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Today is may 25, 2020 in all educational organizations of the city, class hours dedicated to the end of the school year were held online for students in grades 1-10

Today is may 25, 2020 in all educational organizations of the city, class hours dedicated to the end of the school year were held online for students in grades 1-10

Today is may 25, 2020 in all educational organizations of the city, class hours dedicated to the end of the school year were held online for students in grades 1-10.

Class teachers prepared greetings for children, summed up the year and reminded them about the rules of behavior in the summer. Interesting and memorable were the class hours for students who completed grades 4 and 9 for them, the teachers prepared videos about the school life of the class. The event reached more than 10,000 schoolchildren.

Date: 25.05.2020, 15:34 Author: Department