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World Children's Day "Bala kygy - adam kygy"

 World Children's Day
Within the framework of events dedicated to the World Children's Day "Bala kygy - adam kygy" in order to increase the level of legal culture of schoolchildren, to form students' ability to defend their rights with the help of the law, to develop legal literacy and legal awareness of students, to familiarize students with responsibility for legal violations. communication "The rights and responsibilities of children."
                 During the classroom hours, the rights of children recorded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were considered.
       The guys discussed the life situations in which they know guys, fairy-tale and literary heroes, whose rights were violated from the point of view of international law. To understand that the unpleasant incidents that can happen to a teenager are countless, students learned from examples how to act in a given situation, and most importantly, how to avoid them, living in harmony with the law.