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Kazakh national games

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-02-02 14:47:34
Kazakh national games
Adult group educator Rakhimova A. Kazakh national games "Khantalapai", "Field games", "Asykty tikip oynap", "Tas kala", "Khan" confirmed the elements of mathematics. #interestingmathematics

"Learning to count to 10" developmental cartoon

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-02-02 14:44:52
Kindergarten students watched a developmental cartoon "Learning to count to 10". #interestingmathematics

Journey into the world of mathematics

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2021-02-02 14:39:33
Journey into the world of mathematics
Ортаңғы топ тәрбиеленушілері математикалық әлемде тәрбиеші Б. Даркеевамен саяхаттап сандарды санап және салыстырды. #қызықтыматематика

Math Literacy Week " Fun Math"

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2021-02-02 12:44:07
Math Literacy Week
Math Literacy Week " Fun Math" January 25-29 Math Literacy Week " Fun Math" The Educational and Methodological Center of the Karaganda region organized the week of mathematical literacy " Entertaining mathematics!In order to improve the quality of mathematical education in preschool organizations in the kindergarten "Er Tostik" in Balkhash in all senior and p...

"We speak Kazakh"

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-02 12:37:49
In modern Kazakhstan, special attention is paid to the study of the Kazakh language. Program training in the Kazakh language for preschool children provides for the mastery of oral speech, which includes understanding the speech by ear and awareness-the expression of their thoughts in the Kazakh language. Every Monday, in our garden "Aigolek" is held the day "We speak Kazakh&quo...

Әлімхан Ермековтің 130 жылдығын атап өту аясында 8- сынып оқушылары арасында математикадан I облыстық олимпиада

Category: Олимпиада
Date: 2021-02-02 12:19:32
Әлімхан Ермековтің 130 жылдығын атап өту аясында 8- сынып оқушылары арасында  математикадан I облыстық олимпиада
Department of Education of Karaganda region and the Regional Scientific and Practical Center for Additional Education for Children "Saryarka Daryny" in  28-29 January, 2021 held an event in honor of the 130th anniversary of the first Kazakh mathematician-professor, author of the textbook "Higher Mathematics Course" in Kazakh, Alimkhan Ermekov.   The first regio...
Author: School №16

KSU" school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin "continues the joint work of teachers with the method of studying the lesson" Lesson study". The study in practice included a number of cycles, and with the mutual consent of the established focus group

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-02 12:18:20
KSU" school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin "continues the joint work of teachers with the method of studying the lesson" Lesson study". The study in practice included a number of cycles, and with the mutual consent of the established focus groups, it was determined who and what should be taught. At the same time, three students under control were taken into account...

Дарынды балалар

Category: Біздің жетістіктеріміз
Date: 2021-02-02 12:16:29
Дарынды балалар
Author: School №16

XVI Republican research projects and creative works “Zerde”

Category: Байқау
Date: 2021-02-02 12:05:58
XVI Republican research projects and creative works “Zerde”
Students of class 5A Artakshinov Nurkanat and Sarkyt Azhar took the second place in the XVI Republican research projects and creative works “Zerde” among students of grades 1-7. Supervisor: Ainabekova Zhanar Bazarkhanovna. Congratulations!
Author: School №16

The "elbasy medal"

Category: Құттықтаймыз!
Date: 2021-02-02 11:59:30
The "elbasy medal" is the only program at the national level aimed at the comprehensive development of young people. The program consists of 7 main areas: sports, talent and skills, reading books, national heritage, volunteering, expeditions and hikes, labor practice. Students of our school took an active part in these 7 areas, as a result of which they became holders of the "Elba...
Author: School №16

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