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"One family - one book"

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-11-09 21:57:46
Today it is very important to teach the younger generation to respect cultural values, including their own literature. Family reading is the formation of the spiritual development of the family, passion for books. To this end, Zheksembaev Talgat and Zheksembaeva Tatyana - an international family took part in the action "One family - one book" and read the poem "Winter" by Ser...
Author: School №6

Preventing a new wave of the Covid-19 epidemic

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2020-11-03 09:53:59
On October 24-25, at the Moscow State University "Secondary School No. 6 of the Sayak Village", a meeting was held between parents and parents of grades 1-11 as part of activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent a new wave of coronavirus infection. ... The parents were familiarized with all the requirements for the prevention of this epidemic and the measures taken, instruc...
Author: School №6

Информация КГУ «ОСШ №6 п. Саяк» о поступлении выпускников 9-х классов в колледжи г. Балхашсентябрь, 2020 г.

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-03 09:48:10
  всего БГТК БМПК Мед.колледж Колледж Казахмыс Болашак Колледж им.Р.Кошкарбаева 10 кл. Выезд за пределы города Караганды колледж Жас улан...
Author: School №6

Данные о выпускниках ОСШ№6 п.Саяк Выпускники 9-11 классов

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-03 09:43:09
№ ФИО Дата рождения Адрес проживания 1 Бакытбекова Ақжарқын - 26.04.2005 Степная 29-2 2 Жанабекова Айғаным10 21.12.2005 МПС 27-3 3...
Author: School №6

Список трудоустройства выпускников 11 класса ОСШ №6 п.Саяк 2019-2020 уч.года

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2020-11-03 09:40:02
                                                   №     ФИО Куда...
Author: School №6

Ата-аналар жиналысы

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2020-10-31 16:28:54
Саяқ кенті жалпы білім беретін №6 орта мектебі КММ Ата-аналар жиналысы ақпар 31.10.2020 ж сағат 16:30-да 5-11 сынып ата-аналарымен ZOOM платформасы арқылы жалпы ата-аналар жиналысы өтілді. Жиналыста талқыланған негізгі тақырыптар: 1. Жасөспірімдер арасындағы құқықбұзушылықтың алдын – алу / Баяндамашы әлеуметтік педагог: Рахимова М.Т/ 2. Карантин жағдайындағы балалар мен ата-анала...
Author: School №6

Crafts - traditional consumption

Category: Article
Date: 2020-10-29 21:59:25
Interview "Crafts - Traditional Consumption" within the framework of a special project of the program of spiritual revival "Traditions and Customs". KSM Sayak secondary school №6. Art teacher Interview with Nurzhan Bukhatovna - Good afternoon, Nurzhan Bukhatovna! A few words about yourself ... What region are you from? Good afternoon! I was born...
Author: School №6

Sport is the key to health, and health is the basis of wealth

Category: Information
Date: 2020-10-29 21:46:39
The most valuable fruit of nature is that people pay attention to their health and self-esteem, it is not for nothing that a healthy person is the most valuable fruit of nature. When a person is healthy, he and the people around him are happy. Schopenhauer's words "A healthy poor man is happier than a sick king" is very appropriate. Healthy is always healthy. Today's healthy ge...
Author: School №6

Educational hour "Til dostyktyn tiregi"

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-10-29 10:09:39
On October 26, 2020 with the participation of 2 "A" class students held an educational hour "Til dostyktyn tiregi". The purpose of the educational hour is to encourage the younger generation to understand the value of the native language. To increase their love for their people and language.        During the educational hour, students were free...
Author: School №6


Category: Article
Date: 2020-10-26 11:45:00
WE SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN "I AM PROUD OF INNER" to take stock of our history and revive our past. We want to tell future generations how important our national flag is. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxUTOUJx6j/?igshid=1e2fbou2a4kkr
Author: School №6

Intra-school Olympiad for grades 5-6

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2020-10-26 11:20:56
Intra-school Olympiad of KGU "Sayak village secondary school №6" between 5-6 grades Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the 1st school stage of the Republican Olympiad for students of 5-6 grades. Mathematics, history of Kazakhstan, natural sciences, Kazakh language and literature, Engl...
Author: School №6

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