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Week "World of mathematics"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-02-08 13:15:28
"Математика әлемі" апталығы аясында балаларға дамытушылық мультфильмдер көрсетілді.

Online marker”fun math at home " organized with parents

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-02-08 12:58:40
Online marker”fun math at home
“Үйдені көңілді математика”ата- аналармен бірге ұйымдастырылған онлайн маркер

Week "World of mathematics"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-02-08 12:55:22
"Қошақан" тобында "Математика әлемі" апталығы аясында  балалармен акцион, кафе сюжеттік ойын өткізілді .

Week of mathematical literacy"the world of Mathematics".

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2022-02-07 13:41:39
Week of mathematical literacy
Sanamak is a national game for children. Among the games that require intelligence, dexterity and flexibility. By repeating numbers, the child is taught the first mathematical lesson — counting.

Universal legal training

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2022-02-07 11:17:58
Universal legal training
Teachers of the nursery-garden" Еrtostik " conducted universal legal training.

Middle group "Кoshakan". Drawing NOC.

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-01-27 09:56:05
Middle group

Daily routine in the nursery!

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-01-27 09:48:03
Daily routine in the nursery!

Оrganized training activities.

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-01-26 09:29:14
Оrganized training activities.
Balapan subgroup. Fiction Topic:" sleeping animals " purpose: to give children an idea of sleeping animals. Learn how to pronounce sounds correctly,using words that imitate sound.

For you, parents!

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-01-20 09:56:00
For you, parents!

Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive.

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-01-17 08:58:20
Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive.

Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive.

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-01-17 08:53:37
Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive.

Week of aesthetic correctness "Бұл әлем қандай тамаша!"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2022-01-13 12:37:02
Week of aesthetic correctness
Within the framework of the week of aesthetic literacy in the subgroup"balapan". "A conversation was held on the winter illustration.

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