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"Kindness is a noble virtue"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-30 10:33:19
✅ On October 29, 2020 at 15.00 in honor of the republican holiday "Guardians' Day", a meeting of students of grades 5-7 was held at the ZOOM site on the topic "Kindness is a noble virtue." Foster mothers of students left without parental care in our school-lyceum took part in a remote meeting.

Information about an online meeting dedicated to world children's day

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-30 10:30:14
Information about an online meeting dedicated to world children's day
On 29.10.2020, the ZOOM platform hosted a meeting of the pediatrician of the polyclinic No. 1 of the youth center "Gibrat" Sagindykova Gauhar Omirzakovna on "safe sexual development"among girls in grades 10-11. At the meeting, the girls answered the girls ' questions, commenting on the children's personal hygiene, changes in appearance, and cleanliness conditions.
Author: School №5

“Coronavirus infection. What do you need to know? "

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-30 10:29:28
“Coronavirus infection. What do you need to know?
✅ On October 21-24, organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren, the remote “Coronavirus infection. What do you need to know? " There was a poster competition called According to the results of the competition, pupils of Lyceum No. 9 "A" Makhmutova Akbota and Kanatova Sabina took prizes. Congratulations

Giving practical advice on the implementation of a spiritual project in the format " Rules of modern life»

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-30 10:28:13
Giving practical advice on the implementation of a spiritual project in the format
In order to implement the project "Rouhani Jair" in high school 5 to students in grades 9-11 were given basic knowledge in financial literacy, training, careful use of revenues and the formation of sustainable understanding of the need for development and rational approach to life, because now young people have no opportunity to spend collected funds to address other social issues, for...
Author: School №5

6 best doctors in the world

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-30 10:25:57
 6 best doctors in the world
      1. Күннің сәулесі Адам күннің көінен энергия алады. Ауруларға қарсы тұру қабілеті артады. Әсіресе, ер адам күннің көзінен екі есе көп қуат алады екен. 2. Демалыс Міндетті түрде қарбалас үлкен тірліктің арасында үзіліс жасап, миды демалту керек. Адам ағзаны демалысты қажет етеді. Нормасынан тыс көп демалу да зиян. 3. Спорттық жаттығу Бұл ең қажетті нәрсе. Қаз...


Category: Сайыс
Date: 2020-10-30 10:25:53
«Сарыарқа саңлағы» облыстық жобасының екінші кезеңі аясында ұйымдастырылған қалалық «Ұстаз бен шәкірт» атты пікір-сайыс турнирінде мектебіміздің «Ақиқат» тобы жүлделі ІІ орынға ие болды. Дебат тобының мүшелері 10 сынып оқушылары Мұрат Алишер, Рахимжанова Ботагөз, Қыдырбай Жансұлтан. Жетекшісі тарих пәні  мұғалімі Кожабатчина Бақытжан Сағадатқызы.
Author: School №16

✅ "Thursday of Wisdom"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-10-30 10:15:45
  ✅29.10.2020 day At 11.00, within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" program and the "Alikhantanu" project, an open field for pupils of grades 8-9 was opened on the ZOOM site on the topic "Alikhan Bokeikhan - and the lessons of independence"! ✏️Speaker: Abdibek Kaskabaevich, history teacher

Competition "Languages"

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-30 09:38:52
In accordance with the action plan for 2020 in an online format among young people who are fluent in three languages of instruction, the competition "Tildaryn" was attended by English teachers of secondary school No. 5 Kakenova Aidana Talgatovna with a diploma of the first degree, Musina ayym Erlanovna with a letter of thanks.  
Author: School №5

Crafts - traditional consumption

Category: Article
Date: 2020-10-29 22:59:25
Interview "Crafts - Traditional Consumption" within the framework of a special project of the program of spiritual revival "Traditions and Customs". KSM Sayak secondary school №6. Art teacher Interview with Nurzhan Bukhatovna - Good afternoon, Nurzhan Bukhatovna! A few words about yourself ... What region are you from? Good afternoon! I was born...
Author: School №6

Sport is the key to health, and health is the basis of wealth

Category: Information
Date: 2020-10-29 22:46:39
The most valuable fruit of nature is that people pay attention to their health and self-esteem, it is not for nothing that a healthy person is the most valuable fruit of nature. When a person is healthy, he and the people around him are happy. Schopenhauer's words "A healthy poor man is happier than a sick king" is very appropriate. Healthy is always healthy. Today's healthy ge...
Author: School №6

Self-presentation of young professionals ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-29 19:13:47
Self-presentation of young professionals ...
    In accordance with the plan of work with young specialists and according to the individual plans of mentors assigned to young specialists, the task was to prepare a presentation video. We suggest watching video presentations. Be familiar. English teacher Mugiyn Madina and Bayandy Zhanar, primary school teacher. The teachers have already taken part in the republican competition...

Congratulatory event on Guardian's Day ...

Category: News
Date: 2020-10-29 18:51:28
Congratulatory event on Guardian's Day ...
    Today, October 29, Kazakhstan celebrates Guardian Day. This is a relatively young holiday, which is a kind of expression of gratitude to people and families who have adopted someone else's child in need of warmth, care and love. Holding festive events on this day has already become a good tradition for many institutions. Our school was no exception. In this regard, at the...

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