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Class hour "educated generation - the future of the nation"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 21:27:49
Students of the 2nd" A " Class Shaiysheva S. S. held a seminar on the theme "XXI century-the century of literate generation! a class hour "educated generation - the future of the nation" was held within the framework of regional reading literacy. We summed up the wonderful words:" we will become citizens who know the past, understand the present, and trust the futur...
Author: School №6

Class hour "zhalyndy zhastar-zharkyn Bolashak"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 21:23:14
"XXI century-the century of healthy generation! "within the framework of regional reading literacy, a class hour was held among students of the 9th grade" Zhalyndy zhastar-zharkyn Bolashak" The mainstay of the bright future of the country is bright youth#балқашоқусауаттылығы #ХХІғасырсауаттыұрпақғасыры
Author: School №6

Challenge "we are a happy generation"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 21:09:32
"XXI century-the century of healthy generation! "having accepted the challenge "Biz bakytty urpakpyzy", held within the framework of the regional reading literacy , 2" a "2" A " classes, we are armed with rich knowledge and are united in the further prosperity of our friendly country! #балқашоқусауаттылығы #xxiғасырсауаттыұрпақғасыры https://www.instagr...
Author: School №6

Class hour "zhalyndy zhastar-zharkyn Bolashak"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 21:05:45
The educated generation is the future of our country. In the modern era, when our independent country has spread its wings and the culture of the country is flourishing, only educated young people raise our nation to the sky. The main core of society is youth. Taking into account the fact that the future of Kazakhstan lies in the hands of young people, it is obvious that society has a great infl...
Author: School №6

XXI century-the century of healthy generations

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 21:00:32
"XXI century-the century of healthy generation! "students of grades 4A,4A and 4B took part in the regional Reading Literacy Challenge ""biz bakytty urpakpyz"", expressing their gratitude, intentions ,feelings, wishes, taking into account that they are a happy generation thanks to their country, land, language, family, school, which is full of knowledge." #балқа...
Author: School №6

XXI century-the century of healthy generations

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 20:43:43
Happiness depends on everyone. The arms of a person who has given his life and satisfied the bar will be filled with happiness. A child who is happy with the joy, happiness, and kindness of people around him is happy. A person who wishes happiness from every dawn and Sunset day reaches his goal.#балқашоқусауаттылығы #xxiғасырсауаттыұрпақғасыры https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKLny8rAHO-/?igshid=...
Author: School №6

Class hour "we are happy generation"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 20:33:43
"The XXI century is the century of a literate generation!"as part of the regional reading literacy, a class hour was held in the 1st Class" A "on the topic:" we are happy generation". The goal: to foster feelings of love for their country, love their native language, protect it and instill the art of speech. During the Class hour, fun games and colorful songs...
Author: School №6

Educational hour "we are happy generation"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 20:29:36
"The XXI century is the century of a literate generation!"within the framework of oboe Reading Literacy, an educational hour" Biz bakytty urpakpyz " was held with students of the 4A class. The students explained the meaning of the word happiness and shared why they felt happy. #Balkhash education #xxigasyrhatyrsyrhatyrsyrhatyrsyrhatyrsyrhatyrsyrhatyrsyr
Author: School №6

Challenge "we are a happy generation"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-18 20:24:35
"XXI century-the century of healthy generation! "the challenge" we are happy Generation", held within the framework of the regional reading literacy, is happiness - freedom, that is, the independence of the spirit, soul, body, from cruelty and weapons, from ignorance. The happiness of an individual group, of an individual person, without the freedom of a whole humanity or a p...
Author: School №6

Participation of secondary school No. 6 in events, competitions, competitions and olympiads

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-11 14:24:57
№ Наименование мероприятия Поставщик услуг Выделенная сумма Результаты (количество участников/количество призовых мест) 1 «Ертегілер елінде» «SABAQ.KZ» ұстаздарға арналған сайт - 1 дәрежел...
Author: School №6

Indicator of participation in extracurricular activities for the first half of the 2020-2021 academic year

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-01-11 14:17:57
Мектеп оқушыларының түрлі жарыстар мен олимпиадаларға қатысуы туралы ақпарат 1  Іс –шаралар Қызмет көрсетуші   ата-аналарға демеушілік жасау сомасы   Қатысушы оқушылар Аяқталу формасы 1  Пәндік 5-...
Author: School №6

Events during the winter holidays

Category: Online events
Date: 2020-12-29 11:29:31
Author: School №6

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