
"Mother's Light of Life"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-12 20:39:54
  On 06.03.2020 in the circle "Shugyla" was held a matinee on the topic "Mother's life light" in the Schoolchildren's Palace. Our purpose is to teach children to be kind, to be able to appreciate the work of their mothers, to be an example for the elderly and for the young. The children danced and presented their hearts and flowers. With parents, "How do I...

Promotional Event

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-12 20:29:52
 Promotional Event
  In the middle of the day all the time, the radius of the day, the changing variables, the obsessive misunderstanding. In addition to the forgetfulness of the sunshine with the most interesting prey - March 8, the International Dzhensky den. March 6, 2020, the Day of the Secondary School at the Presidency of the President of the Self-governing Board, proving a specific action, followed b...

"In honor of the International Women's Day, March 8, and in memory of the feat of Aliya Moldagulova, Hero of the Soviet Union"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-12 20:26:15
March 3 - 5, 2020 in Karaganda for the purpose of strengthening of a healthy lifestyle, orientation on military-applied sports, preparation of the younger generation for participation in the republican competitions in preparation for military service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as for patriotic defense of the Fatherland, and in the republican competitions General education of the Kara...

“For our mothers and grandmothers”

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-12 20:22:37
 “For our mothers and grandmothers”
  In order to foster love for mothers and grandmothers, as well as respect for elders, on March 2, 2020, an exhibition of creative works and drawings on the theme “For Our Mothers and Grandmothers” was held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace. The exhibition was attended by pupils of the Beineleu Alemi and Hand-made circles. The works of the pupils of the circles aroused the...

В преддверии праздника в школе была оформлена книжная выставка «Весенний калейдоскоп» ( отв. Куприянчик Н.Н.), на стенде «Школьная планета» оформлена рубрика « С праздником 8 марта».

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-12 11:45:52
В преддверии праздника в школе была оформлена книжная выставка «Весенний калейдоскоп» ( отв. Куприянчик Н.Н.), на стенде «Школьная планета» оформлена рубрика « С праздником 8 марта».
 В преддверии праздника в школе была оформлена книжная выставка «Весенний калейдоскоп» ( отв. Куприянчик Н.Н.), на стенде «Школьная планета» оформлена рубрика « С праздником 8 марта». Фойе, учительская и актовый зал были празднично оформлены. Учащиеся начальных классов приняли участие в проведении мастер – класса «Открытка маме –...
Author: School №10

A competition was held among students in grades 5-6 called "I know a computer" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-12 10:45:43
A competition was held among students in grades 5-6 called
    From 10 to 13 March, a school of informatics is planned at the school. Purpose: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the framework of the plan of methodological and scientific-methodological work, the development of cognitive and creative activity of students. According to the plan, on March 10, a competition was held among students in grades 5-6 called "I...

День школы - форум

Date: 2020-03-10 16:28:56
4 марта 2020 года в школе – лицее №17 прошел второй этап традиционного дня школы. Все участники образовательного процесса: педагоги, учащиеся, родители и социальные партнёры представили свою модель образования. Первый блок открыли три мастер – класса на темы: • «Пути совершенствования образовательного процесса через внедрение интеграции»- Ким Е.О., Макенбаева Д.Н....
Author: School №17

"Miss Spring 2020"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-10 08:31:56
On March 8, in honor of International Women's Day, the Miss Spring 2020 contest for girls was held in the 7th and 8th grade of Abay Lyceum No. 2. The aim of the competition is to form the artistic taste of the girl, to cultivate good manners, kindness, respect for the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. On a sunny spring day, seven beauties appeared on stage, dressed in coats and ja...
Author: Lyceum №2

"Мамин праздник"

Date: 2020-03-09 10:16:50

March 8-international women's day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-07 09:36:58
International women's day is a holiday celebrated on March 8. This is one of the brightest holidays that comes with spring. Women of noble people, of course-a sea of flowers, they had lgseta special day in the life the ideal. On March 5, a festive concert was held in our school. During the event, high school students and lower school students congratulated the lovely women and teachers.Stude...
Author: School №6

Women's Day

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-06 13:54:45
Women's  Day
Festive event dedicated to the International Women's Day on  8th of March  The event was attended by parents. The holiday was attended by various characters. Gave good mood to children.

"Күлшеқыз" ертегісі желісімен

Date: 2020-03-06 10:51:31
Кішкентай бүлдіршіндеріміз ән мен биден шашу шашты.  Балалар бұл мерекелік шарада үлкен жауапкершілікті сезініп,  ана туралы әндерді нақышына келтіре орындап, биді де әсем биледі. Ата-аналармен ойындар ойнатылып, өте қызықты мереке өтті. Ата-аналарда өз ризашылықтарын білдіріп, тәрбиешілеріне алғыс айтты. Әрине, мұның бәрі тәрбиешілердің, жетекшілердің еңбегі.

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