
23.10.2020 күні салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау және короновирус инфекциясының таралуына жол бермеу мақсатында 4 «Б» сынып ұжымы «Қаланы қорғаймыз!» атты онлайн флешмобын ұйымдастырды.

Category: New
Date: 2020-10-26 09:51:32
23.10.2020 күні салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау және короновирус инфекциясының таралуына жол бермеу мақсатында 4 «Б» сынып  ұжымы «Қаланы қорғаймыз!» атты  онлайн флешмобын ұйымдастырды.
        23.10.2020 күні салауатты өмір салтын насихаттау және короновирус инфекциясының таралуына жол бермеу мақсатында 4 «Б» сынып  ұжымы «Қаланы қорғаймыз!» атты  онлайн флешмобын ұйымдастырды.  Оқушылар  барлық қала тұрғындарын  «GOVID -19» инфекциясының алдын алуға, тазалық сақтауға, үйден шықпауға, бет перде ки...
Author: School №24

«Балқаш қаласының жалпы білім беретін №24 орта мектебі» КММ –нің 2 - 6 сынып оқушыларынан құралған еріктілер тобы «GOVID -19» короновирус инфекциясының таралмауының алдын алу мақсатында «Бетперде киіп жүр!» акциясына өтті

Category: New
Date: 2020-10-26 09:46:50
«Балқаш қаласының жалпы білім беретін №24 орта мектебі» КММ –нің    2 - 6 сынып оқушыларынан құралған еріктілер тобы   «GOVID -19» короновирус инфекциясының таралмауының алдын алу мақсатында «Бетперде киіп жүр!» акциясына өтті
         24.10.2020 күні  «Балқаш қаласының жалпы білім беретін №24 орта мектебі» КММ –нің    2 - 6 сынып оқушыларынан құралған еріктілер тобы   «GOVID -19» короновирус инфекциясының таралмауының алдын алу мақсатында «Бетперде киіп жүр!» акциясына қатысты.Қала тұрғындарына жаднама мен белгі тара...
Author: School №24

On October 24, the Republican intra - school subject Olympiad in remote grades 5-6 was held.

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-26 09:45:48
On October 24, the Republican intra - school subject Olympiad in remote grades 5-6 was held.
In order to stimulate the educational and cognitive abilities of students, deepen their subject knowledge, and develop interest in science, the 1st Republican intra –school subject Olympiad in remote grades 5 - 6 was held at secondary school No. 5 in Balkhash on October 24. The Olympiad was held in the following main subjects: ✅ 1) Kazakh language and literature; ✅ 2) History of...
Author: School №5

Passed the in-school stage of the Republican Olympiad ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-25 13:47:07
Passed the in-school stage of the Republican Olympiad ...
    On October 24, the school stage of the Olympiad was organized by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" for grades 5-6. 20 students of our school took part in the Olympiad and tested their knowledge of the Kazakh language, natural science, English, the history of Kazakhstan and mathematics. The students with the highest scores will participate in the cit...

A meeting of the crime prevention council was held ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-25 13:39:54
A meeting of the crime prevention council was held ...
    On October 23, a meeting of the crime prevention council took place. Objective: The effectiveness of the prevention council. Control over the behavior and academic performance, extracurricular activities of students requiring special attention, children at risk. Explanation of the existing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the rights and obligations of parents. The cou...

To the attention of parents!

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-24 13:32:30
To the attention of parents!
    Dear Parents! In pursuance of paragraph 2 of subparagraph 4 of the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Balkhash City № 24 of October 23 of this year, the State Institution "Education Department of Balkhash City" informs that the movement of children studying in duty classes, as well as children attending additional education organizations, mugs and sports section...

Took an active part in the annual regional ecological game "I am the Ecologist"...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-24 13:18:54
Took an active part in the annual regional ecological game
    On October 23, 2020, pupils of grades 9-11 of our school took an active part in the annual regional ecological game "I am the Ecologist", which is being conducted online this year by the KARAGANDA ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY OF THE KAZakh CONSUMER UNION. "Problems of Ecology", "Volunteer Eco-Movement", "Clean Country", "Protection of Animal...

"Abai's legacy in the lyrics of nature"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-24 13:12:05
As part of the regional action "One family - one book", a reading competition was held with pupils of 3 grades on the topic "Abai's legacy in the lyrics of nature."

"ABC of Wisdom"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-24 13:03:57
✅In the library of the school-lyceum, an educational hour was held, during which they were introduced to the "ABC of Wisdom" - a collection of innovative pens. The project was watched by pupils of the 4th grade, who got acquainted with the books in the basket and listened to excerpts from folk tales.

An action "Put on the mask!"

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-24 12:56:46
An action
    October 23, the volunteer group "Jas Volunteers" of the sanatorium boarding school №2 named after M. P. Rusakov and senior counselor Madieva L. M. held an action "Put on the mask!" In the action aimed at informing schoolchildren and parents about the need to comply with all sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules to prevent the spread of corona virus i...

"Opportunities of Distance Learning Platforms"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-24 12:56:11
✅ We inform you that on October 24, 2020 at 10.00, in accordance with the work plan of leading schools, an online seminar "Opportunities of Distance Learning Platforms" for magnetic schools on the ZOOM platform will be held!   ✅Moderator: Biology teacher of the MSO "Lyceum School No. 15 of Balkhash named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov" Bakytkyzy P.  

The rubric "Through the pages of books" ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-24 12:49:25
The rubric
  The book is a spiritual treasure! Our dear young readers! Reading books plays a special role in expanding your educational space. If you know how not only to read a book, but also to apply the information received, impressions on your life path - this will become one of the main achievements in life! As we progress, the book remains our constant companion.  

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