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Competition of projects «Energy of the future»

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-14 10:46:03
Competition of projects «Energy of the future»
   on April, 13, 2016 on a base OSSH 10 the city round of competition  of projects «Energy of the future» was conducted, within the framework of forthcoming regional forum of physicists. For participating 6 works were declared in a competition: gymnasium, ssh №3, ssh №10, ssh №8. The most actual, rich  in content projects were directed on a regional round.
Author: Department

Our victory on

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-04-13 03:11:45
Our victory on
    April 7, 2016 in the branch of JSC “National center of excellence “Orleu” Institute of Advanced Training of teachers in Karaganda region, director of kindergarten “Bobek” Zhanar Toleutaevna Zhazbekova and educator of senior group Elmira Hamitovna Kuanyshbekova became participants of the first section with an innovative project “Develop of logical...
Author: Department

The competition ’’On sausagynan oner tamgan halyqpyz"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-31 05:44:22
The competition ’’On  sausagynan oner tamgan halyqpyz
   The secondary school №8 for the purpose of fostering a sense of national identity, respect  and for cultural interests  to traditions and customs of its people held city competition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of our country. The competition was attended by students of Kazakh schools of  the city. The contest consisted of several stages: Each tea...
Author: Department

Debate «Журек жылуы»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-30 06:15:50
Debate «Журек  жылуы»
   On 26 March was hold community debate «Журек  жылуы».  In this debate took part pupils and teachers. At school league took part 9 kazakh schools and 3 russian. At school league took part pupils from school-lyceum №2, school №16, school-gymnasium №7 by S.Seifullin, school №25 by Y.Altynsarin. At Russian league took part pupils schools №1 and school №10. At teach...
Author: Department

Panorama of open lessons of natural objects

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 09:27:04
Panorama of open lessons of natural objects
                    Seminar "Leadership is a guarantee of social personality"      For the teachers of geography a seminar was organized "Leadership is a guarantee of social personality". Teachers actively worked in groups. Теоретичекая part of seminar  was accompanied  by practice.   &nb...
Author: Department

Panorama of open lessons on the articles of naturally-mathematical direction

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 09:16:43
Panorama of open lessons on the articles of naturally-mathematical direction
     1.    on February, 24, 2016 teacher of physics of школ-интерната №conducted 3  Рымкулова of Г.  open lesson in a 9 class on a theme "Radio-activity".  A lesson passed interesting and cognitive.   2.      n February, 25, 2016 teacher  of biology of сш №16 Балкеева Н. conducted an open lesson  in...
Author: Department

Organization preschool children "Baldyrgan"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-02 11:51:15
   Organization preschool children
      Our head of the state N.A.Nazarbaev 1 March-declared the day of thanksgiving. Day of thanksgiving – world on earth, maintenance of kindness.Day of thanksgiving- respect of people to each other. In this connection an event passed in a kindergarten "Baldyrgan" a holiday.    The theme "Thank you to my family for my education!" under the d...
Author: Department

Panorama open lessons on physics

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 09:28:45
Panorama open lessons on physics
       According to the plan of the city MO physics teachers, teacher Morozova NV outdoor physics lesson was held in the 8th grade on "Incandescent. Electric heaters. Fuses. " Guests of the lesson, the teacher of physics became the city's schools.    The lesson was built it on the basis of the latest learning technologies. A lesson for the students...
Author: Department

The day of thanks in the kindergarten

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-01 10:49:04
The day of thanks in the kindergarten
       There was a holiday dedicated to The day of thanks in the kindergarten «Aygolek»for the first time at 01.03.2016.     Children from senior groups gathered in the decorated hall to say words of thanks to their educators for attention, tenderness, opening world and interesting hobbies.Children expressed thankfulness to their educators by singing...
Author: Department

Day of thanks «Akbota»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2016-03-01 10:44:06
Day of thanks «Akbota»
     With the aim of thanks and respect for each other all the citizens of our country. In kindergarten «Akbota»  for children of the middle group was held a festive event on the «Day of thanks». And in the older groups it organized an exhibition where children and their parents have shown their works. The children hugging and thanked their parents,...
Author: Department

«I say Thank you»

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-01 10:40:06
«I  say Thank you»
      This year our country is celebrating especial holiday  “1 of Marth  – Thanksgiving day” which improve  friendship of  nations to new level.  On the first holiday of spring our kindergarten’Alpamys’ held especial for pensioner educators event “I say Thank you”. Children wearing costumes of each nation e...
Author: Department

" Do good "

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-01 10:34:07
      On the eve of the celebration of the Day of thanks at the Palace of school students took action " Zhaksylyk Zhasa - Do good ."          February 25, 2016 the students OSSHI № 4 for children with OVRbyla presented a musical fairy tale " fairytale machines ." Children together with the heroes of cartoons " Masha and the Bea...
Author: Department

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