
"Game - develops the child's thinking"

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2020-12-10 10:30:18
The main activity of children preschool age is a game   in the process of which spiritual   and the physical strength of the child. Children of the middle group "Gulder" with a large   play didactic games with interest such as "Pets", "I am a builder", "Who will collect faster." In games, children learn about the world around...

About kindergarten

Date: 2020-12-10 10:08:03
Address: Balkhash town,lane N. Kalmykov, 2 E-mail address Entering in operation 2007 year Design power 250places Full name Municipal state-owned enterprise «children's preschool institution «Akbota...

I, a young teacher of "School №10 of the city of Balkhash", Smakova Aigerim Bekbolatovna, today, December 9, 2020, took part in the ⅠⅠ regional seminar "Rukhani zhagyru: ult kelbeti - zhas maman".

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-12-10 09:40:51
I, a young teacher of
I, a young teacher of "School №10 of the city of Balkhash", Smakova Aigerim Bekbolatovna, today, December 9, 2020, took part in the ⅠⅠ regional seminar "Rukhani zhagyru: ult kelbeti - zhas maman". In the course of the work of the section "On the process of STEM (IT) tekhnolardy engizu" the questions about the use of the elements "STEAM and - STEAM of education&...
Author: School №10

On December 9, 2020, the ⅠⅠ regional forum "Rukhani zhagyru: ult kelbeti - zhas maman" was held, in which a young teacher, class teacher of grade 5, Bulatova Ainur Asetovna took part.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-12-10 09:33:56
On December 9, 2020, the ⅠⅠ regional forum
     On December 9, 2020, the ⅠⅠ regional forum "Rukhani zhagyru: ult kelbeti - zhas maman" was held, in which a young teacher, class teacher of grade 5, Bulatova Ainur Asetovna took part. “Thank you very much for today's seminar! He really opened up all the possibilities of a class teacher for me! I learned a lot of new and cognitive things for myself, for exa...
Author: School №10

Seminar on "The effectiveness of the method of" six hats of the mind "

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2020-12-10 08:59:22
On November 13, 2020, the primary school teacher ST Toleubayeva conducted a seminar on "The effectiveness of the method of" six hats of the mind "in the development of critical thinking." Saltanat Tolkynbekovna also shared the methods used in the 3rd grade literary subject "The method of the six hats of the mind".
Author: School №6

The school eco-project "Garden on the Windowsill" continues its work...

Category: News
Date: 2020-12-09 21:57:29
 The school eco-project
    The school eco-project "Garden on the Windowsill" continues its work both in the school and in the apartments of our students. The social significance of this project lies in the fact that the children, together with their parents, are involved in the work of growing organic and healthy vegetables at home in winter.  

"Семья и школа: точки соприкосновения"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-12-09 17:50:19
"Семья и школа: точки соприкосновения"-под таким названием 4 декабря т.г. прошел областной семинар в он-лайн режиме, организованный УМЦ Карагандинской области и отделом образования г.Балхаш. 6 организаций образования представили работу с родительской общественностью: ОСШ 9 представили работу Совета матерей, целью которого является воспитание, развитие и пропагандирование семейных ценно...
Author: Department


Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2020-12-09 17:42:33
Author: Department

An information and book exhibition was held on the theme "Independence shakes the happiness of my country - Independence"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2020-12-09 17:04:21
An information and book exhibition was held on the theme
We consider Independence Day a special holiday for all citizens of our country, because our ancestors for centuries dreamed and waited for this heartfelt day. To this end, on December 7, 20, in the library of the school-lyceum, an information and book exhibition was held on the theme "Independence shakes the happiness of my country - Independence" on December 16, Independence Day, when...

An information and book exhibition was held on the theme "Independence shakes the happiness of my country - Independence"

Category: Educational process
Date: 2020-12-09 16:46:42
An information and book exhibition was held on the theme
We consider Independence Day a special holiday for all citizens of our country, because our ancestors for centuries dreamed and waited for this heartfelt day. To this end, on December 7, 20, in the library of the school-lyceum, an information and book exhibition was held on the theme "Independence shakes the happiness of my country - Independence" on December 16, Independence Day, when...

Online meeting with the owner of the national project” 100 new faces of Kazakhstan " Asan Zholdasov on the Zoom platform

Category: Regional project "Moral lessons of life"
Date: 2020-12-09 16:27:25
Online meeting with the owner of the national project” 100 new faces of Kazakhstan
✅ 25.11.2020 within the framework of the regional project “Moral lessons of life“, a very touching, exciting online meeting was held on the Zoom platform with the Director of the school of additional education "Pythagoras", the owner of the national project " 100 new faces of Kazakhstan” Asan Zholdasov! Students showed interest and established feedback....

"Leader's hour"

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2020-12-09 16:25:36
December 7, 2020 in the organization of the "Kunshuak" on the ZOOM platform, an online meeting for parents "Leader's Hour" was held.       The main 3 issues were revealed on the agenda, such as:  - Compliance with sanitary standards when visiting a kindergarten - Ban on all festive events  - Feedback from parents in the "que...

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