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«Ұлт болашағы және латын әліпбиі» атты қалалық ақпараттық – насихаттау топ мүшелерімен кездесу болып өтті.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-04-02 10:24:18
2018 жылдың 29 наурызында №7 мектеп-гимназиясында латын әліпбиіне көшу барысында ұйымдастырылған «Ұлт болашағы және латын әліпбиі» атты қалалық ақпараттық – насихаттау топ мүшелерімен кездесу болып өтті.  Кездесу №8 орта мектептің кадет сыныптарынан құрылған үгіт тобының насихаттау ақпаратымен ашылды.  Кездесу барысында қала мектептерінің қазақ тілі мұғалідері ме...
Author: Department

March 28, 2018 in the secondary school number 8 was a city forum of history teachers on the topic "Cultural and genetic code: history, traditions, customs."

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-03-30 11:36:21
March 28, 2018 in the secondary school number 8 was a city forum of history teachers on the topic "Cultural and genetic code: history, traditions, customs." The purpose of the forum was to implement the program - "Tуған жер", as a historical value for young generations, contributing to the development of a sense of patriotism and instilling love for a small homeland. &nbs...
Author: Department

27 наурызда N16 мектеп базасында география пəні мұғалімдеріне арналған семинар-практикум өтті

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-03-28 10:46:38
27 наурызда N16 мектеп базасында география пəні мұғалімдеріне арналған семинар-практикум өтті. "Туған жер" бағдарламасын жүзеге асыру мақсатында "Өлкетану" бойынша электронды құралдар дайындауда тəжірибе алмасу. Білім мекемелерінің пəн мұғалімдері семинарға қатысу барысында N15 мектеп-лицейдің пəн мұғалімі С.Сатбек, N2 лицей А.Тускеева,N7 мектеп-гимназия Б.Тусипбеков , N9...
Author: Department

День благодарности!!!

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-03-02 12:08:54
1 марта 2018 г. во всех организациях образования прошли праздничные мероприятия, посвященные Дню благодарности. В этот день дань уважения оказали всем национальностям, проживающим в нашей стране и в нашем городе. Учащиеся и родители угощались национальными блюдами, участвовали в ярмарках и концертах. С праздником дружбы, с днем создания Ассамблеи народов Казахстана!
Author: Department

" Regional competitionthree-dimensional modeling in Engineering "

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-03-01 11:33:46
On 27.02.2010  organizedby the directionthe Department of education of Karaganda region  "educational and methodical center of development of education of Karaganda region  was held " Regional competitionthree-dimensional modeling in Engineering ". From Balkhash participated students of  Lyceum №2, Lyceum №15, school № 7. 1) AltynayAhmedia – 8 class, L...
Author: Department

« The day of school 2018 » MPI« School – gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin»

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-22 14:55:13
« The day of school 2018 » MPI«School – gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin» I part « Behind the pages of the textbook» Purposes: the improvement of the activity of the school library and museum in the formation of civil and patriotic qualities, using potential of local lore, search engine,and researchperformance. Educational-methodological complex a...
Author: Department

"Lyceum №2 named after Abai" KSU, Balkhash Information about the School Day on the topic: "Updated Education in Kazakhstan"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-20 15:58:48
The school day was celebrated on February 19 at our lyceum. The school day program  consisted of  three sections. In section I, according to  the program "Native Land", in the museum were presented regional programs and presentations of  some teachers and pupils.          On section II, according to  the direction &q...
Author: Department

On 16th February at secondary school was held a traditional town event – “School day”.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-19 17:11:48
On 16th February at secondary school was held a traditional town event – “School day”.  The first blockwas called “A functional competent teacher”.  The open lesson according to the updated program was given by Muratbekov Kairat Kaiyrdenuly. The theme of the open lesson was “Manufacturing product. Mechanical processing of materials and details&rdq...
Author: Department

KSU "Secondary school №5 of Balkhash town" Day of school 2018: "Modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0. - share of knowledge » Information about the event in the school

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-13 11:22:20
KSU "Secondary school №5 of Balkhash town" Day of school 2018: "Modernization of Kazakhstan 3.0. - share of knowledge » Information about the event in the school The school day included 4 blocks. I. Four subjects were taught in the section "A Functionally Competent Teacher".  Girls 5A in the class "Artistic work" was conducted by Z. Esen...
Author: Department

On the 8 th of February 8, 2018 in secondary school №1 carried out the traditional School day.

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-08 17:11:28
He passed under the motto: "modernization 3.0-contribution to education.» He passed under the motto: "modernization 3.0-contribution to education»          According to the aforementioned areas were presented lessons artistic work (boys) grade 5 "Art sawing products curved shape on the outer and inner loop", grade 5 (...
Author: Department

School Day -2018

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2018-02-08 15:30:11
Today, science and education, new technologies have become key factors in the competitiveness of any country, and hence its welfare. Knowledge and creative potential of thinking, that is, creativity, the ability to navigate in a market economy, to adapt quickly in a dynamic world, mobility and high professionalism have become the most valuable and popular resource. In order to develop these q...
Author: Department

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