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Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясының Ұлы Даланың дәстүрлеріне негізделген қайырымдылық шараларының Балқаш қаласы бойынша 2019 жылға арналған күнтізбесі КГУ ОСШ№3 Конырат

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-02-04 15:02:55
Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясының Ұлы Даланың дәстүрлеріне негізделген қайырымдылық шараларының Балқаш қаласы бойынша  2019 жылға арналған күнтізбесі  КГУ ОСШ№3 Конырат
Январь-«Сарқыт»   21.01.2019 г Проведены часы общения на тему «Милосердие – зеркало души», «Твори добро» Оказана помощь учащимся из малообеспеченных детей из Фонда всеобуча канцелярскими товарами (охвати 5 чел )

Competition "The best hairstyle"

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-28 08:29:18
The school traditionally held a competition for the best hairstyle. The school board thanks girls of primary classes for original, graceful, beautiful hairstyles. Grade 1 Saktai A, Amanbayeva K. Shubarova A. Layla Grade 2 Moskovkina M Zhalgasen I Grade 3 Andrienko S. Zorina T Satalieva A. Sidorenko N. Nagmetzhanova A. Kazakhbaeva A. Levin A. Grade 4 Rudomanova O Chirkova O Khakimova M

Information about holding events dedicated to the International Day without the Internet “I’m OFFLINE (offline)” January 27, 2019 KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-25 13:16:05
 Information about holding events dedicated to the International Day without the Internet   “I’m OFFLINE (offline)” January 27, 2019 KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
In order to prevent Internet addiction, to promote the formation of clear ideas among students about the positive and negative sides of the Internet, to acquaint students with the dangers that lie in wait for them on the Internet and to help avoid these dangers at school the following events were held: • The “Day without Internet” information stand was designed • An inf...

Photo material a visit to the Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-18 13:48:21
Photo material a visit to the Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation
Photo material a visit to the Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation   Grade 9 (coverage 7 people) 17/01/2019     

Информация о проведении классных часов «Семь граней Великой степи» КГУ ОСШ№3

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-17 12:50:14
Информация о проведении классных часов  «Семь граней Великой степи»  КГУ ОСШ№3
       В связи выхода новой статьи главы государства Н.А.Назарбаева от 21 октября 2018 года «Семь граней Великой степи»  во всех классах прошли часы общения «Семь граней Великой Степи».  Целью  классного часа являются воспитание чувства патриотизма, любви к Родине, гордости за историческое прошлое народов Казахстана, формирование ак...

Information about carrying out activities during the winter holidays KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-10 10:15:07
Information   about carrying out activities during the winter holidays   KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
08/01/2019- Volleyball and basketball sports sections worked throughout the holidays, with the participation of high school and middle school students (20 people).The White Rook games were held among the elementary school students.• Worked circles in subjects: mathematics, geography, biology, etcCompetition program "Miss and Mr. Winter". For the purpose of collectivism, mutual ass...

Information about carrying out activities during the winter holidays KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-08 09:00:40
Information   about carrying out activities during the winter holidays   KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
05.01. - for schoolchildren in primary classes there was a library hour “Round Dance of Tales”. The guys visited the school library, and the school librarian Mautanbekova D.M. held a quiz on fairy tales with them, contests "Guess riddles", "Guess the fairy-tale hero", "Compose a fairy tale" Schoolchildren drew fabulous characters, as well as pasted books...

Протокол городского Общественного слушания перед родительской общественностью в 2018-2019 учебном году

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-08 08:39:26
Протокол  городского Общественного слушания  перед родительской общественностью в 2018-2019 учебном году
Дата проведения:   05  января 2019 г Место проведения:  КГУ  ОСШ№3 Общественные слушания организованы:_ Администрацией  КГУ ОСШ№3 Информация о проведении Общественных слушаний доведена до сведения общественностипосредством : сайт школы, объявления Участвовали: 1. Абдуллин М.А. – член городского президиума Совета ветеранов г. Балхаш 2.  Админ...

Information about carrying out activities during the winter holidays KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-05 11:11:09
Information   about carrying out activities during the winter holidays   KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
04/01/2019 - for pupils of primary classes (coverage 15 people), a trip to the secondary school took place at the festive event “The Shining Christmas Tree Lights”, where the guys watched a fabulous performance and played games and competitions with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. For middle school students held chess tournaments

Information about carrying out activities during the winter holidays KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-03 16:56:55
Information   about carrying out activities during the winter holidays   KSU OSSH№3 Konyrat
01/03/2019 - Lyudmila Gubanova, 6th grade student, the school’s editorial board held the “Winter Patterns” event, where the children presented bright, colorful drawings to the exhibition.Luda organized competitions for attentiveness and ingenuity, such as “Guess riddles”, “Draw with closed eyes”, “Origami snowflake”, “Dress a Christmas...

INFORMATION On holding a New Year's ball for high school students 2018-2019 KSU OSSH№3 p. Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-02 19:48:09
INFORMATION On holding a New Year's ball for high school students 2018-2019   KSU OSSH№3 p. Konyrat
For high school students there was a Christmas show Grandfather Frost and Snow Maidens.Each class presented one pair for the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, between which there were held such competitions as "Dancing Couples", "Gift Advertising", "Compose a congratulation", "Gift without hands", "Best Wishes". The best couple was recognized...

INFORMATION About New Year's commemorations 2018-2019 KSU OSSH№3 p. Konyrat

Category: Новости 2019-2020 год
Date: 2019-01-02 19:28:49
 INFORMATION About New Year's commemorations 2018-2019 KSU OSSH№3 p. Konyrat
In order to organize the leisure of students, the development of creative abilities, the formation of citizenship, a common culture, the school held New Year's matinees: • On December 28, a New Year's performance “The Adventures of Fairytale Heroes” was held for primary school students (coverage 60 people), which was prepared by the class teacher Duambekova N. G. and 4...

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