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The corner "reasonable citizen" has been added.

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-10-10 08:37:22
With the participation of members of the voluntary school club" Adal urpak", the corner" Parasatty Azamat " was added on the first floor of the secondary school No. 6 in the village of Sayak. In the corner" reasonable citizen": * Goals and objectives of the club" Adal urpak"; * List of members of the club" Adal urpak"; * Anticorruption helpli...
Author: School №6

Evening of awarding the winners of the competition "teacher of the year-2023"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-09 23:30:01
️ ️ The intra-school stage of the competition" teacher of the year-2023 "came to an end, and on the eve of the teacher's holiday, he was awarded a special" certificate of honor". According to the decision of the commission, the winners were determined and qualified for the city stage. Лау Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Amirova Laura Kadirtayevna, who won th...
Author: School №6

Concert program organized by students of the 11th grade

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-09 23:18:16
Students of grades 11a,11B organized a concert event dedicated to the holiday” teacher's day " and congratulated teachers
Author: School №6

Matinee "old man kadyrlegen El kadyrli"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-09 23:10:23
In honor of the day of the holiday of the elderly, Shanyrak "instruct" held a matinee"old man kadyrlegen El kadyrli". The matinee gave the students an instructive mood. "I don't know," he said, " but I don't know what to say."
Author: School №6

"Instead of a bouquet, a newspaper, instead of a gift, a craft"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-10-09 22:43:11
In honor of the teacher's day, the campaign” wall newspaper instead of flowers, handmade items instead of gifts “was held in the KSU” N6 GZHB of Sayak village“, organized by the Volunteer Club” Adal urpak".
Author: School №6

1 қазан қарттар күні

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-06 11:52:30
Қазан айының алғашқы мерекелерінің бірі  1 қазан - қарттар күні мерекесі  құтты болсын! Көп жасаған қария, Ақылы теңіз-дария. Көп өнеге сөзі бар, Сөзі соқпақ, сөзі нәр. Мектебіміздің оқушылары қарт ұстаздарымызды мерекелерімен құттықтап, қарияларымызға көмектесіп қол ұшын берді. Мақсаты:  оқушылардың бойына халқымыздың қадір-қасиетін сіңіру, үлкенді сыйлай білуге, аталы сөзд...
Author: School №6

Балқаш қаласының "Конфессияаралық қатынастар мәселелерін зерттеу және талдау орталығы" КММ-нің теологі Тұрлыбек Қыдыр Сәкенұлымен кездесу

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-06 11:24:44
4.10.2023ж күні мектебіміздің жоғарғы сынып оқушыларымен Балқаш қаласының "Конфессияаралық қатынастар мәселелерін зерттеу және талдау орталығы" КММ-нің теологі Тұрлыбек Қыдыр Сәкенұлы оқушыларды зайырлы ортаға тарту, деструктивті және дәстүрлі емес діни сенімдерден бойларын аулақ ұстау мақсатында ақпараттық түсіндірме жұмысын  жүргізді.
Author: School №6

The competition "teacher of the year-2023" has come to an end

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-03 20:48:46
The last participant of the competition" teacher of the year-2023 "music teacher Telembetova A. B. With the 5th" a "class held a lesson on the topic" Aitys art". During the lesson, students got acquainted with the types of aitys, realized that it is a long-standing genre in oral literature, composed the stanzas of aitys themselves, organized aitys for girls and boys...
Author: School №6

Competition" teacher of the year-2023"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-28 21:49:03
Participant of the competition" teacher of the year-2023"primary school teacher Kauskanova G. E. with the 3rd" B "class held a lesson on the topic" area of figures". During the lesson, there were tasks related to functional literacy, in today's lesson,students demonstrated mathematical thinking, speech, and counting skills.
Author: School №6

The intra-school stage of the competition" teacher of the year-2023 " was held

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-28 21:35:54
Participant of the competition "teacher of the year-2023"teacher of artistic labor Nurzhan Bukhatovna with the 8th grade" A "held a meeting on the topic of performing creative work" Shi weaving". During the creative work, the methods of performing Shi weaving technology were demonstrated, and the students knitted their products from Shi.
Author: School №6

Competition" teacher of the year-2023"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-28 21:31:31
The participant of the competition" teacher of the year-2023", the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Amirova Laura Kadirtayevna, with the 7th grade" A", held a lesson on the theme" Kyz Zhibek", the wisdom of the Kazakh people. In today's lesson, students understood the aesthetic value of a literary work, described the nomadic life and customs of the...
Author: School №6

A meeting of young specialists was held

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-28 21:14:46
"If you want young-to the case!"by the way, on 25.09.2023, according to the plan of our school, a meeting of young specialists was held. The purpose of the meeting: to teach young teachers what effective methods of teaching should be used in accordance with modern requirements, and to teach them how to analyze lessons. At the beginning of the year, we discussed the problematic issues,...
Author: School №6

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