, country, people separately from the concept of "independence". Everything is rooted and interconnected. The owner of independence is the people, the mother of the people is their native land. On December 13, a festive concert dedicated to...

A solemn line was held at the school dedicated to December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-14 10:37:09
A solemn line was held at the school dedicated to December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
    The significance of the concepts of independence and love for the homeland should be known to everyone from an early age. For this purpose, on December 13, a solemn line was held at the school dedicated to December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The director of the school P. Zhamshybaeva delivered a congratulatory speech. In her speech, she noted that tod...

«Тәуелсіздік - теңдесі жоқ байлығым»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-12-13 13:12:06
«Тәуелсіздік  - теңдесі  жоқ  байлығым»
Еліміздің  сан   мыңдаған  жылдар  бойы   армандаған, дүниені  дүр   сілкіндірген    «Желтоқсан  оқиғасымен» келген тарихымызда   алтын   әріптермен  жазылып   қалған  Тәуелсіздік   күні   туралы  баяндайтын       «...
Author: Lyceum №2

"The world-renowned independent Kazakhstan!"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2019-12-13 11:37:20
In the kindergarten "Baldyrgan" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Independent Kazakhstan! in the middle of the day there was a morning performance in groups "Gulder" and "Erketay". The children sang songs and sang songs about native land, native land, danced. The fairy tale played with the characters from the country.

«Арыстан» лицейіне саяхат

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-12-13 09:06:10
Қалалық ішкі саясат бөлімі арқылы іске асырылатын әлеуметтік жоба аясында, 2019 жылдың 29 қараша мен 01-желтоқсан аралығында Алматы қаласына, Қазақстан Қарулы Күштері музейі мен мамандандырылған «Арыстан» лицейіне саяхат жасау үшін мектебіміздің ұландары барып қайтты.
Author: School №8

" Жүрегімнің түбіне терең бойла..."

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-12-13 09:02:05
А.Құнанбайұлының 175 жылдығы және " Абай- руханияттың алтын қазығы" жобасы аясында өткізілген " Жүрегімнің түбіне терең бойла..." атты қалалық Абай оқуы өтті. Осы байқауда "Даналықтың данышпаны" номинациясы бойынша үш тілде Абай өлеңін мәнерлеп оқып, 9Б сынып оқушысы Ахметжанов Алихан ІІІ орынға ие болды. Ал 8 А сынып оқушысы Рахимбаев Темірлан "Суретті сұлу сө...
Author: School №8

"Tauelsizdik tugyrym!"

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-13 08:57:52
     09.12.2019 жылы мектебімізде Тәуелсіздік күніне орай. Бүгінгі ұрпақ болар елдің ертеңі дей келе бүгінгі тәуелсіздігіміздің 28 жылдығына арналған "Тәуелсіздік тұғырым" атты мерекелік салтанатты жиын өткізілді. Тәуелсіздігіміздің тұғырым биік, халқымыздың еңсесі жоғары, егемендігіміз баянды болсын деп тілейік, ағайын.
Author: School №5

"Golden children of the Lyceum"

Date: 2019-12-13 08:53:29
As a result: a student of class 11a Eginalina Nazerke won the medal "Altyn Bala", in the category" Oresi biik Oner "- a student of class 11a Sergazy Aruzhan and a student of class 8A Malybaeva anel, in the category "true Daryn" - a student of class 10A Council Zhibek. Congratulations to our Golden children on their victory!!!
Author: Lyceum №2

The school passed the decade of the methodological association "Primary classes" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-12 16:42:59
The school passed the decade of the methodological association
   From December 2 to 12, our school hosted a decade of methodical unification of primary classes. Purpose: to increase students' interest in subject disciplines, to provide quality education and upbringing of national competitiveness. Primary school teachers and their students took an active part in all activities. The program of the subject decade reflected various forms an...

Class hours on the theme “My Homeland - Kazakhstan”...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-12 08:58:21
Class hours on the theme “My Homeland - Kazakhstan”...
    Thanks to the patriotism of our young people who sacrificed their lives to protect their land, our blue flag flutters in the sky. This year, our Independence is 28 years old. On the eve of the holiday, class hours on the theme “My Homeland - Kazakhstan” were held at the sanatorium boarding school No. 2 named after M. P. Rusakov on December 11. The purpose of the class...

11.12.2019 years in high school took an online class hour on the theme of" safety rules in winter". The class hour was organized by students of the 6th "A"class and the class teacher Jabaspaeva Zh. B., acting teacher-organizer of the NVP Satiev M. B.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-12-11 18:19:43
11.12.2019 years in high school took an online class hour on the theme of
The Online class hour was attended by employees of the emergency management Department of the city of Balkhash, who familiarized themselves with the safety rules during the winter period.   Abzhanova Bagdat Satbekovna-senior medical officer of the rescue Department of the Uch in Balkhash;   Bolatov Asylbek Maricevic-senior officer of the Department of civil defense PSP Balkhash...
Author: Lyceum №2

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