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100 new textbooks

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-19 12:06:33
In order to implement the program "Spiritual Revival" within the framework of "100 new textbooks" Igembaeva A.K. the head of the library of the MSO "Secondary School No. 6 of Sayak Village" organized a viewing of textbooks with QR codes that were received by our school in 2018. To implement the program "Spiritual Revival" against the background of the pro...
Author: School №6

You're right

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-11-19 12:03:47
On November 18, 2020 at 11.00 a round table on the topic "You have the right" was held among students of grades 7a, 7a on a zoom platform. The students were told about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Rights of the Child. The guys took an active part in the seminar, answered questions on the topic. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=727791288103757&id=10...
Author: School №6

Children's Rights - Human Rights

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-19 12:00:41
The word "peace" is of great importance to any citizen. This is why we want to live in a peaceful and free world. Peace is the ability of people to live in their country and create their future in a calm environment. There are many people in the world who dream of a quiet sunrise and a quiet sunset. You and we both deserve to live in peace. We wish you a long and peaceful life. Every y...
Author: School №6

Violence prevention. Family, school and society problems

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2020-11-19 11:44:50
A seminar was held with parents on the topic “Violence prevention. Family, school and society problems ”. The seminar was attended by parents of grades 1-11. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=727822404767312&id=100026186783099
Author: School №6

I put my rights

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-11-19 11:40:35
Within the framework of the month "Children's Rights - Human Rights", dedicated to the World Children's Day. “I will build my rights” among students in grades 1-6 of our school. A children's drawing competition was held, in which schoolchildren took an active part with great interest and drew their rights on paper. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHvRtZOIBJ0/?ut...
Author: School №6

The right to you is the right about you

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-19 11:38:17
Within the framework of the month "Children's Rights - Human Rights", dedicated to the World Children's Day, on November 16, librarians of our school A. Igembaeva and Sh. Ospanbekova. An exhibition of books for students on the topic "Right to you - right to you" was organized. Purpose: to raise the level of students' knowledge of rights and obligations. Increase s...
Author: School №6

Information on the activities of the information campaign "Childhood without cruelty and violence"

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-18 21:53:44
Мақсаты:Балаларды қатыгездікпен және немқұрайдылықпен қарау проблемасына қоғамның назарын аудару және қоғамда балаға зорлық-зомбылық қолайсыз болып, жасына, даму деңгейіне, әлеуметтік мәртебесіне қарамастан әр адамның өмірі мен әл-ауқаты жоғары болатын сенімдерді қалыптастыру. Міндеттері: Балалардың құқықтары туралы, сондай-ақ оларды қорғау қажеттілігі туралы жұртшылықтың хабардар болуын арт...
Author: School №6

Зорлық-зомбылықтың алдын алу. Отбасы, мектеп, қоғам мәселесі»

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-18 20:51:33
"Зорлық зомбылықтың алдын алу. Отбасы, мектеп, қоғам мәселесі" тақырыбы аясында ата-аналармен семинар өткізілді. Семинарға 1-11 сынып ата-аналары қатысты.
Author: School №6

«Сізге құқық туралы-құқық сіз туралы»

Category: Events held
Date: 2020-11-18 20:15:38
Дүниежүзілік балалар күніне арналған «Бала құқығы-адам құқығы» айлығы іс-шаралары аясында қарашаның 16 күні мектебіміздің кітапханашылары Игембаева А. мен Оспанбекова Ш. «Сізге құқық туралы-құқық сіз туралы» тақырыбында оқушыларға  кітаптар көрмесін ұйымдастырды.Мақсаты: Оқушының құқықтары мен міндеттері туралы білімдерін толықтыру. Оқушыларды адам құқықтары туралы б...
Author: School №6

"Blessed Golden Autumn"

Category: Online contest
Date: 2020-11-16 20:41:37
The dance group "Symbat" took part in the Republican correspondence art Olympiad among children and adolescents "Blessed Golden Autumn" in the nomination "Choreography" and took 2nd place. Participants of the competition: Soltanbekova Aida, Kasym Azhar, Shakenova Elnaz, Serikova Aruzhan. Scientific adviser: Shaikisheva Symbat Serikovna. https://m.facebook.com/stor...
Author: School №6

Parent meeting

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2020-11-16 20:19:49
MSO "Secondary School No. 6 of Sayak Village" Information about the parent meeting. On November 14, 2020, through the ZOOM platform, the class teachers of our school held a parent meeting. Agenda items: The results of educational work in the first quarter. 2. Preparation for the II quarter. 3. Prevention of influenza, cough and other viruses. Issue 1: Parents were introduced to the gra...
Author: School №6

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