
Урок самопознания

Date: 2020-02-07 15:36:13
Урок самопознания
5 февраля 2020 года был проведен урок самопознания во 2 «В» классе «Учимся любить» учителем Коваленко К.А.. В цели была рассмотрена ценность «Любовь», с качествами: уважение, дружба, понимание расширить представление о ценности любви. Задачи урока дать представление о формах выражения чувства любви, развивать стремление проявлять любовь к себе и другим; уважен...
Author: School №17

"Book advertising" and "Tangram" quiz game»

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-07 15:33:23
As part of the project "Book advertising" in our Lyceum on February 6, 7" A " class advertised the story of Sain Muratbekov "Zhabayy Alma", and 6" B " class told about the words of Abay. In the lobby of the 1st floor of our Lyceum, a quiz game "Tangram" was held among students, organized by the librarian.
Author: Lyceum №2

7.02.2020 г. в КГУ "ОСШ № 4 г. Балхаш" учащиеся 9-10 классов написали эссе на тему " Мое служение обществу."

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-07 15:21:00
7.02.2020 г. в КГУ
7.02.2020 г. в КГУ "ОСШ № 4 г. Балхаш" учащиеся 9-10 классов написали эссе на тему " Мое служение обществу." Эпиграфом данного эссе послужила цитата  великого поэта, просветителя и философа Абая Кунанбаева "Кто трудится только для себя,уподобляется скоту, набивающему брюхо. Достойный трудится для человечества". Современное казахстанское общество испытывает по...
Author: School №4

Within the framework of the decade "Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" themed class hours were held ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-07 13:25:21
Within the framework of the decade
    February 7, in the framework of the decade "Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" in all classes, class teachers conducted thematic class hours about kindness, honesty, and mercy. Purpose: To instill in a child spiritual and moral qualities, develop the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and develop noble human qualities. To contribute to the imp...

Competition on mini-essays about Mother...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-07 13:23:11
Competition on mini-essays about Mother...
    On February 6, as part of the decade "Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" among students in grades 6-7, a mini-essay competition about the mother was held. The purpose of the essay competition: the promotion of family values and veneration of a woman mother, her invaluable role in raising children and maintaining the family. According to the results of...

The educational hour about good and mercy...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-07 13:21:49
The educational hour about good and mercy...
    On February 6, in the framework of the decade “Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity”, an educational hour on good and mercy was held among 9th grade students. Purpose: To instill in a child spiritual and moral qualities, develop the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and develop noble human qualities. During the event, students watched the vide...

An exhibition of books and publications...

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-07 13:06:46
An exhibition of books and publications...
    Within the framework of the decade “Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity”, the school library organized an exhibition of books and publications on the subject “Meyirim tugetіn ana” among students in grades 3-4, 5-7. The guys got acquainted with books about kindness, mercy, moral qualities. The purpose of the exhibition: to talk about the importa...

Неделя "педагогика любви и творчества"

Date: 2020-02-07 08:46:10
On February 6, an open lesson on self-knowledge in a modern format on the theme: "learning to be friends"was held in the class of Tokusheva A. T.. In the course of the class was used active learning methods. Students told each other how to help each other, respect each other, be friends, and solve life situations.
Author: Lyceum №2

Week " pedagogy of love and creativity»

Category: Week
Date: 2020-02-07 08:43:22
On February 5, as part of the week of self-knowledge, the Lyceum held a campaign "wishing a best friend" among students of 5th grades.  Students read good wishes to each other and handed out colorful hand-made items. The children listened with interest to stories about friendship. The event was organized by the subject teacher A. K. Galieva.
Author: Lyceum №2

Путешествие по стране Самопознание

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-06 16:18:34
Путешествие по стране Самопознание
Замечательный предмет «Самопознание». Как здорово познать мир через добро, любовь к себе и окружающим!  Великий мыслитель Абай Кунанбаев утверждал: «Качества духовные – вот что главное в человеческой жизни. Живая душа и отзывчивое сердце должны вести человека, тогда и труд его, и достаток обретают смысл».  В феврале в нашей школе проходила декада Самопоз...
Author: School №4

Information on events for the decade "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"   KSU "secondary school №3 Balkhash" 06/02/2020 g

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2020-02-06 16:13:27
Information on events for the decade
Within the framework of the decade “Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity” The following events were held at the school:   The school council announced the action "Feeding troughs throughout the winter." Junior and mid-level students made bird feeders and hung them in the schoolyard    For students, a dance marathon “We are little star...

5.02.2020 г. В стенах КГУ "ОСШ№4 г.Балхаш" прошла акция "Планета самопознания".

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-06 16:00:13
5.02.2020 г. В стенах КГУ
5.02.2020 г. В стенах КГУ "ОСШ№4 г.Балхаш" прошла акция "Планета самопознания".  Учащиеся 3 "В" и 7 "А" класс оформили стену на тему "Мир глазами детей".  Стена оживилась красочным пейзажом: летящими бабочками, домиком "добра".  4, 10 класс оформил забор цитатами знаменитых людей. Ученики 9 "А" класса пров...
Author: School №4

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