
On October 19, as part of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2023,

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:41:39
On October 19, as part of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2023,
On October 19, as part of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2023,” chemistry teacher A.S. Karibekova. held an extracurricular event “Ticket to the Future” in the 8th “A” class, the purpose of which is to develop in students a conscious attitude towards professional self-determination in accordance with their professional inclinations and taking i...

On October 18, as part of aesthetic literacy week

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:37:27
On October 18, as part of aesthetic literacy week
On October 18, as part of aesthetic literacy week, 3rd grade students, class teacher Nesipbaeva G.S. , made pop-up books on the topic “What is good and what is bad.” We called on all the guys to follow the rules of etiquette.

On October 18, as part of aesthetic literacy week, a musical and educational game “Merry Notes” was held for primary school students.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:35:44
On October 18, as part of aesthetic literacy week, a musical and educational game “Merry Notes” was held for primary school students.
On October 18, as part of aesthetic literacy week, a musical and educational game “Merry Notes” was held for primary school students. Students solved riddles with interest, played musical instruments, and participated in the competition-game “Guess the Instrument,” “Find the Notes in the Words,” and “Perform the Song.”

On October 18, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:29:00
On October 18, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy
On October 18, as part of the week of aesthetic literacy, in order to develop curiosity and cognitive interest in music, as well as the ability to practically apply their knowledge, the “Musical Ring” game was held in the 5th grade. The students showed their knowledge of musical literacy, biographies of composers, and guessed musical instruments.

On October 17, as part of the aesthetic literacy week

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:26:32
On October 17, as part of the aesthetic literacy week
On October 17, as part of the aesthetic literacy week, in art lessons, 5th grade students got acquainted with artistic embroidery, types of embroidery, materials and tools, and also developed interesting sketches themselves.

On October 17, as part of an open day at the rescue station and fire station of the city of Balkhash, students from our school visited the fire station.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:24:35
On October 17, as part of an open day at the rescue station and fire station of the city of Balkhash, students from our school visited the fire station.
On October 17, as part of an open day at the rescue station and fire station of the city of Balkhash, students from our school visited the fire station. The staff warmly welcomed the children and organized an educational excursion. During this interesting meeting, schoolchildren received a lot of useful information about the profession of a firefighter and the features of this important work. Th...

On October 17, as part of an open day at the rescue station and fire station of the city of Balkhash, students from our school visited the fire station.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:24:35
On October 17, as part of an open day at the rescue station and fire station of the city of Balkhash, students from our school visited the fire station.
On October 17, as part of an open day at the rescue station and fire station of the city of Balkhash, students from our school visited the fire station. The staff warmly welcomed the children and organized an educational excursion. During this interesting meeting, schoolchildren received a lot of useful information about the profession of a firefighter and the features of this important work. Th...

On October 13, as part of events dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students Chubenko M. and Nagmetzhanova A. took part in the city debate tournament.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:19:56
On October 13, as part of events dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students Chubenko M. and Nagmetzhanova A. took part in the city debate tournament.
On October 13, as part of events dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students Chubenko M. and Nagmetzhanova A. took part in the city debate tournament. The guys were convincing in their arguments, took 3rd place and were awarded certificates and medals

October 16 is World Bread Day.

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:17:44
October 16 is World Bread Day.
October 16 is World Bread Day. Bread is a symbol of life, health and well-being of people, one of the most ancient and amazing products of nature and human labor. Not a single day of our life can go by without bread. In honor of the celebration of World Bread Day, a thematic line “Bread is the head of everything” was held. The goal was to tell schoolchildren how important bread is...

On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:15:37
On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony
On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony. October 16 - the school held a line dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The guys talked about the origins of the event, about the great role of friendship of all nationalities and religious denominations living in our country. In all classes, classes were held on the topic: “Interfaith harmony and tolerance,” d...

On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony

Category: School News 2023-2024
Date: 2023-10-23 16:15:37
On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony
On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony. October 16 - the school held a line dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The guys talked about the origins of the event, about the great role of friendship of all nationalities and religious denominations living in our country. In all classes, classes were held on the topic: “Interfaith harmony and tolerance,” d...

Республика күніне арналған 6-8 сынып оқушылары арасында өткен қалалық «Қазақстанның біртұтас халқымыз» атты мәнерлеп оқу байқауы

Category: Байқау
Date: 2023-10-23 15:51:16
Республика күніне арналған 6-8 сынып оқушылары арасында өткен қалалық «Қазақстанның біртұтас халқымыз» атты мәнерлеп оқу байқауы
2023 жылдың 20 қазанында Республика күніне арналған 6-8 сынып оқушылары арасында өткен қалалық «Қазақстанның біртұтас халқымыз» атты мәнерлеп оқу байқауында мектебіміздің оқушылары жүлделі орындарға ие болды. Касымова Арайлым – Бас жүлде Алиакпар Мирас – І орын Жетекшісі: Смаханова М.Ж. Сымбатқызы Еркенұр – ІІ орын Калиакпар Жібек – «Көрермен көзайы...
Author: School №16

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