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Intellectual and educational game "great composers of the Kazakh land"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-23 22:08:39
Within the framework of the week of aesthetic disciplines" world of beauty "on 20.10.23, an intellectual and educational game" great composers of the Kazakh land " was held among the 7th grades. Purpose: to acquaint students with the ways of life and work of the most outstanding singers, musicians and composers of the Kazakh people
Author: School №6

Music competition "guess the melody"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-23 22:05:04
Within the framework of the week of aesthetic disciplines" the world of beauty "on 19.10.23, a musical competition" guess the melody " was held among grades 5A-5A. Purpose: to develop students ' creative abilities,mental imagination through the game,to increase their interest in music.
Author: School №6

"Vernissage in my class "

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-23 22:02:25
Within the framework of the week of aesthetic disciplines"the world of beauty "on 17.10.2023, an exhibition of modeling and artistic design of clothing" vernissage in my class " was held between grades 5-8.
Author: School №6

In the" world of colors " conducted a game—travel lesson.

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-23 21:47:18
In honor of the Week" world of beauty "on 16.10.2023 among Classes 1" a"1"A "held a game and travel lesson" in the world of Colors". During this lesson, students consolidate their knowledge of colors and shapes. Learning to distinguish between large and small concepts, improving fine motor skills of the hands, performing the assembly of the pyramid. Increa...
Author: School №6

"Do you know?"there was a logical game

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-23 21:40:39
Within the framework of the week of aesthetic disciplines" world of beauty "on 16.10.23 among 6th grade students" journey to the world of music "" do you know?"there was a logical game. Purpose: to develop students ' creative abilities,mental imagination through the game,to increase their interest in music.
Author: School №6

Discussion contest "Alash intellectuals"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-20 23:13:28
"Under the banner of Alash, we will not go out until the sun goes out!"- by the way, on 20.10.2023, according to the plan of the" day of the Republic of October 25", an opinion contest" Alash intellectuals " was held. The purpose of the contest: to remember the merits and exploits of all Alash people through the life and work of our ancestors, such as Alikhan Bukeik...
Author: School №6

Debate "corruption epidemic-task to fight"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-10-20 14:27:39
On 20.10.2023, the debate club "Akikat" held an intra-school debate tournament in the APF format on the topic "Corruption epidemic -the task of fighting“ at KSU "secondary School No. 6 in Sayak village. Goal: - to clarify the concept of corruption and to form an idea of the conditions of occurrence; - express their views and expand their worldview.
Author: School №6

Төтенше жағдай және өрт сөндірушілер мен тау кен құтқарушылар бөлімшесіне экскурсия

Category: Career guidance
Date: 2023-10-18 23:05:53
17-қазан 2023 жыл мектебіміздің 5-6 сынып оқушылары жергілікті төтенше жағдай және өрт сөндірушілер және тау кен құтқарушылар бөлімшесіне экскурсияға барды.
Author: School №6

Photo exhibition" sights of our region

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-18 21:50:48
"Cultural heritage" is related to the week of historical functional literacy.A photo exhibition,a video clip" sights of our region " were shot. To teach children to understand the value of their native land,to tell them that there is nothing better than their native land.
Author: School №6

Photo exhibition "nature of the native land"

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-17 19:03:04
In pre-school classes, a photo exhibition "Tugan olke nature" was presented.Education of children to love their native land,respect for the preservation of nature.
Author: School №6

In connection with the opening of the week dedicated to the day of spiritual harmony

Category: School news
Date: 2023-10-17 15:36:18
On October 16, our school held a training session dedicated to the opening of the week dedicated to the day of spiritual harmony.
Author: School №6

ас мәзірі 16.10-20.10

Category: The menu
Date: 2023-10-17 15:29:03
Author: School №6

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