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Postcard competition "Legal Opening Day" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 20:04:11
Postcard competition
    In order to implement the regional project "Zeyin", within the framework of the "Legal Navigator" week, organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region, from February 8 to 11, 2021, a remote competition of postcards "Legal Opening Day" was held in our school among grades 8-9. The purpose...

Cognitive game "Methods of managing emotions" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 19:17:29
Cognitive game
    On February 11, 2021, an educational game "Methods of managing emotions" was held among pupils of grades 2-4. Purpose: to establish positive relationships between students, teach them to share the grief and joys of others, master their emotions and behavior.

Spent 5 minutes "The rights and responsibilities of students, enshrined in the charter of the school" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 19:14:48
Spent 5 minutes
    From 8 to 11 February, within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator", 5-minutes "The rights and obligations of students enshrined in the school charter" were held with students in grades 1-4. During the event, class teachers provided information on the rights and obligations of students at school. They also filmed a video as proof of how st...

A lesson was held on the topic “I am a future voter”...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 19:11:39
A lesson was held on the topic “I am a future voter”...
    On February 11, in the 8th and 9th grades, a lesson was held on the topic “I am a future voter”. The purpose of the lesson: to form an active civic position among future voters. During the classes, the students got acquainted with the development of the electoral system of Kazakhstan and got the first idea of the need to participate in the political life of society. P...

An essay competition “If I were President” was held among grades 8-9...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 19:08:48
An essay competition “If I were President” was held among grades 8-9...
     In the sanatorium boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov, as part of the Legal Navigator Week of Legal Literacy, an essay competition “If I were President” was held among grades 8-9 in online and offline format. Purpose: to promote the development of leadership qualities in students, to foster patriotic feelings. According to the results of the essay compet...

Intellectual game "According to the laws of adults" ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 19:05:39
Intellectual game
    On February 11, 2021, within the framework of the Legal Navigator literacy week, an intellectual game was held among students of grades 5-6 under the title "According to the laws of adults." Purpose: to improve the legal culture of students, to increase their interest in knowing their rights, to teach them to observe the law, to defend their rights. During the game, the...

A quest game on the theme "Foundations of State and Law" was held ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 19:02:00
A quest game on the theme
    The cycle of events continues within the framework of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator". On February 11, a quest game on the theme "Fundamentals of State and Law" was held with students in grades 10-11. The main goal of the game is to form a legal culture among adolescents. Education of morality, legal literacy. The course of the game took place in 4 s...

Within the framework of the “Onegeli Omir” project, a meeting was held with a qualified specialist in the field of jurisprudence Mukashev Sailau Bolatbekovich on the topic “A qualified specialist is the demand of society” ...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 18:59:15
Within the framework of the “Onegeli Omir” project, a meeting was held with a qualified specialist in the field of jurisprudence Mukashev Sailau Bolatbekovich on the topic “A qualified specialist is the demand of society” ...
    According to the plan of events of the Legal Literacy Week "Legal Navigator" on February 11, within the framework of the "negeli »mir" project, a meeting was held with a qualified legal specialist Mukashev Sailau Bolatbekovich on the topic "Qualified specialist - the demand of society" with the participation of 7th grade students. Purpose: to t...

Competition on the theme "Altyn zhurek anamyz"...

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 18:55:21
Competition on the theme
    Within the framework of the information campaign "Self-knowledge - pedagogy of love and creativity" Amanbekova G. M. held a reciters' competition on the theme "Altyn zhurek anamyz". The purpose of the competition: to form in the hearts of the younger generation such virtues as brotherhood, friendship, love for parents, loved ones, for humanity as a whole;...

2021 жылдың 11 ақпанында облыстық "IT-сарапшы" жобасы аясында № 10 ЖББМ және № 4 ЖББМ директорының Ақпараттық технологиялар жөніндегі орынбасарларымен қалалық семинар өткізілді.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-02-12 16:48:34
2021 жылдың 11 ақпанында облыстық
2021 жылдың 11 ақпанында облыстық "IT-сарапшы" жобасы аясында № 10 ЖББМ және № 4 ЖББМ директорының Ақпараттық технологиялар жөніндегі орынбасарларымен қалалық семинар өткізілді. Семинарға 50 қатысушы қатысты. № 10 ЖББМ IT жөніндегі директордың орынбасары Семак Н.А.әріптестеріне Интернеттің пайда болуының қысқаша тарихын еске салды, бұл жалпы интернеттің және атап айтқанда іздеу жүйес...
Author: School №10

Extraordinary pedagogical Council

Category: News
Date: 2021-02-12 16:39:32
Extraordinary pedagogical Council On February 11, in accordance with the plan of the city Department of education of the Balkhash Department of Education "School-gymnasium No. 7 named after S. Seifullin" with the participation of the head of the department, the head of the methodological office and methodologists, an extraordinary pedagogical council was held on the topic: "anal...

"Өзін-өзі тану: махаббат пен шығармашылық педагогикасы" онкүндігі бойынша іс-шаралар циклін аяқтай отырып, 12.02.2021 ж.бастауыш сынып мұғалімдері "Добро шагает по Земле"Флеш-моб ұйымдастырды.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-02-12 16:38:02
"Өзін-өзі тану: махаббат пен шығармашылық педагогикасы" онкүндігі бойынша іс-шаралар циклін аяқтай отырып, 12.02.2021 ж.бастауыш сынып мұғалімдері "Добро шагает по Земле"Флеш-моб ұйымдастырды. Би билеп, балалар бір-біріне күлкі, оптимизм беріп, өздерін позитивті және қайырымдылықпен қуаттады.
Author: School №10

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