
Педагогикалық кеңес

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 12:07:30
On May 26, 2020 was held a teachers' council in an online format throughthe Zoom platform. Teachers was heard the final report of the Deputy Headmasterof Education WorkA.S.Akhmetbekova.                   
Author: School №16

A webinar passed on educational work

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 11:26:52
12.05.20 was held city webinar with the participation of Deputy Directors for educational work and classroom teachers on the topic: "Educational work in the period of distance learning". Class teachers of grades 3 and 7 shared their experiences and system works online.Perform:social pedagogue, psychologist, counselor, school librarian          ...
Author: School №16

Psychological support

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 11:16:39
E.Kudabaeva provided psychological support to students, parents and teachers for distance learning. She actively participated in webinars and seminars for school psychologists and received a lot of information. Memos, videos, online questionnaires with links were sent to students.    
Author: School №16


Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 10:53:55
On April 30, 2020 the teachers of "Comprehensive high school №16 linguistic direction of the city of Balkhash" held a webinar on the topic "Effective methods of distance learning" with the participation of headmasters and Deputy headmasters, school coordinators through the "Zoom" platform.In the webinar speak out teachers:primary school Kalkaman A. E., Russian langu...
Author: School №16

Қашықтықтан оқыту

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 10:47:28
Author: School №16

Methodological session

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 10:35:33
On April 28, 2020 was held a regular meeting of the heads of the methodological Association with teachers in  school No. 16 of the linguistic direction. The topic: "The organization and SAfor Unitand SA for the termin the period of distance learning".They considered effective methods of conducting final work through the platforms "Google classroom", "Whatsapp",...
Author: School №16

Әдістемелік отырыстар

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 10:17:18
Methodological association of foreign language teachers                    April 28, 2020 the head of the methodological association of foreign language teachers ImanbekovaG.T. organized and conducted an online meeting on the topic “Changes in the implementation of  SSG and PGE in connection wi...
Author: School №16

Құрметті 11-сынып оқушылары!

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 10:12:02
Сендердің мектеп бітірулерің еліміздегі сынақ – карантинмен қатарласып келіп отыр. Бұл күрделі кезең қашан аяқталатынын ешкім дөп басып айта алмайды. Әлемнің 167 еліндегі миллиардтан астам бала қашықтықтан білім алуға көшті. Енді сендер ең қызықты сәттеріңді өткізген мектептеріңнің ауласында жүгіріп, сыныбыңдағы парталарға таласа отыра алмайсыңдар. Енді сендер 11 жыл бойы сендердің ерк...
Author: School №16

Музыка пәні мұғалімдерінің семинары өтті

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-05-27 10:10:11
  On 18.04.2020 was held a city seminar of music teachers. Music teacher Smailova Gulbakhyt Zhasymbekovna of  the secondary school № 16 linguistic areas of the city of Balkhash shared experience on the topic: "Diction in the choir" and introduced her work with additional educational resources.        
Author: School №16

25 мая часы общения

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2020-05-27 09:46:05
25 мая часы общения
        25 мая проведены часы общения  для учащихся с 1-10 классы, посвященные окончанию учебного года. Классные руководители поздравили всех ребят с окончанием учебного года, ознакомили с итогами успеваемости, поблагодарили учащихся за активное участие в конкурсах и мероприятиях, рассказали о безопасности в детей в летний период: как вести себя на дороге, улице, воде, д...

Білім және ғылым министрі А.Аймаганбетовтың оқу жылының аяқталуымен құттықтау сөзі

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-05-27 08:04:16
Білім және ғылым министрі А.Аймаганбетовтың оқу жылының аяқталуымен құттықтау сөзі
Author: Department

Safe summer

Category: News
Date: 2020-05-26 13:56:28
Safe summer
Author: School №5

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