
"The future of the girl - the future of the country"

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-10-15 18:18:13
 KGU"Secondary school №6 of Sayak village" On October 10, 2020, a class hour was held on the ZOOM platform in honor of the International Girl's Day "Kyz Bolashagy-El Bolashagy". This international holiday is celebrated on October 11. Its purpose is to find solutions to the problems faced by girls, as well as to warn them about the importance of protecting their rig...
Author: School №6

"What is ecology?" Class hour with 1st graders on the topic

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-10-15 18:01:30
In the project "Energy of society" of the program "Spiritual Revival" Sayak village provided general education as part of activities to protect financial resources and environmental thinking among the population №6 grade teacher Faber EK "What is ecology?" on the topic Held a class hour with 1st graders. Purpose: to teach students about environmental education,...
Author: School №6

The state language is my language

Category: Article
Date: 2020-10-15 17:51:09
As you know, language is the main tool for understanding the nature of a nation and uniting peoples, therefore, knowing our state language is a requirement of life, a requirement of the times. As the poet sang: "If the tongue dies, I will die too." , you need respect for the Kazakh language. Everyone should start to respect the language in their family. We must not forget about the...
Author: School №6

The life of a language is the life of a nation

Category: Article
Date: 2020-10-14 15:57:02
The mother tongue is a nostalgia for the boiling blood, the suffering soul, the excitement, the beating heart, it must have both taste and meaning.                                          &nb...
Author: School №6

Intra-school competition "Teacher of the Year 2020"

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-10-14 07:21:42
Author: School №6

"World famous beauties"

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-10-14 07:19:29
As part of the events dedicated to the International Girls' Day on October 11 at the secondary school # 6 in the village of Sayak, the librarian A. Igembayeva organized a library hour with 4th graders on the theme "World famous beauties".
Author: School №6

International Girls' Day

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-10-09 21:33:08
On October 10 at 15:00 there will be a live broadcast for parents and schoolchildren "INTERNATIONAL GIRLS 'DAY" within the framework of the regional project "Family Hour".
Author: School №6

Live broadcast by the school principal

Category: announcement
Date: 2020-10-09 21:26:50
Author: School №6

City online seminar

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2020-10-09 16:19:55
Subject teachers of the Association of Natural Sciences and Mathematics held a seminar on "ZOOM" with the participation of teachers of urban subjects on the topic "ASSEMBLY OF ASSEMBLY, ASSEMBLY". At the seminar, teachers shared their experiences, divided teachers into session rooms, gave assignments and summed up the seminar.
Author: School №6

Online seminar

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2020-10-08 22:32:15
meeting with teachers was held at secondary school No. 6 in Sayak village. Various problems are considered . 1.2020 - 2021 consideration of applications of teachers who pass certification in the year of training, approval of the list of teachers who pass certification. 2. familiarization with the rules and conditions of certification of teachers and persons equated to them 3.instructing the cert...
Author: School №6

online seminar

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2020-10-08 16:44:24
Sultangazieva Kulnar Tugelbaevna, a teacher of biology and chemistry, held a seminar for teachers of the city on the topic "Development of PES, PES".
Author: School №6

Information on graduates admitted to pedagogical and medical educational institution

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-10-08 15:58:22
Педагогические учебные заведения №  ОО                 ФИО Название ВУЗа специальность   - - - -    ...
Author: School №6

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