
As part of the events dedicated to the International Anti-Drug Day, a conversation was held with students at the school by the inspectors of the juvenile affairs police group of the juvenile police department of the local police service of the city of Bal

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-30 12:05:32
As part of the events dedicated to the International Anti-Drug Day, a conversation was held with students at the school by the inspectors of the juvenile affairs police group of the juvenile police department of the local police service of the city of Bal
As part of the events dedicated to the International Anti-Drug Day, a conversation was held with students at the school by the inspectors of the juvenile affairs police group of the juvenile police department of the local police service of the city of Balkhash. The purpose of this conversation is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, and to ensure the safety of their life, to preven...

"Sport instead of drugs"

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-30 12:03:37
On May 20, 2023, as part of preventive measures dedicated to the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in order to develop and preserve the sports and moral education of students, as well as forming their values for a healthy lifestyle, successful self-realization, a sports and entertainment event "Sport instead of drugs" for students was held at the school middl...

On May 20, 2023, within the framework of the regional subbotnik and the campaign "I love my city", school staff and students took an active part in this subbotnik.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-30 12:00:17
On May 20, 2023, within the framework of the regional subbotnik and the campaign
On May 20, 2023, within the framework of the regional subbotnik and the campaign "I love my city", school staff and students took an active part in this subbotnik. Seedlings of elm and lilac were planted. Everyone cleaned the park together.

As part of the events dedicated to the International Family Day, 3rd grade students, class teacher Tsarkova S.V., took part in the exhibition and protection of posters, projects "My friendly Family".

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:19:52
As part of the events dedicated to the International Family Day, 3rd grade students, class teacher Tsarkova S.V., took part in the exhibition and protection of posters, projects
As part of the events dedicated to the International Family Day, 3rd grade students, class teacher Tsarkova S.V., took part in the exhibition and protection of posters, projects "My friendly Family". The children, looking at the works with great interest and pride, told about their relatives and friends, about hobbies in the family, about how they spend their free time together, and...

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us, these are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take an example, whom we care about, to whom we wish good and happiness.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:17:45
Family is the most important thing in life for each of us, these are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take an example, whom we care about, to whom we wish good and happiness.
Family is the most important thing in life for each of us, these are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take an example, whom we care about, to whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.  As part of the events dedicated to the International Family Day on May 15, 2023, class hours "Family and family v...

Within the framework of the Republican challenge "Zhasyl Meken" and within the 1st stage of the campaign "I love my city! " a clean-up day was held to clean the territory, whitewash the borders and trees, and also planted: 10 poplar seedlings, 6 cherry se

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:12:56
Within the framework of the Republican challenge
Within the framework of the Republican challenge "Zhasyl Meken" and within the 1st stage of the campaign "I love my city! " a clean-up day was held to clean the territory, whitewash the borders and trees, and also planted: 10 poplar seedlings, 6 cherry seedlings.  The challenge was attended by future graduates of grades 9 and 10, classroom teachers, parents, representati...

In April, the Lego team of our school under the guidance of technology teacher Nasibaev Zh.M. took part in the city qualifying stage in the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies and took 2nd place in the category

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:11:04
In April, the Lego team of our school under the guidance of technology teacher Nasibaev Zh.M. took part in the city qualifying stage in the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies and took 2nd place in the category
In April, the Lego team of our school under the guidance of technology teacher Nasibaev Zh.M. took part in the city qualifying stage in the VIII International Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovative Technologies and took 2nd place in the category "Sumo".

A solemn line dedicated to the Day of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War was held for the students of the school.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:09:09
A solemn line dedicated to the Day of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War was held for the students of the school.
A solemn line dedicated to the Day of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War was held for the students of the school. The acting director of the school, I.V. Bondar, congratulated on the holiday, who urged the boys to be real citizens of their country, who should be able to defend the Fatherland, love their Homeland, and become its patriots....

a competitive program "Come on, boys" was held among primary and secondary school students.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:06:42
a competitive program
On May 5, 2023, a competitive program "Come on, boys" was held among primary and secondary school students. The following contests were prepared for them: "Military aviation", "Physical training", "Fast and brave", "Clear the field", "Marksman", "Company, rise!", etc. In the competitive struggle, the guys performed tasks for d...

6th grade students, homeroom teacher A.M. Utesheva visited the city Museum of Local Lore. Schoolchildren looked with interest at various exhibits,

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:04:29
 6th grade students, homeroom teacher A.M. Utesheva visited the city Museum of Local Lore.   Schoolchildren looked with interest at various exhibits,
On May 5, 6th grade students, homeroom teacher A.M. Utesheva visited the city Museum of Local Lore.   Schoolchildren looked with interest at various exhibits, documents, photographs, newspapers and letters from the Second World War, learned a lot about the heroes of Kazakhstan, Balkhash, about the people who fought and brought victory.

class hours dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day were held at the school, the purpose of which was to instill in students a sense of pride

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 12:02:28
class hours dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day were held at the school, the purpose of which was to instill in students a sense of pride
On May 5, 2023, class hours dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day were held at the school, the purpose of which was to instill in students a sense of pride, respect for the older generation and its merits, and to attract the attention of the younger generation to the history of their country. During the class hours, it was told about the main events of the Second World War,...

On May 5, 2023, as part of the "Hour of Integrity" events, high school students watched a video with the participation of Azamat Eszhanov, who told about his activities.

Category: Мектеп жаңалықтары 2022-2023 оқу жылы
Date: 2023-05-16 11:57:34
On May 5, 2023, as part of the
On May 5, 2023, as part of the "Hour of Integrity" events, high school students watched a video with the participation of Azamat Eszhanov, who told about his activities.

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