MSPE "Pupil's Palace of Balkhash town"


1149 pupils, with who work 20 teachers of additional education study in circles of the Pupil’s Palace.


  The UCYO “Zhas Ulan” make a move from 3,December of 2011 in Balkhash town, the aim of which is upbringing of rising generation by patriots of Native land on the base of love and devotion to the Kazakh people, culture, traditions of tolerance and peace make, tireless aspiration for knowledge, self-perfection, harmony of life with high feel of responsibility and complicity to history of country, present and future of Independence Kazakhstan.    

Members of the town organization “Zhas Ulan” are active participants of information-propagandistic group, who make speech in school meetings, designed a stand, also tell about their work on “Radio dlya vseh”, take up work of school organization “zhas Ulan” in town Mass Media.  Today on a number of UCYO “zhas Ulan” 5 389 pupils of 5-9 form, in organization “zhas Kyran” -3962 pupils of 1-4 forms of town schools

The children maslikhat of Balkhash town formed 1,March of 2011 in the framework of the project “Balkhash town, Friendly to children”. Children maslikhat – this is supporting and development of civil initiation of youth, mechanism of introduction  of perspective forms of work with it. Deputies of children maslikhat are immediate organizers and participants in organization and conducting of town actions: parade of sailing yacht, review of the social projects “Azamatty gylym kogamdyk”, town ecological shares, the military-sport games “Zhas Ulan”, talk –show. Children maslikhat – this is perfect area for self-expression, acquisition of hard civil position.

Date: 13.02.2013, 10:03 Author: Department