Размер шрифта:


We are strong and agile.

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2023-02-01 10:25:10
We are strong and agile.
Purpose: to increase the physical qualities of children, including strength, dexterity,flexibility, develop communication and cognitive skills. Simple questions form the answer. Develop knowledge of geometric shapes, develop creative abilities.

Regional seminar for young professionals

Category: Государственные услуги
Date: 2022-12-15 10:09:24
Regional seminar for young professionals
В городе Балхаш прошел областной семинар для молодых специалистов.

Regional seminar for young professionals

Category: Государственные услуги
Date: 2022-12-15 10:06:40
Regional seminar for young professionals
Балқаш қаласының "Ер Төстік" бөбекжайында жас мамандарға арналған облыстық семинар өткізілді. 

Reader Literacy Week: "Book Fair"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-11-16 08:58:32
Reader Literacy Week:
"Mnemotable- remember!"Learning poems mnemotables

Reader Literacy Week: "Book Fair"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-11-15 15:54:51
Reader Literacy Week:
Thematic conversation on the topic: "The book is a golden treasure"

Reader Literacy Week: "Book Fair"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-11-15 15:47:56
Reader Literacy Week:
"Bookmarks for books"

Reader Literacy Week: "Book Fair"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-11-15 13:52:07
Reader Literacy Week:
Goal:to intensify the work in groups to introduce pupils to the book culture, the development of reader literacy. Tasks: - To increase the effectiveness of the work on introducing children to the book in the interaction of all participants in the educational process through the updating of forms and methods of working with children - The development of a steady interest in fiction in preschool c...

Consultation of a teacher-defectologist

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-10-28 09:19:07
Consultation of a teacher-defectologist
Мұғалім-дефектологтың ата-аналарға арналған кеңесі

Why is the child aggressive?

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-10-27 14:00:06
Why is the child aggressive?
Бөбекжайымыздың психологының ата-аналарға арналған кеңесі

Parents ' meeting.

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2022-10-26 15:27:10
Parents ' meeting.
Parents of the nursery" ertostik "took part in a general parent meeting on the topic:" implementation of the model for the development of preschool education and training: qualitative transformation at the level of preschool education." During the meeting, parents were explained comprehensive approaches to solving the problems of the preschool education system in the 2022-202...

The nursery - garden "ErTostik" underwent a training evacuation.

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2022-10-26 15:16:55
The nursery - garden
In the preschool institution "ErTostik", a training evacuation was held to work out emergency response skills among employees and kindergarten students.

Historical Functional Literacy Week "Сүйікті өлкеме арнаймын"

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2022-10-12 15:17:55
Historical Functional Literacy Week
Today in the middle group"Alakan "held an educational conversation with children on the topic" journey to the past of my native land".We got acquainted with the history of our native land by creating cubes and puzzles in the development of languages, instilling patriotic feelings for the native land.

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