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"Education and cleanliness of girls"!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 08:01:26
✅ We inform you that on 16.10.2020 at 16:00 an online meeting will be held on the Zoom platform on the topic "Education and cleanliness of girls"! ✅Moderator: nurse of the school-lyceum of Atkeltirova M.S. ✅Speaker: polyclinic № 2, doctor RB Aglesova

"Aksunkars of Kazakh literature"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 07:57:43
10/15/2020 members of the library council of the school-lyceum and Pupils of 9 "B" grade and class teacher Abdrasyl D.B. In honor of the birthday of the poet, writer, playwright, statesman, public figure Saken Seifullin, a poetic marathon "Aksunkars of Kazakh literature" was held on the ZOOM online platform. Drivers Satybaldy A., Kalyk Zh. As for the life and work of the...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 07:52:35
✏️ On October 14, 2020, an online seminar was held for students and parents of grades 5-6 of the school-lyceum to familiarize themselves with the basic requirements and testing systems for applicants to the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and the Lyceum "Education-Innovation".

"Spiritual Revival"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 07:49:19
✅ Posters developed by grade 9 students on the topic "Legal culture" within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" project in order to increase legal literacy, enhance social culture.

"Nature and We"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 07:43:40
✅ 10/15/2020 within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" project in order to form an ecological culture among young people in the environment, nature and society, a group of volunteers of our school-lyceum held an action "Nature and We".

We begin the rubric "Through the pages of books", introduce new books and present them to readers ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-15 23:14:05
We begin the rubric
     October 15 - Librarian Day. Librarian Day is a holiday not only for employees, but also for readers. Libraries are a sanctuary of high wisdom and knowledge that has existed for centuries. This is the golden bridge between the reader and the book. Librarians are those who give life to books and libraries, unite national values ​​and readers. The library is the center of educ...

Discussion game "Is patriotism typical for today's youth?" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-15 23:05:15
Discussion game
    On October 15, as part of the "Gifted Student" week, a discussion game was organized among students in grades 9-10. The theme of the game is “Is patriotism typical for today's youth?”, And the goal was to expand the students' understanding of patriotic good deeds and significant events in the country. The game was played in the Lincoln Douglas form...

Intraschool competition of eco-research projects “Human. Society. Nature"...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-15 22:45:28
Intraschool competition of eco-research projects “Human. Society. Nature
    Today, October 15, within the framework of the Gifted Schoolchildren Week, an in-school competition for eco-research projects “Man. Society. Nature". Projects on various topics were defended in order to develop their independence and component in the study of the causes of global and regional environmental problems and ways to solve them. The competition was attended b...


Category: New
Date: 2020-10-15 22:01:57
"Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін № 24 орта мектебі"КММ -сі бойынша  академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университетінің тарих факультеті ,  магистранттар мен докторанттарды тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент БЕЙСЕНБЕКОВА НҰРСАХАН АХМЕТҚЫЗЫНЫҢ  70 жасқа толуына орай ұйымдастырылған «ТАРИХ ҒЫЛЫМДАРЫНЫҢ ӨЗЕКТІ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ» атты халықаралық қатысушылардың...
Author: School №24

Within the framework of the special project "Labor is the ideal of the country", organized on the basis of the subproject program "Spiritual Revival" and within the project "Ethical Life"...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-15 21:40:20
Within the framework of the special project
     On October 15, pupils of grades 9-11 took part in a meeting with a veteran of education Aytkazina Nurganym Smagulovna within the framework of the special project "Enbek - eldin muraty", organized on the basis of the subproject of the program "Rukhani zhagyru" and within the framework of the project "Onegeli өmir". The purpose of the event was t...

A book exhibition "Spiritual harmony - the path to national unity" was organized in the school library ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-15 21:34:53
A book exhibition
    October 18 - Day of Spiritual Accord. As you know, the importance of national integrity and spiritual harmony plays a special role in the harmonious and prosperous life of mankind. International Day of Spiritual Concord was first celebrated on October 18, 1992. Since then, this day has been one of the most important public days in Kazakhstan. In this regard, a book exhibition...

«Балқаш қаласының ЖББ №24 ортамектебі» КММ -інде мәнерлеп оқу сайысы өтті.

Category: New
Date: 2020-10-15 21:21:38
«Балқаш қаласының ЖББ №24 ортамектебі» КММ -інде мәнерлеп оқу сайысы өтті.
Елбасының «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасын іске асыруда «Ақберен» жобасы аясында ақындар мектебін дамыту, қаламызда поэзиялық мектептер, үйірмелер ашу, поэзияға бейім балаларды шешендік өнерге баулу, ақындар мен айтыскерлерге арналған дәстүрлі ән мектебі ашылуда. Осы іс -шара аясында «Балқаш қаласының ЖББ №24 ортамектебі» КММ -інде мәнерлеп оқу сайысы өтті.Сайыс...
Author: School №24

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