

Category: Жиналыс
Date: 2019-12-25 11:47:15
Author: School №16

The school held a training on "moderation of final quarterly evaluations", organized by the coordinator of the school Imangalieva G. M.

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-25 10:48:32
The school held a training on
In December 2014, a training on the topic "moderation of final quarterly evaluations" was held at the school No. 5 in Balkhash, organized by the school coordinator Imangalieva G. M. the Purpose: to increase the professional competence of colleagues, to provide methodological assistance in moderation of quarterly summary evaluations in the framework of updating the content of education,...
Author: School №5

An open class hour on the topic "My future profession" ...

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-25 09:31:57
An open class hour on the topic
    According to the plan of the methodological association of educators on December 24, educator Aluakasova E. K. held an open class hour on the topic “My future profession” in 9th “A” class. The purpose: to encourage students to make the right choice for their future profession, to form a responsible decision in their choice. Students actively participate...

Information on funds allocated from the general education fund at school No. 24

Category: New
Date: 2019-12-25 09:08:54
   In secondary school No. 24 in 2019, 2,775.8 million tenge were allocated from the general education fund. Of these, 2 461.8 million tenge was allocated for food for 41 students, and 314 000 tenge was spent on 20 students for the summer holidays.  
Author: School №24

The competition of banner groups "Ulanymyz-Uly Eldin"

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-24 16:48:18
The competition of banner groups
In the city competition of banner groups "Ulanymyz - Uly Eldin", organized By the Palace of schoolchildren, took the prize lll place KSU "5 secondary school".
Author: School №5

Calculation of funds allocated from the General education Fund in 2019

Category: Нормативті құжаттар
Date: 2019-12-24 16:46:01
Author: School №6

"Hour of code in Kazakhstan»

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-24 16:42:42
From 3 to 9 December within the "Week of computer science" was held the action "hour of code in Kazakhstan". The event was attended by students in grades 3-11. 3-4 classes were held class hours, in grades 5-11 in computer science on the theme "the Hour of code in Kazakhstan". All students took an active part in the events and were awarded with certificates.  ...
Author: School №5

«Поэзия- падишасы»

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-24 16:36:41
 «Поэзия- падишасы»
«Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы , «READING TIME»  акциясы  аясында көрнекті ақын және қоғам қайраткері, Қазақстанның Халық Жазушысы, Мемлекеттік сыйлықтың иегері Фариза Оңғарсынованың туғанына 80 жыл толуына орай  «Поэзия- падишасы» атты оқырмандар  конференциясы өтті.  Мақсаты:  Фариза Оңғарсынованың өмірі мен шығармашылығын таны...
Author: School №5

Jańa jyl-eń súıіktі balalar merekesі.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-12-24 16:23:20
Jańa jyl-eń súıіktі balalar merekesі.
Jaqsylyq álemdі qutqarady Jańa jyl-eń súıіktі balalar merekesі. Ár bala mereke sıqyrly bolady dep úmіttenedі jáne barlyq tіlekter mіndettі túrde oryndalady.  Jyl saıyn "Sıbırskoe zdorove" korporatsııasynyń ókіlderі №10 JBBOM balalaryna jańa jyldyq ertegі qoıylymdaryn jasaıdy. 22 jeltoqsanda merekelіk saltanatqa kelgen bal...
Author: School №10

Новый Год!!!

Date: 2019-12-24 14:02:09
Новый Год!!!
Жаңа жыл Жаңа жыл Жаңа жылға жаңа жыр Жасыл шырша жанында Билеп барлық бала жүр.   Ёлка наряжается – Праздник приближается. Новый год у ворот, Ребятишек ёлка ждёт.

23 декабря в КГУ «ОСШ №4» состоялась встреча с представителем приюта «ЧиП» Лидовской Татьяной

Category: News
Date: 2019-12-24 12:56:09
23 декабря в КГУ «ОСШ №4» состоялась встреча с представителем приюта «ЧиП» Лидовской Татьяной
23 декабря в КГУ «ОСШ №4» состоялась встреча с представителем приюта «ЧиП» Лидовской Татьяной, которая рассказала учащимся 5-6 классов о работе приюта, его питомцах, о том, что собаки получают полноценный уход, защиту, питание, ветеринарное обслуживание и, самое главное, получить шанс найти новую семью.  Работы в приюте много, помощь никогда не будет лишней. Ребята п...
Author: School №4

Сode hour

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2019-12-24 10:47:30
From 18 to 21 December in the school within the "week of computer science" began the action "code hour in Kazakhstan". In our school there was an action "code hour in Kazakhstan" at a lesson of Informatics among pupils of 3-11 classes. Students showed interest in the subject, showing their activity.. Children actively participated in competitions and were a...
Author: School №6

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