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Тіл тазалығын сақтайық!

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2021-09-02 13:46:05
Тіл тазалығын сақтайық!
Құрметті, ата-аналар! Сіздерді Қазақстан Халықтарының Тілдер мерекесімен құттықтап, "Тіл тазалығын сақтайық" атты ақпаратты назарларыңызға ұсынамыз. Ана тіліміздің қалыптасуы әр отбасыннан бастау алады.

Кездескенше жайдарлы жаз!

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2021-08-31 16:45:51
Кездескенше жайдарлы жаз!
Бүгін бөбекжай балаларымен "Кездескенше жайдарлы жаз" атты ойын сауықтыру өтті. Балалар жаз мезгілде алған әсерлерлерімен бөлісіп, жаңа оқу жылына көтеріңкі көңіл-күймен қадам басты.

30 тамыз - Қазақстан Республикасының Конституциясы күні

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-08-27 17:22:47
30 тамыз - Қазақстан Республикасының Конституциясы күні
30 тамыз - Қазақстан Республикасының Конституциясы күніне орай бөбекжайымыздың ортаңғы, ересек топтарында түрлі іс-шаралар ұйымдастырылды. Шара барысында бүлдіршіндерге тәуелсіз еліміздің басты құндылығы Ата заңымыздың мемлекетіміз үшін аса маңыздылығы түсіндірілді. Өз кезегінде бөбектер мереке аясында әннен шашу шашып, би биледі.

On the theme” Mom, Dad and I are a friendly family“

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-08-11 15:27:27
On the theme” Mom, Dad and I are a friendly family“
The average of the group . On the theme” Mom, Dad and I are a friendly family“, a sports competition was held in the fresh air with parents” Family relay race " with the participation of children.

Tempering in the sun!

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-08-11 15:19:12
Tempering in the sun!
With children of the younger and middle groups on the topic" syzdyrady muldir su", children were tempered in a playful way about the benefits of air and water.

Day of the capital Nur-sUltan!

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-08-11 14:30:10
Day of the capital Nur-sUltan!
July 6-an entertainment event dedicated to the celebration of the birthday of the city of Nur-Sultan was held. At the beginning of the event, the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was played, and young children laid their hands on their chests.In order to increase the idea of the capital of the country, the city of Nur-Sultan, we briefly presented the names of the sights and New ma...

"Men are the fortress of the earth, the defenders of the country!"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-05-06 10:58:38
  "Men are the fortress of the earth, the defenders of the country!" Today, in honor of the holiday – on May 7, on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, educational thematic classes were held in the senior group "Bobek", "Rechevichki".The children watched video films on the theme: "Erler-zherdin korgany, eldin tutkasy!". Children of the middl...

Open natural-cognitive lesson on the topic "Work in a corner of nature"

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-04-07 14:04:29
Open natural-cognitive lesson on the topic
Open natural-cognitive lesson on the topic "Work in a corner of nature" In the speech therapy group "Rechevichki", the teacher of Amirbekova I. R, conducted an open natural-cognitive lesson on the topic "Work in a corner of nature". The purpose of the lesson is correctional and developmental . Development of coherent speech, visual attention and perception, fine m...

Winter walk in the kindergarten

Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-02-02 14:43:33
Winter walk in the kindergarten
Winter walk in the kindergarten   Today in kindergarten Er Tostik hosted a fun sports competition "Is kazdy". The physical education instructor and music director, teachers of the senior and middle groups took advantage of the favorable weather and today gave the kids a great mood. Teachers invented an unusual games that gave the children the Photos of scenes from their experi...

On January 25-29, the contest " The best patriotic corner! "

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2021-02-02 14:02:33
On January 25-29, the contest
On January 25-29, the contest " The best patriotic corner! " The contest "The best patriotic corner in the group!" ended on January 29. In this competition, the best teachers of the correctional group No. 3 "Bobekter" became the best, as handmade products and Kazakh national products created together with their parents created a unique color.Teachers who participa...

Math Literacy Week " Fun Math"

Category: О детском саде
Date: 2021-02-02 11:44:07
Math Literacy Week
Math Literacy Week " Fun Math" January 25-29 Math Literacy Week " Fun Math" The Educational and Methodological Center of the Karaganda region organized the week of mathematical literacy " Entertaining mathematics!In order to improve the quality of mathematical education in preschool organizations in the kindergarten "Er Tostik" in Balkhash in all senior and p...


Category: Новости д\с
Date: 2021-02-01 22:44:39
From January 2021, the Department of education of Karaganda region launched a chat in Telegram channel to support parents of children with special educational needs, where they are given the opportunity to get consultation assistance from the heads of education departments, specialists of psychological - medical - pedagogical consultation offices of psycho-pedagogical correction on education and...

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