
Class hour for Spiritual Accord Day

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-10-16 11:55:21
As part of the action plan for the Day of Spiritual Accord, educational classes were held on October 15 in all classes of our school. October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Accord. This day is called the Day of Stability and Reconciliation, which unites people in one society, regardless of nationality or religion. The celebration of the holiday is important for the establishment of unity and peace,...
Author: School №6

Традиции и обычаи – это отражение сущности нации, показатель того, чем она живет, о чем думает, во что верит.

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-16 10:43:50
Традиции и обычаи – это отражение сущности нации, показатель того, чем она живет, о чем думает, во что верит.
Традиции и обычаи – это отражение сущности нации, показатель того, чем она живет, о чем думает, во что верит. С традициями народ передает из поколения в поколение свои знания и наблюдения, а молодежь, черпая эти наблюдения, делает свои выводы и, естественно, начинает относиться к миру уже не как новорожденный птенец, а как бывалый орел, многое повидавший и многое испытавший на своем жизнен...
Author: School №4

October 12 "international girls' week"

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-16 10:40:18
October 12
"On the principle of "saving a girl, saving a national culture", to establish the status of families based on multi-family traditions and values formed in the Kazakh society, to show the role of caring for girls." "Kazakh daughter today, what are you? during the work of graduates of schools, a video about the life of the Zhetysus State University, as well as about the sp...
Author: School №5

Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню духовного согласия КГУ ОСШ № 4- 2020 год

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-16 10:31:57
Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню духовного согласия КГУ ОСШ № 4- 2020 год
Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню духовного согласия КГУ ОСШ № 4- 2020 год    «Построить общество, где ценятся честь, достоинство и репутация каждого, где присутствует высокая мораль, этические стандарты и духовные ценности»- эти слова Первого Президента Н. А. Назарбаева стали эпиграфом для проведения мероприятий, посвящённых Дню духовного согласи...
Author: School №4

"Pedestal of spiritual harmony" class hour

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-16 10:16:01
The purpose of the class hour is respect for the elders, respect for the family, care for children, hospitality, peace, friendship, unity. Peace and unity of our people, our country, thrives, becomes the cause of progress. This year, our country launched the Republican campaign "Road to school", which is designed to help children from low – income and large families, orphans and...
Author: School №5

In honor of the birthday of saken Seifullin, an outstanding statesman, writer, poet, and one of the founders of Kazakh literature, the KSU "centralized library system of Balkhash city" organized an event "Sulu ZHYRYN SUNKARY".

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-16 09:48:22
In honor of the birthday of saken Seifullin, an outstanding statesman, writer, poet, and one of the founders of Kazakh literature, the KSU
Talented students of our school took an active part in the online contest "Sulu ZHYRN SUNKARY", organized by the KSU "centralized library system of Balkhash", dedicated to the birthday of saken Seifullin, a writer, poet, prominent statesman, one of the founders of Kazakh literature, and a student of the 10th grade Kranov Bakhtiyar was awarded a diploma of the first degree and...

Республикалық ғылыми- тəжірибелік онлайн конференция

Category: Конференция
Date: 2020-10-16 09:40:27
Республикалық ғылыми- тəжірибелік онлайн конференция
15.10.2020. Тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент "Тұлғатану" ғылыми зерттеу орталығының директоры Бейсенбекова Нұрсахан Ахметқызының 70-жасқа толуына арналған республикалық ғылыми- тəжірибелік онлайн конференция болып өтті. Конференция жұмысында тарих ғылымының өте өзекті мəселелері туралы баяндамалар оқылды. Қар МУ тарих факультетінің оқытушысы Ə. Тельғарин, Л. Гумилев атындағы Еврази...
Author: School №16

"Education and cleanliness of girls"!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 09:01:26
✅ We inform you that on 16.10.2020 at 16:00 an online meeting will be held on the Zoom platform on the topic "Education and cleanliness of girls"! ✅Moderator: nurse of the school-lyceum of Atkeltirova M.S. ✅Speaker: polyclinic № 2, doctor RB Aglesova

"Aksunkars of Kazakh literature"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 08:57:43
10/15/2020 members of the library council of the school-lyceum and Pupils of 9 "B" grade and class teacher Abdrasyl D.B. In honor of the birthday of the poet, writer, playwright, statesman, public figure Saken Seifullin, a poetic marathon "Aksunkars of Kazakh literature" was held on the ZOOM online platform. Drivers Satybaldy A., Kalyk Zh. As for the life and work of the...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 08:52:35
✏️ On October 14, 2020, an online seminar was held for students and parents of grades 5-6 of the school-lyceum to familiarize themselves with the basic requirements and testing systems for applicants to the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and the Lyceum "Education-Innovation".

"Spiritual Revival"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 08:49:19
✅ Posters developed by grade 9 students on the topic "Legal culture" within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" project in order to increase legal literacy, enhance social culture.

"Nature and We"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-16 08:43:40
✅ 10/15/2020 within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" project in order to form an ecological culture among young people in the environment, nature and society, a group of volunteers of our school-lyceum held an action "Nature and We".

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