
the final of the city competition "The Coolest Cool — 2015"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-19 04:05:05
the  final of the city competition
    On 18th of May in a gymnasium was the final of the city competition "The Coolest Cool — 2015" took place. 15 schools of the city took part in competition. Each participant presented the full report of the class teacher in the portfolio form. In the following round there passed contestants from 12 schools. They showed the skill, having given opening hours of communic...

Information of KGU "Gymnasium of the City of Balkhash" on carrying out the Uniform Republican Parental Conference "Psychological Assistance to Parents when Training the Teenager for Delivery of ENT"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-16 08:58:27
Information of KGU
Within the International Day of a family - on May 16 2015 KGU "Gymnasium of the City of Balkhash" participated in the large-scale Republican action "Psychological Assistance to Parents when Training the Teenager for Delivery of ENT" which is carried out at the initiative of Institute of Family Education.       The action is directed on rendering psychologic...

Dedicated all warriors, veterans of great patriotic war

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-08 08:20:13
Dedicated all warriors, veterans of great patriotic war
   The Victory day is a holiday this glad, we Mark already ten of years.Though with горчинкой he, but all sweet -Он in history left track!Let a health in your life not end, to Veterans our - happiness by all soul!Let a planet only for you run around, And walk around all alarms a side!

Municipal competition of adaptation for stage of military-patriotic song on a theme "Ерліктің мәңгілік алауы"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-08 03:44:31
Municipal competition of adaptation for stage of military-patriotic song on a theme
In this competition pupils of 10 "B" of a class, showed a performance of the song "War correspondents", reflected time of military years. The contents of the song were shown in the video, devoted to this competition. The veterans of the Second World War invited to this competition, being the audience expressed huge gratitude to all participants of competition. All participant...

Open JUDO tournament of republican level

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-08 03:40:09
Open JUDO tournament of republican level
I passed the Open JUDO tournament of republican level organized by department of education and physical culture, devoted to celebration of the 70 anniversary of the Victory of the Second World War in which the pupil 6 "A" classes - Kanafin Sanzhar in weight category of 38 kilograms and the third prize-winning place the pupil 6 "A" klassa-Torebek Alisher in weight category of...

70 years from the date of the Victory

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-04 05:52:38
70 years from the date of the Victory
On April 29 devoted to celebration of the 70 anniversary from the date of the Victory in a conference room the festive event on "We Will Hold in Remembrance the Great Victory" was organized. At the beginning of a holiday the congratulatory speech was made by the director of a gymnasium - Dyusambayev B. A. On this festive action veterans of the Second World War deputy head of department...

On May 1 - the Festival of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-04 05:46:40
On May 1 - the Festival of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan
Since April 23 in a gymnasium, according to the plan of celebration "on May 1 - the Festival of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan" thematic events were organized and held. on 1 floor - the thematic stand "Beyb_tsh_l_k — El_mn _  Berekes _".         On April 25 the book exhibition on the subject "B_r of a Shayr  Astynda" was orga...

Day of school - 2015

Category: "Критериалды бағалау" ата-аналар жиналысы
Date: 2015-04-18 02:52:17
Day of school - 2015
program 14:00-14:30 meeting of guests The Iprezentation block of work of collective with exceptional children     14:30-14:40  Литературный поезд «Правнуки Победы» (проект «Чтение в радость») 2 этаж Конференц-зал  ...

City Day

Category: school news
Date: 2015-04-15 05:46:20
City Day
11, on April 13 among pupils of 1-10 classes in a gymnasium it was according to the plan organized a number of cultural events. Pupils of 5-7 classes on 1 floor of school presented thematic stendgazeta "Maine і ң туған alam-Balash", "Maine alamda мақтан етемін", "Tuan күн і ң exchanges Balash of a alasa", "to Are to ala – Balashym". The Torzh...

City competition on "We Will Know Safety Regulations"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-27 03:41:40
City competition on
Was to affect by a main goal of competition all napvralveniye and aspects of rules of conduct, tasks were on knowledge of Safety regulations, Pravilpovedeniya in emergency situations, first-aid treatment at burns and the fire, Traffic regulations.

Trio "Jas dәuren"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-26 07:14:25
Trio "Jas dәuren" Pupils of the gymnasium to celebrate Nauryz on Independence Square residents of the city presented the song "Kazakh Eli osynday."

City competition drawings "Friendship of Peoples"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-03-26 07:03:23
City competition drawings
03/26/2015 Today at the Palais des Schoolchildren held city drawing competition on the theme of "Friendship of Peoples", where students gymnasium 6b class to represent our school. The Results: Boldachev Marat 1 place   Rybtsova Sofya- diploma in the nomination "Fantasy" Well done, keep it up !!!

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