
Жеділ желі телефондары

Category: Information
Date: 2020-03-18 16:46:16
Author: School №6

Защити себя от короновинуса!

Category: Information
Date: 2020-03-18 16:37:02
Author: School №6

Procedure for completing the electronic journal

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-16 12:15:04
Dear teachers! Below we send you the procedure for completing the electronic journal: 1. It is necessary to adjust the dates and types of lessons for lesson plans for the 3rd quarter: all planned control (SD and SDh) 3-quarters should be indicated in 3-quarters. 2. In order that the quarterly work plans (which begin on March 16) should not be reintroduced into the fourth quarter, you can ed...
Author: School №6

March 8-international women's day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-07 09:36:58
International women's day is a holiday celebrated on March 8. This is one of the brightest holidays that comes with spring. Women of noble people, of course-a sea of flowers, they had lgseta special day in the life the ideal. On March 5, a festive concert was held in our school. During the event, high school students and lower school students congratulated the lovely women and teachers.Stude...
Author: School №6

March 1-thanksgiving Day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-03-05 10:35:43
On March 1, our school celebrated the day of gratitude. "Gratitude and appreciation" on the topic: class hours among different classes. Among the seniors and juniors, words of gratitude to each other, a friendly response, and mutual respect were noted. In this regard, our school "Friendship", organized by the roof  a solemn event was held. The event included songs,...
Author: School №6

« Meeting with a veteran of the Afghan war »

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-18 11:56:28
One of the most tragic pages in the history of the Soviet period is The war in Afghanistan. The young generation, who faithfully fulfilled their duty to the Motherland and returned to the future, became a victim of the political game. Hundreds of young people returned with injuries, thousands of our compatriots returned because of the fire and the fire. On this day, a solemn event dedicated to t...
Author: School №6

Self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan "on the discipline" pedagogy of Love and Creativity " on the theme: closing ceremony of the decadeи

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-18 11:44:06
On February 13, the school held a solemn line following the results of the decade of self-knowledge "pedagogy of love and creativity". During the event, good wishes were expressed and festive events were closed. At the end of the event, students who took an active part in the work of the decade were encouraged.
Author: School №6

« It all starts with love » song contest

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-11 17:46:08
Within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" on February 10, a song contest "An kunildin azhary"was held at the school under the guidance of music teacher Seytbekova G. K.. During the event, students sang songs on the theme " Mother".
Author: School №6

Readers 'contest" Mother of the Golden heart" »

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-11 17:25:07
Within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" from February 3 to 12, 2020, on February 7, our school held a competition in for the readers 'Contest" Mother of the Golden heart" », organized by teachers Amirova L. K. and Kopbergenova M. K.  During the event, students demonstrated their ability to read expressively. Student...
Author: School №6

"Mercy is on earth! »

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-11 17:03:36
On February 5, as part of the decade "self-Knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity", primary school teacher Shaikysh S. S. held an open lesson on the theme: "kindness is on earth!". "a flash mob was organized . Students of grades 8-10 took part in this flashmob.
Author: School №6

"Self-knowledge: pedagogy of Love and Creativity »

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-02-11 16:42:09
Within the framework of the decade "self-Knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" from 3 to 12 February 2020, an introductory conversation was held with the action plan for the organization and conduct of the decade "self-Knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity". In accordance with this plan, the opening ceremony of the decade was held on 03.02. The solemn meeting began...
Author: School №6

Information about the activities carried out to choose a profession

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2020-01-31 15:43:48
On January 27, our school hosted a meeting of students of grades 9-11 and students of the Military Institute of the National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Petropavlovsk. The purpose of the meeting: to conduct awareness-raising work among students about the military Institute, career guidance. Temirlan is a graduate of the school, and now she is studying for the military at this school...
Author: School №6

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