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Excursion to an educational institution

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2024-01-24 14:19:47
Excursion to an educational institution In accordance with the plan for organizing winter holidays for schoolchildren, in January, students of the 9th grade of our school took part in a professional selection, which was held at the technical college named after the National Hero of the Republic of Kazakhstan R. Koshkarbayev in Balkhash. Purpose: to promote the correct choice of profession by...
Author: School №6

Meeting "Person of labor"

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2024-01-24 14:03:35
Meeting "Person of labor" "They work tirelessly every day for the bright future of their native country, demonstrate an advanced example of patriotism. Such noble qualities as hard work, business acumen, responsibility, curiosity and the ability to learn from the good, aversion to the bad, inherent in an "honest citizen" - all this is inherent in a true man of work. Th...
Author: School №6

Excursion to the emergency department

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2024-01-24 13:53:23
Excursion to the emergency department  In October, students in grades 5-6 of our school visited the local department of emergency services, firefighters and mountain rescuers. Purpose: to familiarize students with the intricacies of the lifeguard profession and the formation of skills of knowledge of hazard measures in an emergency situation, career guidance. An excursion to the fire st...
Author: School №6

"The pros and cons of blogging"

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2024-01-24 13:37:13
On the topic "pros and cons of blogging", career guidance teacher Rashitova S. A. held a debate among students participating in the debate on 29.03. Purpose: to give the opportunity to freely express their thoughts, clearly articulate their civic position; First of all, the word blogger was defined so that we were all familiar. Currently, bloggers are often found among young people who...
Author: School №6

Round table "we are proud of our symbol"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2024-01-22 12:52:57
In accordance with the plan of educational events for January 22, a round table on the topic "we are proud of our symbol" was held at our school, organized by students of the school Parliament. Purpose: to explain to students the procedure for the use of state symbols, their status, to explain to them what responsibility citizens who have insulted state symbols are brought to.
Author: School №6

Intellectual oratory contest "Asyl soz"

Category: School news
Date: 2024-01-18 15:55:42
As part of the Reading Literacy Week, on January 18, the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Zhanaidarova A. B. held an intellectual oratory competition "Asyl soz" among students of grades 9a, 9a. Purpose: to increase students' interest in public speaking, improve speech skills, adapt to quick decision-making. The competition was attended by the groups "Birlik",...
Author: School №6

Ата- аналар жиналысы өтті

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2024-01-15 08:34:31
1. II тоқсанныңқорытындысы. Есендикова А.Б. 2. Как не стать жертвой деструктивных религиозных сект. Ответственность за религиозных экстремизм, терроризм. Игембаева А.Д. 3. Мектеп, оқушы, ата-ана: ынтымақтастық қырлары Байсагызова А.К. 4.  Буллинг. Баланың барлық қатыгездіктен қорғалуға құқығы.  Әлеуметтік норм...
Author: School №6

Relay race "Shynyksan, shymyr bolasyn"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2024-01-12 16:12:47
On 12.01.2024, in our school, members of the school parliament held a relay competition among students of grades 7 a, a,b "Shynyksan, shymyr bolasyn". Purpose: to strengthen the health of children, to educate dexterity, speed. The game included the VI stage. As a result, with 27 points, the 7th grade took I place, with 22 points, the 7th grade took II place, with 21 points, the 7th gra...
Author: School №6

TEDx conference" Alikhan Bukeikhan - the great person of the nation"

Category: School news
Date: 2024-01-08 10:10:12
A student of the 9th grade of our school, Balzhan Adilgalieva, was awarded a diploma of the first degree in the direction of the role of the spiritual heritage of the Alash party in the patriotic education of young people at the TEDx conference "Alikhan Bukeikhan-the great personality of the nation" in the 15th Lyceum School named after Alikhan Bukeikhan. Scientific supervisor: geograp...
Author: School №6

«Қызым еркем, жеңгесімен көркем» атты жеңгелер шеберлік сағаты

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2024-01-04 11:00:03
Желтоқсанның 22 күні жеңгелер клубының жетекшісі Увалиева Н.М. ұйымдастыруымен «Қызым еркем, жеңгесімен көркем» атты жеңгелер шеберлік сағаты өткізілді.Мақсаты:адамгершілік қасиеттерін, жеңге мен қайын сіңлінің арасындағы өзара сыйластық, бір - біріне деген сүйіспеншілікті нығайтып, ана мен бала, жеңге мен қыз арасындағы тәрбиені одан әрі дамыту, Отанын, тілін, қазақы салт - дәстүрді...
Author: School №6

9-11 сыныптардың жаңа жылдық кеші

Category: School news
Date: 2024-01-04 10:48:42
Жаңа жыл! Жаңа жыл! Жаңа жыл! Ақ көрпесін жамылды ғой дала - қыр. Жаңа жыл! Жаңа жыл! Жаңа жыл! Шалқытайық шаттық ән мен жаңа жыр.
Author: School №6

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