Размер шрифта:


"Абай мұрасы-халық ұлағаты"

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 21:25:22

«Отбасы құндылықтары»

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 21:19:40
«Отбасы құндылықтары»

Ұлы жеңіске 75 жыл!

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 21:17:08
Ұлы жеңіске 75 жыл!
Ұлы жеңіске 75 жыл!

Қазақстандық оқушылар жазғы демалысқа қашан шығады?

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 21:06:23
Қазақстандық оқушылар жазғы демалысқа қашан шығады?

Remote creative contest " QIZEREK»

Category: Online contest
Date: 2020-04-20 19:21:59
Students of secondary school No. 6 in Sayak village took part in the competition" journey to space", organized by the portal of the remote creative competition" QIZEREK "of the Republic of Kazakhstan,took I place and took II place in the competition"Korkem zhazu".
Author: School №6

The results of the remote competition "Hello, we are looking for talent!" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 17:56:45
The results of the remote competition
    If you take a flower from an early age and allow it to grow and bloom, it will become a very beautiful plant. Similarly, the growth and development of a child depends on the upbringing and education that he received at an early age. A person who knows his nationality, language, mentality and country from an early age grows and grows up. True talent is multiplied. Our school has a...

Трагизм и величие, скорбь и радость, боль и память… Всё это — Победа.

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 15:54:11
Трагизм и величие, скорбь и радость, боль и память… Всё это — Победа.
Трагизм и величие, скорбь и радость, боль и память… Всё это — Победа. Яркой негасимой звездой сверкает она на небосклоне отечественной истории. Ничто не может заменить её — ни годы, ни события. Не случайно День Победы — это праздник, который с годами не только не тускнеет, но занимает все более важное место в нашей жизни. 2020 год — год знаменательный. Человечест...
Author: School №4

Учащиеся выпускного 11"А" класса общеобразовательной средней школы № 4 города Балхаш с благодарностью обратились к своим учителям.

Category: News
Date: 2020-04-20 15:46:24
"Какое гордое призванье — Давать другим образование, — Частицу сердца отдавать Ученики – учителям, всегда мы благодарны вам! " Учащиеся выпускного 11"А" класса общеобразовательной средней школы № 4 города Балхаш с благодарностью обратились к своим учителям. Которые, несмотря на любые обстоятельства, ежедневно отдают себя нужному для общества и страны...
Author: School №4

"The Great Way of the Great Teacher".

Category: New
Date: 2020-04-18 17:26:07
Grade 1a student of KSU OSSH№24 Sabit Shugyla took an honorable 3rd place in the city competition of the presentation "The Great Way of the Great Teacher".
Author: School №24

"Abay readings" Republican contest.

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2020-04-17 16:21:02
With the support of the International Center for Science and Education on the occasion of the 175th anniversary (1845-1904) of the great Kazakh poet, composer, philosopher, politician, enlightener Abay Kunanbaevich. Congratulations to Amangeldy Akniet and Baghdat Korkem of the winners of the 1st place in the Abay Readings nomination of the Republican contest among children.

"All professions are good!"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2020-04-17 16:13:50
Due to the emergency, we organize role-playing games with the family and teach the child that all professions are good. Kadyrkul Inkar, a student of the middle group "Gulder" "Little stylist". The pupil of the middle group "Erketay" Baghdat Korkem "Little Doctor". Many thanks to all the professionals!

"March 8 - International Women's Day"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2020-04-17 16:03:16
The festive matinee “Magic Candies” dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8th. Purpose: to create a cheerful holiday mood for children and their parents.

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